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The existentialism of Astrology   Leave a comment

10,000 years ago Vega was the pole star. 5, 000 years ago it was Thuban and both these events created myths that are the origins of existentialism.  The pole star is the star nearest the Earth’s northern axial tilt.  From earth it looks like the universe revolves around this point, the pole star is literally at the centre of our universe.  That makes it mythologically important.  The centre of our universe symbolises what gives our lives meaning or purpose, our reason to be.  When a pole star falls our reason for existence is gone, our lives no longer revolve around anything, this is called an existential crisis.

Thuban was Ninti lady life/rib holds up the world, Eve mother of all, the serpent wrapped around the axial tilt.  Thuban fell from the tree of life, axial tilt or Eden.  Our lives had no meaning and we were left in fallen state of ‘Paradise Lost’.  There are stages to the fall first one is that of the when the sun has fallen from its highest point at the summer solstice the fall equinox, Nietzsche’s God is dead.  Note God is dead means we have lost the centre of our lives, our reason for being – it is not God does not exist.  God is dead is the first stage of the fall, the realisation that all meaning to life is lost.  This is the stage in which Buddha realises that death, sickness and old age exist, the biblical ‘vanity of vanities, all things are vanity.’ The wall I am going to build will decay and fall just as I will decay and fall.  If all things fall nothing is eternal, lasts and no man leaves his mark on the world.  Nothing I do or obtain has any meaning.  This is the death of virtue signalling in Camus’ ‘The Fall’, death of our narcissism and self righteousness.

The Midwinter solstice is the final stage of the fall.  At the final stage we have reached a knowledge of our choices, if you don’t know the pole star has moved you can live in ignorance, believe it is there still giving meaning to the centre of our universe.  But if we know it is gone we no longer have the choice of remaining in ignorant bliss.  The Epicurean, we’re already eating and drinking with friends anyway what was the purpose of invading Rome and then eating and drinking with friends.  None of what we do has meaning so why rock the boat, let’s eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we will die.  A life without Gandhi, Martin Luther King and all the other boat rockers.  Suicide, if life has no meaning or purpose end it.  Finally cowardice, those who are not brave enough to end it but also not brave enough to live in a world without meaning.

Nietzsche’s and Kierkegaard’s response was to invent or create that meaning and purpose yourself.  This is what Buddha, Job, Abraham, Moses, Tolstoy, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and others throughout our history have done.  This is why the mid winter solstice symbolises the birth or rebirthing of belief. The fertility of human consciousness to create new ways of being and living with each other as a society and a community.  The birth of an ideal that drives us to become more than we can be, that is more precious than our life.  The birth of divine purpose in a random universe where life is fragile and seldom rational.

The spring equinox marks the rising of the resurrected Messiah, chosen one.  Unlike the birth which is a growing experience, growing an ideal or vision from birth, the resurrection marks metamorphosis.  Metamorphosis means we are changed into a new being by our ideals and beliefs, whether that change is good, bad or a mixture of both we are no longer inventing a meaning but have become our meaning.  Like the velveteen rabbit we have made ourselves real.  That metamorphosis makes us able to be loved for the real person we are because we have become what we love, we no longer hide our reality. This is the symbolic potential of the spring equinox.  To become what we love for what we love is our true reality.  This is not the same as becoming an ideal which is impossible, becoming what we love means sacrifice of choosing the path we love instead of the path of least resistance.  Sacrifice of choosing what we believe is right over what we believe is easiest.  Sacrifice of standing by the ideal when it serves us least.  The sacrifice of picking up a cross instead of dropping our ideals and values.

Finally we are at the summer solstice, where the sun reaches its peak in the Northern hemisphere.  Lets go back to pole stars.  At the time Buddhism, christianity and Islam were created there were twin pole stars.  Kochab The bright star and Pherkad the dim calf.  ‘When the morning stars sang together’, Venus in mythology is not just the planet but also the pole star, the point marking the dawn of creation, Eden or the mythological point of ‘The Big Bang’.  Venus rules Taurus as the ancient sign of the spring equinox, but it is exalted in Pisces the remnant of the Tiamat, the sea dragon constellation of Draco in which Thuban the serpent was the pole star.  Pisces was the tails one fish and the other swallow in Sumerian feather means Kun, fly is dal and self is ni.  The Kundalini is the coiled serpent at the base of our spine a mirror image of the coiled serpent around the axial tilt.  Eve mother of all within us, ready to rise and carry our souls back to her light.

Yet the planet of the summer solstice for Sumerians was Mars, symbol of war and destruction.  From the highest position there is only one place to go and that is down.  lets take the story of Job it is an ancient one appears in Sumerian and other mythology the righteous man cursed by God or the Gods, the basic existential crisis.  yet the biblical story is new, because it represents the existential crisis of the new twin stars.  One of the first stories where Satan appears, but the Jewish beliefs on Satan are not yet fully developed.  Satan appears as a figure that is closest to God, intimate – the twin star Pherkad.  First time there is a new twist on the existential crisis story, now it is not the loss of the star but the challenge of the star by a twin, ‘man cannot have two masters’. For Buddha the answer was to pick neither as master but to find a mid path between the two.  this is similar to Aristotle’s virtue also living under the twin pole star.  The mid path between coward and foolish is brave.  Judaism answer was to split the twin pole stars into opposites, good and evil, love and hate.  Yet it does something different as well it recognises they are twins, they co exist together and neither stands on their own.  We have the duality of human nature, the angel and the devil sitting on our shoulder.  In Christianity this duality is mortal temporal nature and the divine within man.  Jesus is both man and God.  But this tale is new it is not the superpowers of Hercules, it is the divine eternal consciousness within us all.  Jesus divinity is not from powers but from who he is as a conscious being, how he thinks of his neighbours, how he treats others.

Yet this is divine because Jesus unlike the rest of humanity never falls or sins yet Christianity itself is based on the fall.  Not the fall of Eve but the fall of every single human, fall from what they ought to do to what they are capable of doing.  Based on the principle that man is eternally fallen in his state, yet this gives us hope and light.   To be fallen is not evil but human, to recognise our own fallen nature is to have compassion for the fallen state of humanity.  yet although we are constantly fallen there is hope, Christianity wipes that fallen slate clean, each day to start over to try harder not to fall.  Christianity says the slate is clean ‘go be likewise perfect’.  It cleanses the despair of our fallen state, like a mother wiping a scraped knee and encouraging us to try walking again.  This is important because each time we try we can get further without falling.  Jesus asked us to walk with him knowing we will fall, just as the sun and the pole stars fall.  But he teaches us that  it is not the fall that is important, it is how long we can endure before falling.  He offers compassion for all the grazed knees we will endure and asks us to show compassion to the grazed knees of others.      Christianity says every day is an existential crisis, every day we are fallen it is the natural state of man.  Sabbath was created for that fallen man, that he might have hope, the fallen man was not created to follow sabbath dogma.  It says we should gather with other fallen beings and love them despite their fallen state, this is what a church is, it is not a building of stone but of fallen people.  That is the symbolism of the summer solstice, the light that takes the longest time before falling, the light at its strongest within us.  It offers us hope but it also warns us that we will also fall again.  In being fallen we are saved from the narcissism of self righteousness.



Posted July 6, 2017 by neptune's Aura Astrology in musings, Uncategorized

Sun in Cancer through the houses   Leave a comment

“My dear, accept this dedication: it is given over, as it were blindfolded, but therefore undisturbed by any consideration, in sincerity.  Who you are I know not; where you are I know not; what your name is I know not.  Yet you are my hope, my joy, my pride, and my unknown honour.” – Kierkegaard from dedication to ‘That Single Individual’

This is dedicated the millions of unique individuals who happen to share a common aspect,   they were born when the Sun was in the sign of Cancer.  You are unique and you are not the Sun in Cancer, but one who possesses this attribute amongst many other things.  This was written for you, solely for you the reader, when you read it I do not know.  I may be dead but this was still written for you the person who looked to the sky for meaning in their life and to their life. I will tell you what meanings I know and the symbolism within them to help you if I can on your unique journey, but you will add to some meanings and discard some of these other meanings and this you are right to do.  For I possess my truth and my meaning but you must search for your own truth and own meaning.  Because you look for the meaning of you, this is not a short trip but a life long journey and we are all on it together.

“But that is not the question.  Why are we here that is the question.  And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer.  Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear.  We are waiting for Godot to come.”   – Samuel Beckett ‘Godot’

Even then I cannot define my truths, the more we try to define what is truthful to us the less truthful it becomes.  Truths always remain a sense of something that rises from the pit of our being, undefined by words but felt profoundly.  The more rational they become the less honest they appear for we are not rational beings although we possess rational abilities we are beings that think symbolically, where a star can represent whatever we need it to.   We are beings in which scratches in the sand can represent thoughts and ideas, we are beings that can  understand the thoughts of others because we can understand scratches in the sand.    Before we were making scratches in the sand we were making scratches in the night sky, these scratches contain the oldest stories and ideas of what it is to be human that we have from a long past.  We are beings that cannot live without meaning and so we gave meaning to the stars.    In giving meaning to the stars we gave meaning to ourselves and the universe.  For we are the beings that cannot live in a universe without justice and mercy.  So we wait for the true pole star to come the one that will not fall.

To search for meaning is to find what it is that our life revolves around.  That point of revolution is the axial tilt and at its northern end lies the pole star.  If you have time one night you can watch the sky revolve around that one point. This is the point of Gods, but only if your life revolves around a God or Gods.  If it revolves around art then that is what the pole star represents to you.  Astrology describes how your life revolves around a point not the point itself.  It adds meaning to this search for a purpose bigger than ourselves and for an understanding of it.  But know this searcher, all Pole stars fall.   They fall towards the celestial equator the place of Uranus.  The place where God(Jupiter) is dead.   In that place they rise once more from the ashes to return to the pole, reborn.  The place where they cross the celestial equator and the Axial tilt is the core of the Earth, depths of despair, hell or Hades.  In this place we are compulsed to see our true identity and be our true selves revealed in all their ugliness.  To see the beast that is the constant companion of our inner Christ, our inner pole star.   To scour that beast within, with the reality (Saturn) of what we are and what we have done under the name of our God on high.     When our inner Christ (Jupiter) lies bleeding we will finally kill him.  To be the place where God is dead, Uranus.  In his death, is the beast’s death.  He will rise without the beast, but as he rises a new the beast will return and grow in strength.  For he cannot take the pole except the beast be at his strongest.   Whatever lies at our pole it always contains the beast at his strongest.

This rise and fall of the pole star or God is imitated by the rise and fall of the sun through the year in the northern hemisphere.  At the winter solstice it falls to its lowest point in the sky  23.5 degrees south.  The moment of its death and rebirth.  At the spring equinox it is returned to the celestial equator a point of balance before growing strong once more, from this point the beast within grows ever stronger.  At the summer solstice it rises to its height 23.5 degrees North.  Here the beast is God, consumed by its own power and light.  It is here the beast falls.  When the beast falls it brings down all gods with it.  At the autumn equinox the beast is brought low and returns to the celestial equator  with God to be scoured by the judgements of hell once more.  This cycle is repeated throughout our lives.   It rises and falls as much in our generation as any other, but we all as individuals and as generations define our rise and fall  in ways unique to us.

“The tears of the world are a constant quantity.  For each one who begins to weep  somewhere another stops.   The same is true of the laugh.  Let us then not speak ill of this generation, it is not any unhappier than its predecessors.  Let us not speak well of it either.  Let us not speak of it at all.  It is true the population has increased.” -Samuel Beckett ‘Godot’

So get comfortable because this is a long but hopefully revealing read to start you on your road to your unique self discovery.  Because this is the meaning of you my dearest one, it will not contain a MacAstrology burger for 99 cents.  You are not fast food but the slow process of self discovery that covers a life time.  To help us get started on this journey, I use the words of many that have gone before you and me on that Journey through life.  I pick from their truths, ones that resonated with me, so my dear get ready to have some slow one to one time with C S Lewis, Tolstoy, Victor Hugo, Emily Bronte, Kierkegaard, Byron, Pascal, Terry Pratchett and Saint Augustine.  Quite a lot of Pratchett actually for it is of no use looking for meaning amongst the greats if we never address our inner dickhead, the beast my dearest one for it feeds upon them.  If we do not address our own dickheadedness we will feed it instead of finding some honest meaning to ourselves.  We must laugh at our own arrogance and shrink ourselves back down to our oh so human form to understand our place in the long story of humanity.  Get ready to step back in time and see the Sumerian view of reality of their Sumerian world and how it shaped their mythology, which gave us the symbols of astrology.  How we have built layers and complexity throughout this history of mankind that gives us deep meaning and symbolism in all aspects of our lives.

The sun is at the centre of our solar system it pulls or holds the planets in orbit around it.  The sun in astrology is similar it pulls together all the different aspects of our personality or consciousness to make a whole.  The sign the sun is in along with the house describe in general how our personality forms and develops throughout life.  Each sign and house has its own mythology and this mythology contains meanings that are true for all of humanity.  It is not just Sun in Cancer whose first environment is the womb but all of humanity.  It is not just Sun in Cancer that has a mother we all do.  Sun in Cancer signifies the importance of these things in our consciousness although they are important to all, Sun in cancer may be more conscious of their effects than others.  Or more importantly in general it appears to us that they are more conscious of these issues: family, environment, community and their influences in who we become as individuals as well as as a society.  In reality each person with the Sun in Cancer will decide whether this is true of them or whether they find another symbolism and meaning within the Sun in Cancer more appropriate to who they are.

For all symbols have infinite meanings and Sun in Cancer although common to many will have a unique meaning and expression for every individual. Roughly 1 in 12 people may have Sun in Cancer, 1 in 144 people will have the Sun in Cancer in the same house.  However only 1 in 432 will have Sun in Cancer, same house and same Venus sign; only 1 in 1,296 will have Sun in cancer, same house and same Venus sign and house.  Finally only one in 15,602 will have Sun in cancer, same house, Same Venus sign and house and same moon sign.  This rarity increases if we add not only signs and houses but aspects.  If you have sun in Cancer and venus in Gemini, they may be semi square, semi sextile or neither.

Our Sun is not defined merely by the house and sign it is in but by the whole natal chart and each chart is unique.  This means that each Sun in Cancer has its own unique symbolism and meaning.

Which sign and house it is in, in general ways tends to describe how it appears the personality forms and develops throughout life.  However we can only experience our own consciousness and in that sense our consciousness is unique, because it is the only consciousness we will ever experience.  The only one we can know, all other consciousness is merely judged on appearance rather than experience.  Nobody can give you a definitive meaning of your sun because nobody else will experience it even if they share your sun sign and house.  Even if they were born at the exact same time and place as you, their family will not be your family and their environment will not be your environment.  Though you may have many similarities their meaning will be just as unique to them as your meaning will be unique to you.

“Everything develops, differentiates, moves towards complexity and refinement and there are laws governing this process.  You are part of a whole.  When you know as much as possible about the whole, and about the laws of its development, you will understand your place in the world, and your own self.” – Leo Tolstoy ‘A Confession’

The whole you are part of encompasses humanity and all life.  Symbolically that is represented by the Zodiac which your natal chart contains with your sun marking your unique contributions to the whole.  No person is a Cancer, we all contain the Zodiac and the planets because their symbolism and attributes are common to us all.  We all contain the Zodiac, planets, states or elements, the masculine and feminine equally. In interacting with each other we see these symbolic attributes interacting with each other and we all play all the signs and planets at different points in this interaction.  We all experience and express both what is labelled feminine and that which is labelled masculine.  Only the dead fail to express their Mars just as only those without any preference fail to express Venus.  If you have a favourite food, film genre, colour, style of clothing, sexual preference your Venus is being expressed by you, irrespective of gender and sexual orientation.  You no more need another person to express this aspect of your identity than you need them to eat for you.  Nobody can eat for us we all must eat our own dinner or starve.  If you eat your food instead of starving then your Mars is being expressed, your will to survive in a material world in which life is fragile.

The sun also represents our drive to be valued and appreciated, to contribute and feel valued for not just who we are but for our own meaning and sacrifices made in life.  This drive for appreciation is the drive to find our own unique greatness.  Some think it is in gaining power, some fame, some money, some spiritual recognition and some making academic discoveries – nobody can define your greatness for you, it is linked to finding meaning within your own life.  Your greatness and the meaning of your life are uniquely defined by you.  It is your own inner recognition of your meaning that makes you great and this is something you will strive for throughout your life.  Despite what many may say it is not greater to find meaning in the religious or spiritual than the material, for no path happens to be superior or worth more than another.  In fact by disregarding the spiritual we may become more humble and open to the truths of our own nature.  It is no coincidence that Jesus ignored the spiritual of his day in search of the tax collectors, prostitutes and thieves.  They tend to have a good grasp on their own inner dickhead/ dark wolf that many a spiritual person could learn from.  First is that inner dickhead does not need to be glamorised, the beast within, just recognised in its reality.


“Like many men, they had no longer been able to endure anonymity, and that impatience had contributed to leading them to unfortunate extremities.  To achieve notoriety it is enough, after all, to kill one’s concierge.  Unhappily, this is usually an ephemeral reputation, so many concierges are there that deserve and receive the knife.” –     Camus ‘The Fall’

Descartes ‘I think therefore I am’ represents our own unique consciousness through which we experience the outer world.  It is subjective I experience the world from my own perspective and you from yours.  I recognise not only myself as a subject but also you, and other life forms in general rather than being objects. I experience my own mind but recognise you have one of your own.  Objectively, materially or scientifically the sun never rises or sets, it is the rotation of the earth that makes it appear the sun is rising or setting here on earth and we all experience this in different places and at different time each from our own subjective viewpoint.

My sun rise will not be your sun rise, but because I love you my dearest and we both have sun rises we can recognise the beauty in both of them.  I love you my reader just as Kierkegaard loved his reader, the individual that was always his Regine Olsen when he wrote to them. I may not know who you are but I have given you a face; one that I love; one that I want to relate to and one I want to say why astrology is important to.  This too is subjective you can not objectively be the face I imagine as I write, yet it is necessary for me to relate honestly with you and to care about you.  The subjective is necessary, just as necessary as the rational and objective.  Without a face you are merely a means to an end.  Merely somebody to flatter or clickbait for my advancement.  Without a face that is meaningful to me I can not offer you anything that is meaningful.  For my dearest one honesty is always subjective.

Objectively or scientifically it is impossible for anybody to have a sun sign since the sun does not rise at all, it is impossible for it to rise in a sign or constellation.  Subjectively however we see sunrises, rainbows and sunsets and we find beauty and meaning within them all.  That is what consciousness is, the ability to find beauty and meaning within our lives.  Computers can translate different languages but they cannot find the beauty, honesty and meaning within poetry for that consciousness is needed.


The sun represents our own unique consciousness in which we can only experience our own sunrises, sunsets, pain, sadness and happiness.  The sun thus has been associated with egocentricity because I can only experience my pain although I understand you feel pain too.  For me my pain takes priority for it is the only pain I am capable of experiencing and it has an urgency that your pain cannot have for me.  Which is why it is almost impossible for us to inflict severe pain on ourselves but we can and do inflict it on others.  Even those we love very much.  We do that for our own pain is always urgent even if that pain is the fear of abandonment, rejection, abuse or loss of control.

This can sometimes be mistaken for self-centredness but our consciousness is our soul, spirit, mind, ghost or immaterial aspect of ourselves.  This is not something separate from the material world if it were I would not be able to raise my arm for my arm is made of matter: atoms, electrons, quarks and bosons.  I have a spiritual or nonmaterial existence some call the soul, ghost, mind, spirit or consciousness and in astrology this is represented by the sun which appears to us to rise and set each day or to be subjectively born and die each day although it does neither.  In the moments between life and death we find our own meaning and greatness like the homeless woman in the poem (see picture above).

The sun also represents free will my arm does not rise because of some chain reaction that started with the ‘big bang’ but because I or my consciousness wills it to.  Our sun represents our will to be  as Nietzsche called it or our consciousness.  For Nietzsche our will to be is the only important aspect of who we are, in the sense that we will ourselves into becoming who we are and in this becoming we find meaning, ethics and values within our own subjective lives.  We are conscious of the fact that we exist, that we have choices.

We choose violence or not and in so doing we will into existence our character or personality.  We were never born the person that hits, we were born the person that has the capacity to hit or not hit.  Who we become is born out of our choices our will to be the person that hits or the person who refuses to do so.  We must be honest with each other, the will to hit is strong within us all for it is an easy path to take.  If we supplant it with the idea of Karma and or hell doing the hitting for us we are still the will to hit it is just that we have hidden ourselves from our own view.  To find the meaning of who we are we cannot hide ourselves.  For the bully that punches us in the face wishes us less harm than the bully who would see us in eternal agony.  I am the bully of the sword of the mouth, I will not damn you eternally but I will cut you with what I see, especially if I see you cutting others for the same crimes.  To wish to damn anybody to spend an eternity in agony is the worst of all sins.   I will not damn you but if you choose to look for meaning with me, dearest one you will be cut and you will bleed.  For to find meaning we must be honest with each other.  None of us possess a truth that can be given, for the truth remains out there and the lie within, all we can do is give the honesty of the lie within us.

“The smug mask of virtue triumphant could be almost as horrible as the face of wickedness it revealed.”  Terry Pratchett ‘Carpe Jugulum’

The sun represents our own unique consciousness (our subjectivity).  Just as you cannot experience my pain you cannot tell what I find offensive.  The swastika may for example be offensive to some who associate it with the Nazis however for others they may associate it with the original Indian mythology and have a completely different view.  This is because we as conscious beings ascribe meanings to symbols.  Which means that all astrology symbols have infinite possible meanings.  Although I will give you some meanings it is you who possess your own symbols and it is you that must ultimately ascribe meaning to them and they may be different to mine because your cultural heritage may be different to mine.  This you are right to do so, for only you can find meaning within your life and your reality; it is only you that can understand your cultural heritage; how it uses symbols and how those symbols and myths are meaningful to you.  It is you that will understand your own rich mythological heritage and see its patterns everywhere you go and in everything you read.

This is what astrology is, it is not science it does not deal with the material that is astronomy and physics; astrology is the meaning we ascribe to stars and planets in the sky as symbols that we relate to as conscious beings.  Neither Saturn or Mercury can physically cause your computer to break but they do symbolise how we can consciously perceive these events.  We perceive Mercury going retrograde because that is what it looks like from our perspective on Earth (subjective) but in the actual material or scientific world Mercury does not go retrograde none of the planets change direction of their orbits or enter constellations. So we say Mercury is retrograde and we are right to do so because this is how it appears to us.  We can only ever say how things appear to us.  For we can only ever know how things appear to our consciousness, to be.

C S Lewis puts this best in ‘Voyage of the Dawn Treader’, when Eustace says in our world stars are giant balls of gas and Aslan replies that even in your world that is not what stars are only what they are made of.  what they are is subjective, desire comes from desiderate – (the star descended below the horizon) desire for the star that is no longer visible and all our desires are subjective.  The two brightest ‘stars’ in the sky are Venus and Jupiter symbols of love, hope and faith.  (1 Corinthians 13: 13 – and now these three remain faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is love.)  What Venus and Jupiter are to us is symbolic and meaningful.  What the sun, moon and planets are made of is objective and part of astronomy; what they mean to us as symbols of different aspects of our consciousness that is astrology.

“‘THE SUN WOULD NOT HAVE RISEN’…’Really? Then what would have happened, pray?”A MERE BALL OF FLAMING GAS WOULD HAVE ILLUMINATED THE WORLD'” – Terry Pratchett ‘Hogfather’

For it is our consciousness that defines humanity, Data in ‘Star Trek’ is alive because he is conscious despite being non-organic.  Do you remember your first pet and how you loved it before you knew what death felt like.  That is the sun our consciousness grasping the symbolism of Pluto, Scorpio and the 8th house – something we will all do in life irrespective of our different natal charts.  Part of consciousness is grasping the fact that we exist and one day we will cease to exist Data in ‘Star Trek’ grasps this and fears non-existence yet he sacrifices his existence for the benefit of others.  This makes him not only conscious but human for he finds meaning in the sacrifice and in his existence thus death loses its sting.  Data is human because he wills himself to be human, he creates his own humanity in his own image of what he believes humanity is, of what humanness is.  He does this in the community, family and the environment that is the SS Enterprise, his moon or ‘we’ reflecting the light of his sun his consciousness.


Facts are objective, truths are subjective unique to ourselves; astrology and the natal chart represent our unique subjective truths about what it is to be alive, to live and to experience the material world and all the other conscious beings that inhabit it.  Because astrology and truth are subjective I can only give you my subjective truths of the meanings I find within astrology.  This is not because I am right or know all the answers (my answers are, my answers and they may be wrong for you) but because my truths and meaning are all I can give you.  You my friend, my dearest one, are free to take my meanings or not, you are free to find your own meaning and your own answers to your life.  For it is your life and its meaning must be true and unique to you.

For you my dearest one are searching for the meaning of you and I cannot give you that, I cannot mold you into something I want that is meaningful to me, I can only give you meanings I have found.  If I gave you meaning it would be the meaning of you that I want you to have not the meaning of you that is your truth and your reality.  I can only give you, your meaning to me and this is insufficient so I give you the means to search for the meaning of you in astrology.

Asterisk means little star.  We can use it in search engines to substitute any letter or number.  The little star symbolises them all and as such h*ll can be: hill, hell, hall and so on.  Depending on what letter we choose for the asterisk we will have completely different word, meaning and definition. For those of you interested 42 is the binary number of asterisk in ASCII, the answer to the ultimate question in ‘Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy’ .  Depending on what letter you choose to represent it, your word will have its own meaning and its own definition. ‘In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God, and the WORD is God’.  Your word will define your God or Gods and your image.

“The whole of life is just like watching a film.  Only it’s as though you always get in ten minutes after the big picture has started, and no-one will tell you the plot, so you have to work it out all yourself from the clues.” – ‘Moving Pictures’ Terry Pratchett

However one thing you are not is a cheap one dimensional caricature of a human being, nobody ever was a cheap astrology meme.  You have depth and complexity which can never fully be represented by the largest tomb never mind a word or sentence.  I cannot create your meaning only accept it is your meaning, because loving you is accepting the meaning you give to your life.  It is accepting your meaning as being the most centrally important thing to you, even if it differs from my meaning, contradicts it or frustrates it.  For I will want you to be my kind of Christian Anarchist, my kind of astrologer, see the world as I do and have the same understanding of my culture.  I will want to make you in my image and you were always made in God’s image and whatever that God or Gods is or are, that image is sacred and divine and it is your meaning and reality, nobody but you should ever define it.  Just as you can never recreate me in your image, though it is the nature of the beast inside us all that constantly attempts to do so.  It is a dishonest man thats says he has no beast inside him attempting to recreate the world in his image, and to find meaning we must be honest or at least attempt it.

“The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head.” – Terry Pratchett

I will want to make you in my image because I cannot find your image to make me into it, no matter how hard I try.  I do not know your image and this my dearest one frightens me.  For how can you accept me if I am not in your image.  Since I cannot know your image I want to make it mine that I may be accepted by you.  For I sense the ‘we’ is not my own image and yet I can never sense its form or your form only my own.

Thus astrology is there to help you define your individual meaning and reality, not to give you a meaning and reality.  You are not defined by your natal chart, you are defined by the meaning and purpose you give your natal chart for all its symbols have infinite meanings and it is you that must chose from those meanings the ones that are your own.

“Generally  by the time you are real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby.  But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.” – Margery Williams ‘Velveteen Rabbit’

I say take my writing as an example of how you can find meaning within astrology but by all means reject, contradict or frustrate those meanings.  For example  I usually perceive Saturn transits as dropping things, the reality is I have faulty collagen and muscle spasms. Saturn does not make me drop things but when I am more conscious of Saturn I am more conscious of my genetic condition; the reality of my life.  Instead of saying Saturn is making me conscious of my genetic condition (which it isn’t, my consciousness of Saturn symbolism is also making me more conscious of my subjective view of reality).  I say saturn is making me drop things and I am right to do so, for like sunsets and sunrises this is how it appears to me.  In astrology we have the stars and the sky moving and not the Earth because this is how it appears to us, we say the sun is rising; never the Earth is rotating.

It is a subjective truth that the sun rises each day and an objective fact that the sun never rises the Earth merely rotates on its axis.  Astrology cannot deal with facts only subjective truths.  There are no formulas that can give us subjective truths, no rational means of arriving at them, we find them by recognising they are true to us.  If there are any real truths that exist beyond our individual consciousness we cannot reach them for we only have access to our own consciousness. If anything you read does not feel true to you then it is not your subjective truth, just mine, for nobody can give you real truths just their subjective ones.  This dear friend is the search for your truth and your meaning so let’s begin.  Hopefully you now understand some of the symbolism that the sun contains, on top of that symbolism we must now add the symbolism of its sign.

‘Lately I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep, Dreaming about the things that we could be’

Sun in Cancer symbolises a fluid, adaptable, responsive and transformative personality.  If we consider the four elements to be symbolic of the four normal energy states earth = solid, water = fluid, air = gas and fire = plasma.  Fluid is the energy state above solid but below gas.  Fluids take on the shape of their containers or environment, they adapt to whatever situation they  find themselves in.  They are more adaptable and harder to pin down than solid signs and they may have unknown depths or be deceptively shallow, with water signs there is always an unknown mysterious quality to their personality like fluids themselves.

Just as all matter changes energy state so do we except the fixed signs which can’t change, but in general those with Cancer prefer the energy state of water, it is the state of being they feel most comfortable in.  Because Cancer is a cardinal sign it is always striving to be in this energy state.  This is important because energy dissipates. If you put ice (solid, earth) with steam (gas, air) when they reach equilibrium in temperature both will have turned to water (liquid).  Other people and other planets in our natal chart can change our energy state.  Fire changes itself and water to air or the gas state, if you are a cardinal sign this is exactly what you are striving not to become.  We can say the sun in Cancer in general has a hard time with fire signs because they are striving to remain water, but an even harder time with Aries because it is striving to be Fire and is just as imbalanced by Cancer which is frustrating both.

The fixed signs are their energy states and do not adapt they expect the other to, Leo as the sun’s sign expects to warm you up until you become fire.  This is frustrating because Leo cannot understand why you cannot just become fire and has no idea that you have to strive simply to be water and you cannot understand that by Leo’s nature the equilibrium has to be reached one way and that is you doing the thing you are striving not to do.  With Aquarius it is even more baffling for the sign of change can’t change because it is fixed and it demands you change state to air.  To make matters worse it often decides to help you by chucking lightning bolts at your water.  Aquarius can’t understand why you don’t want to be electrocuted and Sun in Cancer can’t understand why it would ever think that helpful.

With mutable signs it doesn’t get any better they are the sign of change and yes they have their preferred state but changing it is not the end of the world.  Gemini is willing to change to water or fire as part of an equal equilibrium and cannot see why Sun in Cancer won’t make the same compromise, why it is striving to remain water instead of willing to compromise with them so they can be in equilibrium and communicate effectively.  To make matters worse Sun in Cancer instinct is to withdraw to rebalance its water / liquid energy state.  For Gemini this feels like they want everything their own way or they leave.

However Sun in Cancer individuals need to remember, issues are common to all the sun signs, it is just that we all have our own unique ways of coping with them.  Whether Sun in Cancer individuals are really always striving that is subjective like everything else written here, it is only what it appears like to us the other watching you without knowledge of being you.  I can only imagine myself in your shoes with your feet, imagine your reality, I can never actually stand in them except with my own feet. Never know if they pinch or hurt you; never know if the heel is too high or too low for you.  Your shoes may fit me perfectly and thus I will never know how much they pinch and hurt you or it may be the otherway round I may never understand how something so uncomfortable on my feet feels fine to you.  Just as you are not the sun in Cancer nobody else is the sun in Aries but somebody possessing this attribute.  As frustrating as it may be for you to relate to somebody possessing that attribute, it may be more worthwhile and more meaningful than simply relating to another with Sun in scorpio just because they help stabilise that water liquid energy state.


‘But, baby I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard, Said no more counting dollars, we’ll be counting stars, Yeah, we’ll be counting stars’

Sun in Cancer is also in a cardinal sign.  Cardinal signs are at the equinox and solstice they represent the start of a season Cancer represents the start of summer.  The fixed signs represent the mid season and the mutable signs the ending season.  Cardinal signs are always striving to become the season and this gives them a direct and forceful energy that neither the fixed or mutable signs have.

The cardinal signs are also striving for the same mythological importance as the fixed signs.  The fixed signs are fixed to the time of the Sumerians, Babylonians and ancient Egyptians.

The mythology of the fixed signs is fixed to the period in time when the sun at the spring equinox rose in Taurus, at the summer equinox in Leo, at the autumnal equinox in scorpio and at the winter solstice in Aquarius.  At this time the mythology and symbolism of the stars in constellations were very important as they were calandar markers of the natural seasonal cycle. Horus the solar calf is born anew each year at the Winter Solstice and his wife Hathor represents the spring equinox in Taurus.  The waters of EA or Enki the Euphrates and Tigris poured from the shoulders of Aquarius which was slain at the winter solstice and from the slain waters of Aquarius or abzu / apsu mankind is made in the form of agriculture, the absu created the farmer or the garden.  We cannot live without access to the abzu, fresh water.  These signs are fixed because of the importance of the symbolic meaning to these people at this time and even Time Lords cannot change fixed points in time and space.  The age of Taurus is mythic and fixed in our consciousness.

“They will live again in freedom in the garden of the Lord, we will walk behind the ploughshare, we will put away the sword, The chain will be broken and all men shall have their reward” – ‘Do You Hear The People Sing’ epilogue

Eventually the constellations on the horizon at sunrise at the time of the equinoxes and solstice changed to the cardinal signs.  This was literally a revolution in heaven and as with all revolutions people strive to cope with the change.  Thus the cardinal signs do not just strive  to be the new season they also strove to develop the mythological importance of the fixed signs.  Aries replaced Taurus as the start of the zodiac but they did not gain the same mythological importance of the fixed signs and we can say the cardinal signs are still striving for this.

Aries strove to come into being, as one of the faintest constellations it was a very minor constellation up to this point and was called the Agrarian worker, farm labourer, peasant, yokel, pagan, plebeian or  redneck.  The constellation representing the ‘uncultured and uneducated’; the peasant strove to claim its place at the centre of this new era.  I am and I want my voice heard. This voice was new, ‘The Age of Taurus’ brought major agricultural development and practice on a large scale which lead to the development of land ownership and a class system that did not exist on this scale before.  The Age of Taurus created the peasant.   Thus the sign of Aries is ruled by Mars the planet symbolic of the drive for survival that we experience with our first breath.  The planet of the spring equinox had moved from Venus (hedonism) to Mars the planet of survival that once represented the heat of the summer solstice in the desert.

The spring was no longer a time of bounty and hedonism to be shared amongst us all, the peasant would not experience hedonism his lot was the constant striving for survival whilst the rich and powerful would experience hedonism like never before.  The elite were not about to let the peasant rule the age and so the symbol of the Agrarian worker became the Ram.  Enki whose waters were the apsu/absu (Aquarius), was represented as Capricorn the seagoat in the Zodiac.  Ancient Egypt he had his equivalent Khnum God of the source of the river Nile and creator of mankind which they represented with Rams horns.

This Sumerians used this in the form of Dumuzid, the shepherd.  “Inanna spoke: ‘I bathed for the wild bull, I bathed for the shepherd Dumuzid'” – Inanna or Venus not only has Dumuzid-Abzu replaced the wild bull but she placed the aspects of the bull onto him. “As the farmer, let him make the fields fertile, As the shepherd, let him make the sheepfolds multiply, Under his reign let there be vegetation, Under his reign let there be rich grain.”  Dumuzid becomes the symbol for the spring equinox although his month does not begin until the first full moon after the summer solstice.

This is an apt time for Dumuzid spends 6 months in the underworld and  months in the heavens, he is celebrated at the time of the crayfish or the crab whose symbol is yin and yang or balance.  more importantly it is the time of trying to return to balance from the greatest imbalance: the summer solstice, the longest day or the day of the sun and yet Cancer takes the moon its opposite for a ruler.  All the Cardinal signs are striving to return to balance or to maintain their own fragile balance.  Capricorn begins on the shortest day; the day of darkness or night; the day of sleep and dreams but it has Saturn the cold hard facts of life and not Neptune the dreamer as its ruler.  Neptune does not appear until Pisces which ends just before the spring equinox.  Falling asleep under the snow and ice means we are unlikely to ever wake, we may dream one last dream like the homeless women in the poem at the start but that is all we will have.  The homeless are always the poor, the peasant and never the elite, their reality is they cannot afford to dream unless they give up their life.

In the story of Cain and Abel, we have a retelling of the Dumuzid myth except it is the farmer, pagan, yokel or the redneck that slays him and that is rejected by God for not being the shepherd but the farmer.  The peasant becomes the undesirable killer.  The shadowy figure of our nightmares.  By the time of the birth of Jesus, the Age of Pisces even Aries as Dumuzid the shepherd is an undesirable.  The shepherds like the practitioners of a foreign religions the Magi are the undesirables, this is a new age beginning in which the undesirables or the least are to be the heroes of a new mythology and a new religion.

“For the wretched of the Earth there is a flame that never dies, Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise” – ‘Do You Hear The People Sing’ epilogue

Finally the heavens revolved once more and the sun rose at the spring equinox with the constellation of Pisces.  The change goes almost without notice.  There is no change in the sign which starts the Zodiac.  Pisces and Neptune are part of the mythology of what the Sumerians called the Tiamat.  The Tiamat is the great sea dragon.  During the Age of Taurus; Thuban, a star in the Draco constellation was the pole star.

The pole star marks roughly the point of the earth’s northern rotational axis Thuban was more accurate than today’s pole star Polaris.  Thuban means serpent as does Eve.  The constellation of Draco appeared to be wrapped around the Earth’s rotational axis with Thuban, Eve the serpent marking the point from which the heavens rotated.  Thus the biblical story has two serpents Draco or Tiamat and Eve the rib of the Tiamat that holds up the world.  In Sumerian writing Ninti means both lady life and lady rib, Eve means lady life and serpent.

In Sumerian mythology Tiamat is usurped by Enki and just as he absorbs the Abzu/Apsu he absorbs the Tiamat by having Ninti lady rib/life come from his body.  Enki is usurped by Anu and Inanna of Uruk.  They too are Usurped by Enlil and finally the last in a line of chief city state deities Marduk usurps them by claiming to slay the Tiamat and place her rib Ninti as the pillar which holds up the world.  The Tiamat is usurped by the very thing that creates the peasant and that is the Superpower of the day.

The Tiamat ruled the celestial sea in which the stars, sun, moon and planets sailed across our sky.  This fall from grace is marked in the Old Testament and Babylonian mythology.  Isaiah 27:1 In that day the Lord with his great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan the twisted the twisted serpent, and he will slay the dragon that is in the sea.  Revelation 20:2 And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent who is the devil and satan, and bound him for a thousand years.

Thuban was pole star from 3942 BC until 1793 BC, when Kappa Draconis another star in Draco was less than one degree from pole for nearly 200 years and for a thousand years was within 5 degrees of the pole.  From 1500 Bc Kochab and Pherkad of Ursa minor served as twin pole stars until 500 AD known as ‘The Indestructibles’ to the ancient Egyptians ‘Ikhemu-sek’, The circumpolar stars do not set or die, they simply rotate around the pole star. Thus the pole star or stars represent destination of the soul and immortality.  Thuban fell from its place as the pole star due to the changes in the axial tilt which varies from 22 – 24 degrees and which is also what causes the precession of the equinoxes or simply the astrological ages.

Draco the constellation is not banished for a thousand years it will be 20346 AD before Thuban moves back to pole star and it will continue moving away from the pole until 10,000 AD.  Thuban has ceased hydrogen fusion at its core it is now a white giant – Thuban or Eve is becoming ever more distant and she is dying.

The Tiamat ruler of the sea, of the tree of life, Ninti, lady rib, Eve, serpent and mother of all has fallen from the indestructible tree of life and continues to fall.  Although she now ruled the spring equinox this is a great fall for her.  Eve is dying and she is now demonised and banished by god.  Eve is not just a mother, for nobody was ever just a mother.  Mother is the largest and most important of all our symbols and Eve was and still is ‘The Mother’.   The mother which our world has always revolved around; the mother from which our consciousness stems whether we love or loathe her and often we do both.

The mother that makes you go to the toilet at night before bed whether or not you need to, because even at fifty you can’t get to sleep unless you follow her rules.  The mother that always remains a mystery, an illusion and disillusionment.  The one who can never live up to our expectations for she is human and cannot fulfil the great symbolism inherent in her name.  Yet our world still revolves around her.  Whichever God holds her hostage, holds us hostage.  Whichever God banishes her, banishes us.  The hand that rocked the cradle is us, she is who we are, where we begin and end.  When she is demonised and banished so are we.  The Age of Pisces is an emotional, religious and spiritual response to our banishment as peasants or the poor; our emotional and religious response to becoming the undesirables of society.  Aries still stands at the equinox because we are still the peasant and our mother is still being demonised.  Eve or Thuban is blamed for the end of the Age of Taurus, the garden of Eden because when Thuban fell as the polestar or the axial tilt changed the equinox shifted also.  Eve falling and Eden going, are caused by the changes to the position of the tree of life.  Yet like the sunrise it is subjective, it is the tree of life that appears constant to us and the stars that have fallen from grace.

“Will you join in our crusade, who will be strong and stand by me? Beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see? Do you hear the people sing, say do you hear the distant drums? It is the future that we bring when tomorrow comes” – ‘Do You Hear The People Sing’ epilogue

If you have sun in Cancer, you have your sun in a water sign and they are ruled by the Tiamat or the constellation Draco, just as the earth signs are ruled by the Behemoth or the constellation of the big dipper, Enlil’s plough that turns the heavens.

Thus the signs and the constellations are now separate and Cancer the sign no longer matches Cancer the constellation.  Instead Cancer the sign Marks the beginning of a period in the solar cycle starting from the summer solstice 23.5 degrees north and moving gradually to the celestial equator which it reaches at 0 degrees libra the start of fall or autumn.  Cancer is striving to become summer.  Those with Sun in Cancer are in a sense always striving to become themselves or willing themselves to be.  It is in this striving that they find their true nature as do all the cardinal signs.

That leaves a question unanswered has the Age of Aquarius begun, this depends on who you believe.  Some have it beginning at the death of God and the ending of the middle ages.  Some have it beginning at the time of the intellectual enlightenment.  Some say it happened last century and some say it will not occur for hundreds of years.  Astrology is subjective, science is meant to be objective, and what is subjective is seen differently and experienced differently.  Yes there is something Aquarius in the death of God and the intellectual enlightenment.  At the same time there is also something very Pisces about the fact that I need to put intellectual before the enlightenment, something very Pisces about the beliefs people hold on the Age of Aquarius.  I would say there is no astrological defining line for the age, but what we definitely are in is the transition period.  The point where the river meets the sea and the waters are mingled.  Yet even this is complicated for Aquarius the river lies in the sea and its waters have always mingled with hers. It is not until they evaporate and return to the land or the Earth that the river takes form once more.

sunrise nasa

‘I see this life like a swinging vine, swing my heart across the line, In my face is flashing signs, Seek it out and ye shall find’

In mythology Cancer was the sign of the Crayfish and it is connected to our environment as the source of all things.  The crayfish prefer dark waters that offer them safety from predators.  This draws parallels with our first environment, the womb the safe dark waters of our mother and our first experience of being a ‘we’.  our first experience of something larger than yourself which encompasses us and gives us life.  This is why we mistakenly assume Cancer to represent only the mother but a battlefield is an environment just as much as a womb is and all environments affect how we grow and develop; all environments encompass us, give us life or take it from us.  The womb is a female reproductive organ it is not a female environment, just a necessary human environment, our first environment and one we cannot survive or live without having been in.

Cancer represents our environment and that is neither male or female in the traditional sense (for there was no real male and female environments ever) and men with Sun in Cancer are no more likely to mother us than men with Sun in Aries the same is also true of women.  What they are more likely to do is be very aware of their environment now and in childhood and how that shapes us and shaped them.  Sun in Cancer is not ‘The Mother’ it is one whose consciousness is always striving to understand ‘The Mother’ because that is where they came from and that is what shapes their life.

In mythology our environment is often symbolised by the womb because it is the first environment we experience.  In Hindu mythology the first environment of our soul is the testes of the father, then the womb of the mother and the last is our own body.  In reality this is trying to grasp that our own birth is interdependent on the birth of both our parents, on the birth of our grandparents.  In Genesis it is Abel’s bloods that cry out, those who cannot be because he has been slain.  This is why the Jewish believe anybody who saves one life saves a thousand because they save the lives of those descendents as well.  Who we are, our culture and environment depends on our parents, our grandparents and great grand parents.  We could not exist without any of them.  This is true even if we are adopted.  We may have a different culture to them but we have that culture because of them, because they existed and because of their actions.

In Hinduism there are many womb myths.  Abhimanyu the son of Arjuna, remembers his father telling his mother a battle strategy whilst in the womb and uses it later in life.  Prahlada means filled with Joy and whilst in his mother’s womb he heard the devotional prayers and stories of Vishnu.  Although Prahlada’s father was evil he becomes a great king because he is peaceful and virtuous.  Ashtavakra grandfather was a seer and great teacher, whilst in his mother’s womb he hears all his grandfather’s teaching and his father’s.  Ashtavakra becomes so knowledgeable that in the womb he corrects his father eight times and is cursed by him to have eight deformities.  However because he is so wise he cures himself of his deformities by bathing in the river Samanga and goes on to become a greater teacher and Atman.

‘Old but, I’m not that old, Young but, I’m not that bold, And I don’t think the world is sold, I’m just doing what we’re told’

Those with the sun in Cancer recognise it is our interaction with our environment and that includes family and the community we live in that forms who we are and shapes who we strive to be.  To learn military tactics we need an environment in which we are exposed to them, to learn and understand religious and philosophical thought we need an environment in which we are exposed to such thought.  Through interaction and questioning our environment we refine who we are, what we believe and what has meaning for us and this is the striving of Cancer the sign.

It is through the land that we get food, water and shelter the resources necessary for survival.  How we value, use and respect those resources and the land of our birth or mother Earth, that is an important feature of sun in Cancer consciousness.  As is the fact that we are all interdependent on the Earth although some of us have more access to its resources than others.  Whether that is access to the land itself, food, health or education.

Sun in Cancer is recognition of the importance of our environment.  That environment determines our relationship with symbols and rituals, whatever culture we are raised in irrespective of whether we believe in a particular religion or not it is how we learn about symbology and ritual.  That means we generally learn in the West the symbolism and ritual of Christmas whether or not we are Christian.  Thus we use our understanding of Christmas, Easter and many other events to understand Divali, Eid, Chinese New Year or any other cultural festival.  We understand the symbolism of others through understanding the symbolism of our own culture.  Which means none of us are ever just Atheist, but Christian Atheist, Buddhist Atheist, Hindu Atheist, Jewish Atheist, Catholic Atheist, Protestant Atheist or Muslim Atheist.  Atheism is also placed in a religious culture, there is always a particular God or Gods they refuse to believe in and that is the God or Gods of their culture and religious heritage.  For Atheism cannot exist outside of religion, could not have existed before religion and cannot exist after Religion.  It cannot replace religion any more than a vaccine can replace a disease.  Atheism is sometimes a vaccine refuses to catch the disease of the crowd, when it stands alone.  Yet when the Christian is the one standing alone it is them that refuse to catch the disease of the crowd.  Both can be the disease and both can be the vaccine but neither can exist without the other.

‘I I I I feel something so right by doing the wrong thing, And I I I I feel something so wrong by doing the right thing’

Our personality or consciousness is like a wormhole through time and space, it is who we are from the moment of birth until death.  It is in constant change and yet we feel ourselves to be the same person as the day before this is due to the sun which gives us a sense of consistency.  The sun provides self consistency as well as holding the planets of our solar system together.

Cancer is a feminine sign, this has nothing to do with gender, sexual orientation or sexuality but describes an aspect of human consciousness.  Feminine in this sense describes our emotional needs, responses and growth.

Cancer is our emotional relationship to our environment.  How we think of Earth in emotional terms, our nationality, culture, family and our community – how we develop our emotional roots and how they come to define us.

“She fell from the sky, she fell very far and Kansas she said was the name of the star” – ‘Wizard of Oz’

The ruler of Cancer is the moon.  The moon represents our emotional needs including and especially nurturing.  It represents our family, community and nationality everything that gives us a sense of identity, roots and belonging.  As children we learn to imitate the emotional nurturing we see around us, not just the nurturing of children but the emotional nurturing of each other within all families and close romantic relationships.  We start imitating from an early age the way we care for each other from saying I love you to bringing mum breakfast in bed on Mother’s Day.  We learn to care for our pets not just physically but emotionally through petting and nursing them just as we learn to care for our friends by sharing and listening to them.  Just as we learn about love and caring for others through imitating our parents, our family and our community; we also learn about our culture through imitation and play this is how we learn our rituals.

“Ye cannae shove yer granny aff a bus, Naw ye cannae shove yer granny aff a bus, Ye cannae shove yer granny cos she’s yer mammy’s mammy, Naw ye cannae shove yer granny aff a bus” – traditional Scottish song

When pets die as children we have funerals so that we learn our rituals of saying goodbye and letting go.  It is us that as children demand the ritual, demand to participate in it.  For in our rituals we have the path we walk through grief, and we as children need to learn to walk that path.  Through learning the rituals we learn how to grieve, and more importantly we learn how to grieve as part of our culture.  In my family and perhaps all Scottish families, the big symbol is the of the granny.  My cousin who died is with my granny.  When my grandpa died when I was a little girl, it was granny Kirwin that came for him.  The granny as the mother of our mother holds a special symbolism.  How we deal with that symbolism is reflected in the chorus of the song. “Singing, I will if you will, so will I” – the most significant symbolism of the moon the ‘we’ or the crowd.  For good and for bad the crowd empowers us to accomplish what we cannot do on our own.

It is through the crowd that the Iraqi individual can express his anger at both Saddam Hussein and the disempowerment by the West.  In the crowd they can topple his statue, symbolic of toppling him and in doing so they take back the power we had removed from them.  In the crowd they can react to the powerless state of the single individual against dictators and Superpowers.  It is the crowd that burns the American flag and not the individual for the individual is always powerless to do so.

“Ye can shove yer ither granny aff a bus, Ye can shove yer ither granny aff a bus, Ye can shove yer other granny cos she’s yer daddy’s mammy, Ye can shove yer ither granny aff a bus”

There is an important lesson to be learnt from the moon it operates in rings and each ring is bigger than the last but the bond is weaker.  The first ring is our immediate family and this bond is strongest.  The second is extended family and friends and this bond is weaker although still generally strong.  After this is our community again this is weaker but still strong enough to pull us to work together for our mutual benefit.  After this is states, counties or shires again the bond is weaker but not as weak as the bond of national identity.  After this we are bonded by general cultural and religious beliefs, a far weaker bond and finally the weakest bond as part of all humanity.

Humans are biologically social animals and we are biologically programmed to live in a community and have a family.  That community has always had a maximum before bonds breakdown; that means if you were raised in a village you have a bond with its inhabitants but if you were born in a town or city you have a bond with an area within the town or city – you will be from the Bronx or Queens and New York is your extended community just as you have an extended family with a weaker bond.

Everybody has a personal space, a buffer zone between them and the rest of humanity only friends, family and loved ones can enter our personal space anybody else and we feel threatened it is an act of aggression to enter that buffer zone.  We also have a buffer zone that is our home, it is an act of aggression to enter another person’s home uninvited.  Then our communities and our nations.  We have buffer zones around our communities and our nations.  Wolf packs also have buffer zones and it is an act of aggression for any of the packs to enter them, the same is true of street gangs they have buffer zones between them and it is an act of aggression to violate them.

This means we can’t have the same emotional bonds with everybody or be ‘global citizens’, because we always belong to a specific area, we always have a home, an identity and a family.  Thus we can only respect and understand others bonds to some extent and the personal space of others.  I can’t define what being Scottish is, I only know that it is a part of me and if I can’t define being Scottish other people cannot fully understand it.  What they can understand and respect is that it is a vital part of who I am.  When I write I have to write as a scottish, protestant with a celtic animist culture and a large extended but close family.  More importantly they need to understand I am not American or any other nationality and like everybody else I don’t want to be and I cannot be.  I can’t be American, it is not my culture and it is not because it is inferior or superior to my culture, it is just a different culture.

This does not mean I value other cultures less, it just means I see all cultures through this lens because this is the only way I can see anything.  This also means that I have a relatively high personal space area, not only is the population of Scotland lower than many countries, I have never lived in a city. I live in a low density populated area of a low density country.  That means we have both the time and the space to connect more deeply, to remember what others have told us.  If you tell me you were abused as a child I will remember, but this also means I expect the same from you.   I cannot change my culture or the way I relate any more than you can.  How this forms your expectations of others, how you expect to participate in the ‘we’ of family, personal relationships or peers.  I cannot describe your culture, family and heritage only my own.  I can use mine as an example but you will have your own unique family situation within a culture and a community.  This will shape you in ways that are so diverse that nobody will ever be able to define them all to you.

The Sun is the consciousness, it represents our I am, the moon is our environmental influences which includes family and community it represents our we are.  We are Scottish, American, Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Nigerian, Russian, Hindu, Muslim, Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Buddhist, Celtic supporters, Rangers supporters, Red Socks supporters, AC Milan supporters and many other things for we are tribal.

The moon acts as a stabiliser to the Earth, like a bike with stabilisers, the earth tilts and this controls the celestial position of the Axis and the celestial equator but this event is balanced due to the moon which makes the Earth behave like a giant spinning top that cannot tip over.  The moon creates the stability necessary for life on Earth.

The sun in Cancer is aware that they perceive everything through their own lens.  This means none of us are spiritual but not religious and if you don’t believe that read on for you are denying you have parents.  Religious is how we get the tools to be spiritual and they are passed on to us by our family, community and culture.  We may reinvent ways to use these religious tools but we cannot change the tools we have.  For there are many types of Atheist, there are Catholic Atheists, Muslim Atheists, Jewish Atheists, Protestant Atheists, Hindu Atheists and Buddhist Atheists but those tools are what they were born with and Catholic Atheists write as Catholic Atheists just as I write as a Scottish, Protestant with Animist Celtic cultural influences.  I cannot write as a Hindu or a Hindu Atheist because that is not my culture.  Even if I wanted to become Hindu I would always write as a Scottish, Protestant with Animist celtic cultural influences trying to assimilate Hinduism into my cultural and religious being or heritage.

When I write of Sumerian mythology I write through that  Scottish Protestant with Animist celtic cultural influences lens.  I am never going to write about how positive thinking will give you everything you want because that is anti-animist.  Animist means believing that animals, nature and the weather has a mind of their own.  If you don’t believe weather has a mind of its own then you need to spend a day in Scotland.  However it means that I can’t put my mind on a pedestal and believe it is the one controlling everything or that it has some divine right to get its own way, that anybody that upsets me should be hit by a bus and we should call it karma because the universe or God is designed to punish people I don’t like.  That is not how I see Hinduism or Karma any more than people burning in hell for eternity for offending me is my view of Christianity.   My cat does what she wants regardless of what I think because she has a mind of her own and my mind cannot over rule hers only respect it and relate to it.  That does not mean Celts don’t think positively they do, they just don’t expect the universe to conform to their wishes or will instead they expect to relate to it and the different consciousnesses it contains.  The God that holds my mother captive holds me captive and I can battle him or her but I cannot change my captivity.  The beast within is only driven to recreate in my image, the image of the God or Gods that holds me captive.

We are all captive to our moon.  In the Plato’s cave allegory we are all inside a cave in the darkness.  Outside there is a fire and puppets which we never see only the shadows the puppets make on the wall.  We mistake the puppets’ shadows for reality.  Unfortunately the Matrix is wrong we cannot ever venture out from that cave into the real, we can only ever jump from one matrix to another but all of them are an illusion.  The moon is the illusion of the ‘we’ that we hold and we can experience many cultures or caves but they too contain mere illusions of the ‘we’.  For whatever cave I am in, I cannot ever see the moon just the light of my sun; my consciousness is always reflected back at me; I cannot ever see us my love and dearest just an image of me within us.  When the new moon stops shining I cannot even see myself, my reflection within us and I know that what ‘we’ are has always been invisible, beyond my view.  I cannot give you meaning because when I look at you I see my reflection and never you.  I see my reflection as the glow that makes your face radiate the light of angels for that split second of time when I feel the connection between us strongest.

Though my consciousness is the only one I experience, I cannot ever see the light of my sun unless it is reflected back at me.  Whilst I can never see ‘we’ in you my dearest I see the beauty of my own light and this is your precious gift to me.  For to reflect the beauty of another’s soul back at them is in itself divine.  For we sense the beast within more than the beauty which seems absent until it is reflected back.  I sense the beast within more stronger, the urge to recreate in my image until your smile turns to dazzling sunlight and in that moment the beast rests.  It is enough that whatever the ‘we’ is, it can and does reflect me even if it remains an unknown to me.  Then I see the beauty in my own words and the beast returns and the light reflected in your face is gone once more for I am forever dazzled like Narcissist by my own reflection, by my own consciousness.  For my consciousness is the cave that cannot be escaped.

When it comes to the moon I can only write from my personal perspective, because the moon is also subconscious I can never find it all, the cave I am in always remains an unknown to me, no matter how hard I try to explore it.  The moon is everything we absorb from our environment without even being consciously aware of it.  The Hindu womb myths are examples of that, foetus cannot consciously learn scriptures in the womb or military tactics but foetus like all humans do absorb things from their environment without consciously realising it.  There is no intrinsic right or wrong, murder is wrong because our environment says so and from birth we absorb this and we believe it to be intrinsic, it is not intrinsic it is just a universal in our environment – it is wrong for any of us to commit murder.

Just as nobody tells Scots to remember the dead at New Year, that is part of our culture and our environment and we subconsciously take in the many aspects of the meaning New Year has for us from birth.  That means even if the rest of the world think New Year’s Eve is the same as Hogmanay or Auld Year’s night Scots know there is a whole load of meaning to the old year’s end and it is just as important as the New Year’s beginning and we sing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ at the end of Auld Year’s night, celebrate New Year and toast auld Acquaintances in that order because they all have their own meaning.

Most probably wherever you are in the world you will do the same at New Year but unless you are brought up in a Scottish culture those meanings are lost on you and you are performing our rituals without fully knowing their meaning to us.  The things with most meaning to us are never consciously taught they are absorbed through our culture.  Because they are absorbed they are often taken for granted or we don’t recognise that we know these things until we find ourselves in a culture where they are missing.

This is true for Scots celebrating Christmas it is not our rituals, apart from wishing people a Merry Christmas.  Wishing people a Merry Christmas means peace on Earth and goodwill to all men – the presents and decorations is for the kids and there is no meaning in them except for commercialism.  I have a nativity set and it looks pretty but it has no meaning to me, just as I have several Buddhas that look beautiful but hold no meaning to me because they are not my rituals however beautiful those rituals may be.  That does not make them less to me for I find my God in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Taoism and Astrology.  I find the same truths in them and the same symbolic search for meaning within our lives.

This is why we can never be spiritual and not religious because religion is something we absorb from our environment and it is the tools that allow us to express our spirituality irrespective of whether it is formally recognised as a Religion.  I cannot learn to feel Catholic any more than I can learn to feel French, to think as a Catholic or to think as a French woman.  This is true even if we dislike our nationality or our religion we cannot unbecome them because they feel like an uncomfortable part of us, just as we cannot unbecome our family because it is an uncomfortable part of us.  Our parents remain our parents no matter how many issues we have, we are the person who has issues with our parents we are never the person who is spiritual but has no parents.

We all have issues with our parents for their symbolism is too great for them to fulfil.  This we experience if we ourselves become parents.  For as parents we love our children but we are not driven by this love but by the fact of their dependence upon us.  Our children are more important than our own needs and lives because they depend upon us for survival.  Thus we take second place to them and they are always our passion.  In our passion is always despair for we cannot fulfil that symbolism.  We cannot do anything but fail to live up to it.  Kierkegaard reflects this in saying that in relationship to God we are always in sin.  for in God, Jupiter is our ideals and our symbolism and we cannot fulfil either.  We all fail constantly as parents, grace is merely the difference in our human potential as parents and our ideal.  Grace makes up the difference and without it we are constantly failing or a constant failure.  This is true of all things I sense your Venus ideal of the perfect lover just as you sense I have one yet we can never know each other’s ideal.  However because it is an ideal we will be by our nature constantly failing to fulfil it, or a constant failure as a lover.  Grace is the difference between our potential as human lovers and as ideal lovers, without grace we fail no matter the synastry aspects in a chart.  We fail because we will not allow ourselves to be and if we will not allow ourselves to be we will not allow the other to be.

My dearest one I do not project an ideal onto you, you just sense one, and I never ask you to live upto my ideal for I know that is impossible.  Though my beast is narcissistic it does not ask you to become my ideals, for that would make you unobtainable to me for we never reach our ideal only the point where grace is necessary.  My beast would make you share my ideals so that I can understand the monster within as I do my own, my beast does not want the unattainable made flesh for that is never utopia but dystopia.  Thus my beast only wants to share the symbolism of my moon it does not want you to make its ideals reality, just to share the dream. Yet it is my dream and you must find your own.  All we can ever hope for is the respect for each other’s dream whatever they may be.  This my dearest one is hard enough for most of us to do.


‘I could lie, couldn’t I, couldn’t I, Every thing that kills me makes me feel alive’

As said at the beginning it is the sun that holds all the planets in our solar system in orbit.  Because Cancer is a cardinal sign the sun is always striving to combine the different elements of who they are into a complete whole.  that striving is more fluid than the other cardinal signs which means they are constantly striving to find a true shape or form.

Cancer is also a feminine sign which means that this striving to find a true form is of an emotional nature.  Sun in Cancer strives to find its true emotional self.  When those with Sun in cancer are struggling with this they can adopt their opposite attribute the moon in Gemini.   Gemini owes as much of its mythology to the twin pole stars Kochab and Pherkad as it does to the constellation. This sign is about sharing and recognising we are not alone and we cannot accomplish much on our own.  The North Celestial pole lay between these twin stars 1,000 years ago together they pointed the weary traveller true north.

The direction Gemini points in is that of the cynic.  Not the contemporary meaning of the term but the philosophical.  The cynic steps back from family, community, national identity and cultural heritage.  The Cynic recognises themselves as a fallen animal not a fallen angel.  Cynic comes from the word for dog, and dogs are generally content with what they have, they do not work themselves to death for a house, car or whatever latest gadget is on the go.  Cynics step back from commercialism from the crowd.

Cynics step back from the pull of the ‘we’ which is the crowd, our family, community and our peers.  For the crowd does what the individual never does, it lynches people because of the colour of their skin, if the crowd happens to be to the right they will lynch the poor black man and if to the left they will lynch the poor white man.  In either case it matters not for the peasant’s skin is always the wrong colour and he will never be judged on his actions for what the peasant does is always deemed unimportant.  For to give worth to the peasants actions is to compensate them equally with the millionaire.  Thus the left will hang the peasant with the penis and the right the peasant with a vulva. The left do so in the claim of equality, equality in hanging for being a peasant.  There is never equality of the peasant to the millionaire, for the peasant must remain the peasant for a left to exist and usurp their power.

The cynic was trained to endure public humiliation.  For the cynic offends everybody equally by their refusal to conform to peer norms.  Diogenes masturbated in public and said if only hunger could be satisfied as easily as sexual urges.  The cynic couple Crates and Hipparchia are said to have sex in public.  Diogenes humiliated the great minds of the  day such as Plato and Parmenides.  Not only were cynics not intimidated by intellectuals but they used satire to show they were actually ridiculous.  Just as they used satire to show the ridiculous nature of emperors, slavery, sexism and putting others on pedestals.

The lesson of stepping back and distancing ourselves emotionally is that we see the ridiculousness of it all.  The ridiculousness of wanting idiots to respect us because we put the idiots on pedestals.  The cynic sees the ridiculous in families, community, culture and national identity.  They see the ridiculousness in what we take seriously and in what offends us.  In a world where we can be more offended by swearing than the bombing of children – having sex in public forces us to look at the preposterous values we hold.  In a world where we judge people not by their actions but whether they have a vulva, penis, black, white, homosexual or heterosexual; it is good to step back and question the left and right’s motives for dividing us by identity and not our actions.

At the time when the constellation Gemini marked the summer solstice and the twin stars marked the North celestial axial tilt a new religion was born Christianity.  Jesus shows some cynic tendencies in his teachings, parables about praying in public to sound spiritual and fasting to look spiritual.  Jesus takes a cynical stance on our reasons for our religious actions.  The widow’s mite is ironic although less understood that way today.  Today to understand it we need to think of the wealth of large religious institutions such as the Catholic church.  Our parable needs to have the pope take the poor widow’s last penny for the upkeep of his vast vatican residency.  When Jesus say’s she gave her all he is also saying the pope took her all, the vastly rich pope took all her money and left her destitute and looked down his nose at the poor widow at the same time.  This is not an attack on Catholicism you can substitute Billy Graham, Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton, Bush or Obama if you like.  You can substitute any president sitting in a white house paid for by widows, homeless people and any other current ‘undesirables’.

Their message was a simple one, know the difference between what you need and what you want.  Underneath it all we are all simply human beings, irrespective of: family, religion, education, culture, colour or gender and differentiating between each other is ridiculous.  Moon in Gemini teaches us to strip away all our differences and see the ridiculous in who we are and in what we value as well as what upsets us.

Moon in Gemini is the child trying to understand the lunacy that is family, the child that observes there is one law for the adults and another for the children or the peasant.  Moon in Gemini knows we rarely practice what we preach.  Moon in Gemini asks you to turn it around judge yourself the way you judge others, and give them the benefit of the doubt you give yourself.  It also says to give yourself the grace you give to friends.

Note if you have the moon in Gemini it does not necessarily mean that you will do the above only that you have that capacity within  you, but so do all of us it is just easier for some to do so, to distance themselves from the symbol that is the moon and recognise what it reflects about ourselves and our communities both good and bad.  It is easier for Moon in gemini to view humanity as the children of ‘The Mother’ and to understand we are all subject to that influences whatever our culture may be, it is defined by ‘The Mother’ and that makes us all equally born into the ‘Matrix’ and siblings.

‘I feel her love, And I feel it burn down this river every time, Hope is a four letter word, make that money watch it burn’

The sun is at the centre of our solar system it holds the planets in orbit.  Similarly the sun in astrology holds the planets together to form a united view of what it is for us to be human with a consistent self identity.  By understanding in general how the sun in Cancer relates to the planets it holds in orbit we develop a deeper understanding of it.

‘And I feel something so wrong by doing the right thing, I could lie, couldn’t I, couldn’t I, Everything that drowns me makes me want to fly’

The masculine planets are Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus.

The sun represents our will to be or our consciousness, our drive to excel, succeed and shine in life.  When we have difficulty in expressing our sun’s attributes we are more likely to express this drive negatively through our moon in an exaggerated demand for nurturing and expression of emotional insecurities.

Although this is true of all sun signs it is especially true for the sun in Cancer.

Mars represents our basic instinctual drives for food, shelter and sex.  These survival instincts are controlled by the oldest parts of our brain including the amygdala which responds to threats.  These parts are the oldest for good reason Mars rules the drives that controls all life to survive and to reproduce.  Mars rules ‘The biological imperative’ to reproduce and all survival instincts stem from this biological imperative and all genders are impacted by it equally.  This includes our maternal and paternal instincts for reproduction itself is meaningless unless what we reproduce survives until reproductive age and this is what is meant by biological fitness.  Mars does not rule survival of the fittest for that is an economic belief based on a misunderstanding of biological fitness.  Most Mars instincts and drives are unconscious like breathing.  Mars is who we are at our most natural level, there is no pretense to Mars, it relates honestly and openly to the world it is in.

We are always frightened of our Mars because of this, for it will not try to take another image, it will not be anything other than what it is and if we are rejected it is because our Mars is rejected.  Our Mars refuses to lie to get what it wants, for in truth we cannot get what we want by our Mars lying.  For if we want another they are not an object to possess, but a subject and in lying the subject never buys us but the imitation we have presented them with.  Mars knows that when it is naked the imitation and the illusion will have gone.  Mars knows that it is not that we want another but that we want another to want us.  To want us another has to see us.  Mars is bold and brave because it has to be, it stands naked in all its faults to be judged on the truth of what it actually is no more or no less.  It stands naked truthfully in front of Venus, open to rejection, open to its own vulnerabilities and open to the knowledge it can be crushed at any moment.

In order for Venus to love us we all must allow our Mars to be vulnerable, naked and capable of being crushed.  Since this is a risk we both must take my best beloved, Mars is also symbolic of mutual trust or lack.  If it will not stand naked there is no trust, no love ever received.  If it does it is because it trusts that the Venus it stands before is not cruel, vicious or mean.  It trusts that even if Venus rejects it is a compassionate rejection and not a bloodbath.

We say love is unconditional but love has always been conditional on Mars courage to stand naked before Venus to be judged.  When Jesus says to not only give your coat but your cloak, he is saying to stand naked in judgement.  This has a meaning similar to above but to stand naked in front of those that would judge you is also an act of defiance.

“Do you hear the people sing, singing the song of angry men?  It is the music of a people who will NOT be slaves again, when the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drum, life is about to start when tomorrow comes” – ‘Do you Hear The People Sing’

Mars refuses to be the slave of reason, of men or of oppression.  Reason oppresses by its need of justification, all cruelty has been justified by humanity from war to slavery.  Mars is the soldier, the warrior because reason created the soldier and the warrior.  Mars goes to war with reasoning, with reason creating a purpose for him that is invented, unnatural and dishonest.

The amygdala which responds to threat is moderated by oxytocin (love hormone), in Capgras syndrome this process is disrupted and that lack of emotional response leads patients to believe their loved ones are imposters.  Far from Mars making us irrational it is a necessary part of what makes us rational.  Mars recognises friend from foe.

“Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them.” – David Hume

Mars is also very much associated with Dopamine, cortisol and ephedrine rush whether naturally or chemically.  When we talk about a rush of blood to the head we are talking about a rush of these chemicals to the brain.

“Do you want a line of this? Are you a socialist? I’m doing fine, Buzzing all the time, Just one hit, And I feel great, And I support the welfare state” – Jarvis Cocker, ‘Cocaine Socialism’

Mars is action and reaction, it is life itself.  Mars is what makes the Earth a living system it is the true face of mother nature, red in tooth and claw.  Mars is life and passing judgement on him cannot change the necessity of a balanced ecosystem, of a healthy population or of the complexity of the carbon cycle.  Mars says this is what it is to be alive: to struggle, fight, to feel hunger, thirst, to be eaten and to die.

“Stand here until I fill all your heart’s desires, Because I’m going to buy this place and see it burn, Do back the things it did to you in return, he said I’m gonna buy a gun and start a war, If you can tell me something worth fighting for” – Coldplay, ‘Rush of Blood to the Head’

Mars is direct and honest in its actions, it is not manipulative, sly or secretive and this makes Mars an easier energy to deal with in others.  It is an honest disagreement and not false friendship with manipulation and betrayal.

“The heart has its reasons which reason is not acquainted with.” Blaise Pascal

Mars is represented by an arrow or ti, life.  Like the arrow Sagittarius shoots.  Ti is the the sacred point of the axial tilt and eternal life, so Mars also represents an aspect of the divine common to all life.  all life is commanded to go forth and multiple so sex is part of the divine or sacred.  Nobody understands this more than those with Mars in sagittarius.  Even if they say they are Atheist they are in a relationship with God it has just always been a complicated one.  Sex is how we express Hallelujah, the ecstasy of the life given to us and how we rebel and defy the divine or sacred.  This too is a religious expression.  It is also often how we fall from grace and thus it makes us compassionate, because it makes us human.

“Red: the blood of angry men, Black: the dark of ages past, Red: a world about to dawn, Black: the night that ends at last”

“Red: I feel my soul on fire, Black: my world if she’s not there, Red: the colour of desire, Black: the colour of despair”  – ‘Red and Black’

Sex is how we also often rebel against the church or religious authorities.  This is different to defying God, this is a protest about what man holds important and the dogmas they force upon us.  ‘The Devils of Loudun’ by Aldous Huxley deals with this.  It is the true story of Urbain Grandier a priest who was burnt at the stake for witchcraft.  At the centre of this is the fact that he wrote condemning the enforced celibacy of the priesthood, and was critical of cardinal Richelieu.

Sex is also the expression of ‘The Biological Imperative’ to reproduce our species, regardless of gender Mars represents our OWN imperative it is NOT our ideal man.  It is not male libido it is humanity’s libido and it is owned by women just as it is owned by men.  In this way Mars represents our desire to select the best partner for reproducing or having sex with irrespective of our or their gender.  Mars represents one aspect of sexual preference a primal one that is unconscious, based on the same instincts as all organisms to improve the gene pool.  Venus rules the other aspect of sexual preference our own individual tastes, all of us own both aspects equally.

“No man is a hypocrite in his pleasures.” – Samuel Johnson

Mars is an arrow because ninti lady life, lady arrow and lady rib is also a phallic symbol.  ‘The Biological imperative’ is so called because it is the sources of all urges or drives.  Adult Mayflies don’t have a mouth because they reproduce and then die, eating is unnecessary to the imperative.  Without Mars ‘Biological Imperative’ we have none of the other drives symbolised by Sun, Jupiter and Uranus.  Mars as Nergal son of Enlil, marked the summer solstice the longest day, the drive for one more breath and one more hour on Earth.  As Nergal it is also associated with the underworld, Mars knows that is where we will all end when our fight with nature and the material world has finished.  Mars may be the God of the summer solstice and the noon sun but he is also king of the sunset and ruled the underworld with Ereshkigal.  Mars marks the point where our own consciousness can burn us or harm us as well as the point where it sets forever.  Mars instincts have been honed by evolution, to question or deny them response because your consciousness desires to be more than a biological organism is to see your DNA destroyed by the sun’s rays and to face the final sunset.  We cannot overcome our Mars other than by death.  By our nature we usually will ourselves to be more than our Mars, it is the nature of consciousness for Mars does not contain the desire for meaning, ethics and morals that comes with consciousness.  Mars is solely our survival instinct ‘The biological imperative’.  Yet Mars and Venus are the planets closest to Earth to us, and as such they symbolically fill up most of our time.  For they are meant to come first, without them we have no life to find meaning within.

This brings us to the myth of self actualisation through enslavement of others.  I DO NOT need to feed or clothe you, that is your Mars duty not mine.  Whether you call yourself an academic, starseed, purple passion crystal diamond or anything else.  You are not owed a mythological self actualisation in fact you are not owed anything by me, the universe or society.  No actually you are not more special than any other human on the planet.  We all have a sun and it may want to spend all of its time on finding its meaning but we are not responsible for anybody else’s Mars.  Disown your own Mars and starve if you must but do not presume any other person responsible for your starvation but yourself.  For there are many in this world who do not have a choice when it comes to starvation.

That being said all of us are not owed a healthy body or a healthy and happy old age.  If we want to have those things we need to pay for them.  We need to pay by ensuring the people that will look after us are treated decently, for they don’t owe us care and compassion especially if we have shown them none.  If we don’t want to live in a world where we get a pillow put over our face the moment we become sick or frail and our bank accounts emptied then we must show them the compassion that we expect back from them.  For none of us were ever entitled NOT to be killed by the peasant, or owed a compassion that was not given.

Sun in Cancer is very much aware of Mars drives and instincts and their impact on our lives.  Mars is said to be in detriment in this sign but that is because Mars paternal and maternal instincts for survival of the species are not attributed to him by many astrologers and Cancer’s representation of all environments including the battlefield as well as the womb is rarely understood.  Sun in Cancer Mars in Cancer, Libra, Capricorn or Aries people have a very dynamic relationship to their Mars.  Sun in Cancer Mars in Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and  Pisces have a more harmonious and balanced relationship to their Mars sign.  Those with Sun in Cancer Mars in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius often have more difficulties recognising and responding to their Mars drives.

When Mars instincts are blocked this can be expressed negatively through Venus hedonistic attributes.

“Don’t wait for the last judgement.  It takes place every day.” – Camus ‘The Fall’

Jupiter represents the drive to take risks and gamble.  It drives us to explore the unknown and to create our own ethical belief system based on our own experiences.  It drives us to find God or the sacred through our interaction with the environment and others.  It drives us to live to the fullest as part of a group, society or a whole.  It is the drive to be a part of something larger than the self, part of the whole and find meaning from that experience.  We may do this in many ways whether that is a religion, a cause, a football or sports team, political movement or alternative lifestyle choices.  Jupiter drives us to find sacred meaning from our social experiences.  Whether we are worshipping a sports team or God it is the social aspect of sharing the sacred moment, euphoria and ritual, whether that is the Eucharist or a goal.

This aspect of our consciousness has a dangerous side to it the shared ritual and euphoria can lead people to treat others differently.  Others can be anybody outside the group: non vegans, other football supporters, other religions, other political ideologies, other genders, other sexual preferences, other sexual conduct or anything that can differentiate us. People into S & M use vanilla as a derogatory term to describe anybody outside their group.  The dangers of groupthink and shared ritual are seen in both the Nazis and KKK where shared ritual euphoria is used to promote more hate of those outside the group and encourage unethical behaviour.  Hatred is not on grounds of colour or race as many believe but hatred is of everybody that does not conform to their ideology.  However it is not something that can or should be dismissed those who heard Martin Luther King give his ‘I have A Dream’ speech also experienced this shared euphoria of the ‘we’.  It is there when people gather to protest, to demonstrate and to change the world.  It is part of what it means to have a moon, a ‘we’ and a community.

“Faith is the knowledge of the meaning of human life, the consequences of which is that man does not kill himself but lives.  Faith is the force of life.  If a man lives then he must believe in something…. without faith it is impossible to live.” – Leo Tolstoy ‘A Confession’

We must have faith and hope to live, that faith, hope and belief has to be towards an ideal and not ourselves.  We cannot save the world because it has never needed saving by us.  What we can do instead is try to live by our ideals and fail.  We will fail everyday to live up to those ideals but in doing so we will learn who we are and why we fail.  In understanding our own failings we understand those of others.  We fail because we are Mars, the natural man and because we are Mars we can never be Jupiter our ideal of man and humanity.  The natural man is always the enemy of Jupiter or God, for he is destined to fail, to be always in the sin of being human and not ideal.  Our Jupiter must learn to give and accept grace for both ourselves and others.  For the natural man stands naked and is vulnerable in his imperfectness.

We need to fail to remain human, when we refuse to see our failure we become elect and superior to others.  For those unfamiliar with Scottish Calvinist presbyterianism elect means predetermined or selected before birth to ascend to heaven. The elect commit genocide and murder for the greater good.  If you think you are a better person because you like Sanders and not Trump you are elect.  In that moment it is always the Trump supporter that is the problem that needs to be cured.  Cured by beatings or death.  Cured to stop the Trump supporter from raping me because the Trump supporter is vermin not human.  Think those words over the top they are the words of a Christian Anarchist to another Christian Anarchist, me.  In writing this I commit the same sin.  For I am by nature the Tax collector, the tax collector knows he has failed the ideal and knows he will continue to fail it.  In past discussions in this group it is I that fail to believe I would of my own accord uphold its ideals.  It is I in past discussions who fail to see how I could uphold pacifism in all circumstances.  The others have been sure they would.  In this surety they made themselves pharisees and scribes.  it is because I know I fail to live up to pacifism in its fullest form that I know bashing somebody over the head would completely annihilate the ideal.  When we see ourselves as complying with the ideal or fulfilling it, then the ideal of pacifism includes bashing people’s brains in because you don’t like them.  The ideal is then always our behaviour and that ideal is discarded along the way.  I commit the same sin because I am seeing how they failed the ideal.  They never fail the ideal it is always I that fails an ideal and nobody else.

Christian Anarchism is based on pacifism but when you start to worship the possession of that ideal as making ‘we’ special the ‘we’ elect and not the ideal it goes.  You become self righteous and all self righteous people have hierarchy, they raise themselves above others. Christian Anarchism foundations lie in Tolstoy a man who frequented brothels from his teenage years caught venereal diseases and was a gambling addict that lost his home.

Being a moral failure makes you compassionate, being self righteous makes you blind to the beam in your own eye.  In ‘Anna Karenina’ Lev is Tolstoy and he has a personal message for his wife, for all ‘Anna Karenina’s’ faults she does not seduce Lev and Lev knows how easily he is seduced. He is not seduced because of Anna Karenina’s moral superiority and his wife should be grateful that the woman she looks down upon is morally superior to him her husband.  For if she were not it would be their marriage in disarray.

“What’s done we partly may compute, but know not what’s resisted” – Robert Burns

We cannot make ourselves elect that is the story of ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’. For those struggling with the meaning of elect it is part of Calvinism, the elect are chosen to enter heaven before birth whatever their actions are in life. The elect are damned, they have put themselves beyond the consequences of their actions, beyond the consequences of their beliefs.  The 99 ‘saved’ sheep had made themselves elect or saved and because of this they were beyond the consequences of their thoughts and actions.  Because of this the one sheep is the only one Jesus could reach, the only one not to put himself or herself beyond their ideals, the only one to recognise those ideals were always failed.  When we reject what has failed within us as ever being a part of ourselves we create our own Mr Hyde, the monster has always been our true face hidden from ourselves.  To cut ourselves off from our Mr Hyde is always to give him permission to act without consequence.

Nature recycles everything stardust, comets mud and shit and we are all made of both the amazing and the disgusting.  We can’t get rid of the mud and shit without stopping flowers from blooming without destroying life itself.  We cannot have the ideal without destroying what is beautiful and life.  Our ideals are what we aim for not what we achieve, our ideals would destroy the planet not save it.  We have no ideals that can save anything but ourselves from ourselves.  We save ourselves by failing our ideals and letting flowers grow, by taking death’s sting away and making it powerless.  We save ourselves by facing death before we forsake our ideals, the ideals we have constantly failed.

The Place where we are Right

From the place we are right

Flowers will never grow

In the spring.

The place we are Right

Is hard and trampled

Like a Yard.

But doubts and loves

Dig up the world

Like a mole, a plow.

And a whisper will be heard in the place

Where the ruined

House Once stood. – Yehuda Amichai



We choose the freedom of death or we choose to prioritize loved ones but it is always for us that we do it and for whatever meaning we find greatest, we cannot die for another because we cannot save another only ourselves.  In the end we shall still be made of as much mud and shit as comets and stardust.  We will only have decided what meaning we gave to all of it and whether we grew flowers or Mr Hyde.  This is highlighted in the beginning of Tolstoy’s ‘Anna Karenina’ when Lev a.k.a know as Tolstoy tries to introduce communist principles to his farm to save the peasants from their extreme poverty and the peasants continue to do their own thing much to his frustration.  This is because it is not about saving the peasant but saving Tolstoy from the consequences of being born with privileges,  Tolstoy wants to fix his unfair advantage in society and save himself.  The book ends with Lev becoming Christian or recognising that the desire is to save himself.

“She had always tried to face towards the light.  But the harder you stared into the brightness the harsher it burned you until, at last, the temptation picked you up and bid you turn around and see how long, rich, strong and dark, streaming away behind you, your shadow had become” – terry Pratchett ‘Carpe Jugulum’

Jupiter represents our drive to express and develop our belief systems and values.  Whether that is religious, academic or sports.  It is also the drive to gamble and take risks in life to gain the most from our experiences.  Jupiter is the instinct to play and be naturally curious about our environment.  When children play they develop their own set of rules and ethics as a group agreement.  In this way Jupiter represent ethics and religion as group agreements that we develop together.  Jupiter drives us to be part of a social group, to take risks together, to form our own rules and meaning from life as an adventure in which we all die irrespective of status or achievement.  It is the drive to enjoy ourselves whilst we are still alive: eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we shall die.

Jupiter along with Uranus represent the sacred masculine aspect of the personality.  Both represent two different types of sky god the impersonal and the personal.  Uranus as the heavens is responsible for the revolution of the heavens that mark the seasons and the passing of time as does the wisdom symbolised in understanding both time and position on the Earth using the position of stars in the sky.  Jupiter represents a personal god one who takes an active interest in humanity and ethics, he is the sky god we can have a relationship with, who has faults and flaws and thus compassion for our own faults and flaws.  Jupiter also symbolises symbols or the ability as conscious beings to find abstract meanings in objects and markings, such as cloud formations.  Jupiter rules writing the ability to see ideas in different shapes scratched on a surface and to attach great meaning to them.

Although Uranus represents the Unknowable sky god he also represents revolution and revolutionary events because he is the sky god of the equinox or more precisely the sky god of of the celestial equator.  The god of new astrological ages, events that are important to us for revolution is the discovery of unknown aspects of ourselves.  Or put simply before electronic we didn’t know we didn’t know about them, nobody in the middle ages was wishing they knew more about nuclear power – they didn’t now they didn’t know.  Rituals of the sacred masculine often involve interaction with nature such as camping in the wilderness.  Although they often have elements of Mars survival instincts it is usually a means to learn to take appropriate risks and gamble.  By doing so we learn our own ethical meaning of being in the world and interacting with it.  We learn what it is to be part of humanity and interdependent on each other as well as the planet.  This is also part of developing independence and new skills as well as being a revolutionary experience in life where we gain new insights into who we are.

Jesus descent into the wilderness is a sacred masculine event.  Pascal’s night of fire where he discovers the god of Abraham and Isaac is not the god of philosophers but an unknown and unknowable god is a Uranus moment as much as his pressure laws are for he discovered some unknown unknowns, and Uranus represents the flash of divine inspiration that reveals unknown unknowns to us and reminds us that the divine always remains an unknown.  Uranus as the impersonal god is unknown and unknowable, Jupiter as the personal god is like a Jesus figure we can relate to personally as part of who we are.  That does not mean Uranus is not part of who we are it means that Uranus represents the part of us that is unknown and unknowable.

Saint Augustine argued that Jesus needs to be fully human, capable of having sex and just as tempted by ‘sin’ as the rest of us to be virtuous.  Jesus needs to have these Jupiter attributes in order for him to overcome them, there is no virtue in celibacy unless we can have sex.  For it is not the abstinence that is virtuous but the choosing of it for a higher purpose. There is no virtue in priests being abstinent because of catholic dogma, there is only virtue in priests being abstinent in order to devote more time and energy to their particular calling.

Sun in Cancer knows the relationship between their, family, community and Jupiter well.  On the plus side they tend not to have the annoying evangelical behaviour of born again Christians, born again Atheists and others because of this.  What they struggle with is understanding we can only fight for our own freedom, we cannot fight for others.  For it is not the others interest we ever fight for but our own.  We fight to make the world a better place for our own ideals not for others, we superimpose those ideals onto others in an attempt to force them to adopt our ideal.  This is especially true when Jupiter is in Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra. Sun in Cancer, Jupiter in Scorpio or Pisces tend to accept this darker side of themselves much easier  whilst Jupiter in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Aquarius will tend to disown this aspect of themselves.

When Jupiter expression is blocked it can be expressed negatively in Neptune attributes such as alcohol and substance abuse to block out realities of a situation without hope, adventure and meaning.

“Knowing you are going to die is, I suspect the beginning of wisdom.” – Terry Pratchett

Uranus represents our drive for individuality, originality, intellectual creativity, inventiveness and the process of developing wisdom.  Uranus represents the drive to develop skills and knowledge throughout life.  As children we learn to dress and feed ourselves, then we learn to go certain distances outside without adult supervision.  throughout life this development goes hand in hand with Uranus opposite feminine planet Pluto, which governs emotional development and maturity.  Uranus represents the unknowable and unknown sky god, this is also part of our own consciousness that is unknown and unknowable to us.  However because Uranus is unknown and unknowable to us it is represented by sudden, shocking and surprising events or behaviours we display.  The more of these events we encounter the more we gain wisdom into what it is to be human in all its frailty.

“Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do.  If you put a large switch somewhere, with a sign on it saying, ‘End-of-the-World switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH’, the paint wouldn’t even have time to dry.” – Terry Pratchett

Uranus is the moment in which we do the things we claimed we would never do, the thing we have sat in judgement of others for.  The impersonal sky god that reminds us never to judge lest ye be judged.  Because Uranus is generational in signs, this judgement is also a generational one and if you think your generation will be different it will not make the same mistakes as past generations you are right.  It will make its own mistakes and these are unknown and unknowable, but you will be judged on them in the same way you have judged past generations and you will be found wanting.  More importantly Uranus drives us to the place where we are unknown and unknowable, where we have no answers, where we have no truths to give, not rightness to argue over or kill for.  In this place we can find the unknown and unknowable God in whichever form we chose to find him.    This is the place of the crucifixion, where our Jupiter dies.  The father did not forsake Jesus his Jupiter died.  When Jupiter dies his arrogance dies with him and he is resurrected anew.   A Jupiter that does not hold any answers but seeks them.  A Jupiter that knows it is not the ideal but senses that the ideal has been failed.    That the failed ideal always requires the crucifixion, rebirth.

Uranus is the place where God  as Jupiter has died, the place where no inherent rightness is found.  The place where we are brought down low.  It is the place of infinite emptiness, the point beyond the pole star the mythological point of nothingness from which the universe sprung.

“I am asking about the relation to the deity, of all the different beliefs of mankind.  I am asking about the general revelation of God to the whole universe with all those cloudy nebulae.  What am I doing?  To me personally, to my heart, has been indubitably revealed a knowledge unattainable by reasoning, and I obstinately wish to express this knowledge by reason and by words.

Do I not know that it is not the stars that are moving?  But I watching the movement of the stars, cannot picture to myself the rotation of the earth and I am right in saying the stars move.” – Leo Tolstoy ‘Anna Karenina’

Uranus also represents sudden events in life, in which we have not reached a stage in development or the emotional maturity skills to cope or understand.  This can be events such as abandonment by a parent or their early death or it may be in the form of abuse.  These events can create blocks in our development until we reach an age or maturity in which we learn to cope and deal with them or we seek help in doing so.  These blocks are part of Uranus which symbolises power developed from castration or frustration.  If we are blocked from progressing in life our frustrations build up until we reach explosion point – Uranus represents this explosive drive to clear whatever is in our path of development as humans and as humanity as a whole.  Uranus as the sky god represents the explosion and power of the ‘Big Bang’ – an event of immense power from which the universe is created.  Uranus being generational through the signs represents each new generation’s frustration and castration by the previous generation and the explosive drive for change.  From a personal point Uranus can have the same effects in our lives and mark periods of rapid expansion and the removal of obstacles in our lives.

Uranus can also represent self castration.  For example a child that was abused  or neglected may choose not to have children of their own as an adult.  Decide not to face the unknown unknowables that they possess.  They decide not to face the judgement of their children that they passed onto their parents.  In doing so they lose an opportunity to understand that even when we do not abuse or neglect parenting is extremely hard and we make mistakes.  They never understand the pressure all parents are under.  This by no means excuse abuse or neglect, but it is an understanding of what it is to be human and to fail.  We are always castrating ourselves through fear of our unknown, whether that is the fear to test our skills and talents or an unknown and unknowable future.

The greatest castration is always from fear of an unknown inner evil, Mr Hyde is hidden within all of us and always remains an unknown unknown unless we spiral into the abyss of our own depravity.  We may catch glimpses of him in our dreams, Neptune the known unknowable god who is vaguely seen but never understood, felt but never explained, the unsolvable mystery of existence and consciousness.

“Man is but a reed, the most frail thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed.  The entire universe need not arm itself to crush him.  A mist or a drop of water is sufficient to kill him.  But should the universe crush him, man would still be more noble than what kills him, because man knows that he dies; but the universe has no knowledge of the advantage it has over him” – Blaise Pascal

Uranus is the unknown and unknowable God.  By nature it is undefinable not he or she, black or white.  When we say I don’t believe in that God we are really saying I don’t believe in that Religious outlook for God always remains a mystery to ourselves, one we don’t know that we don’t know about.  Christian or atheist we use God to substitute our religious outlook.  God is not our Religious outlook.  When I say I don’t believe in a God that punishes with heaven or hell, I really mean that is not my religious outlook.  Our religious outlook is governed by Jupiter and it is personal to us, we all know our own outlook.  What God / Gods is/are or isn’t/aren’t we never know, only our religious outlook on them.  Astrology is the presentation of religious outlooks on Gods represented or symbolised by planets, constellations and stars.  Rather it contains within its many forms the development of religious outlooks and their increasing complexity and depth throughout the ages.  Symbolic connections between the different aspects of who we are and what meaning we can find in our lives.  Uranus symbolically rules astrology, for it stands above the complexity of our belief systems and represents the unknown and unknowable truth of God/Gods or the divine.  The truth beyond everybody’s subjective truth that cannot be reached.  We have faith or belief because Uranus cannot be obtained, by any of us.  To claim to know Uranus is to lie, Uranus is what none of us can ever know.

Uranus also represents the psychic, the psychic has an unknown and unknowable access to something that in itself remains unknown and unknowable.  The psychic never knows what they have access to, only that they have some access and even their access remains unknown and unknowable.  They only know that at times they have this access and they sense there are rules to it and that an unknowable something, somebody or somebodies controls their access and has set out the rules.  The psychic is no different to anybody else that gets a flash of inspiration except the flash is not of inspiration it is of the future.  Yet it is fundamentally the same we cannot control flashes of inspiration, deliberately determine them just accept they happen, come from an unknown source of which we have no control.  We sense rules but psychics do not know them or understand them all.  What most will tell you is the simple not in our own interest rule.  Psychics can’t tell you anything for money, any more than they can impress those they are sexually attracted to with their abilities.  Not only can they not impress those they are sexually attracted to but they are unlikely to be able to see or sense anything around these people unless they are in an established relationship with them.  Psychics never know if the people they like also return the feelings.  Psychics must take that Jupiter gamble and have their Mars stand naked to be judged along with the rest of humanity.  Uranus has to remain an unknown and unknowable for psychics, astrologers and Mediums as it is for the rest of humanity.

Sun in cancer struggles to understand Uranus and that is fine because nobody understands Uranus.  Sun in Cancer Uranus in Cancer, Libra, Aries or Capricorn struggle to cope with the impact of Uranus the most but they are also the most likely to have divine flashes of inspiration from nowhere.  Sun in cancer Uranus in Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio or Pisces cope best, sun in Cancer Uranus in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius or Capricorn struggle with recognising its impact and resolving those issues it highlights.

‘Take the money, Watch it burn, Sink in the river, The lessons I’ve learned’.

The feminine planets are: moon, Venus, Neptune and Pluto

the moon rules Cancer and thus those with Sun in Cancer relate to the moon well even if they don’t like the effects it has on their moods.  Those with moon in Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn will find the mood swing most difficult.  Sun in Cancer moon in Taurus, Virgo, scorpio and Pisces tend to cope much better with mood swing whilst those with moon in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius tend not to recognise this aspect of their personality.

when the moon’s expression is blocked it tends to be expressed as the negative attributes of the sun, attention seeking, grandiose behaviour and narcissism.

Venus represents our emotional expression through art, music, cooking, gardening and sex.  It represents the expression of our hedonism, passions and loves in life.  Venus represents the ability to express our nurturing, eroticism and romantic emotions through the above mediums.  Venus allows us to relate to each others emotional expressions and to express ourselves, physically, creatively and intellectually.  Venus is how we develop meaning in our personal relationships to each other.  Venus also represents our primal emotional needs such as security, comfort warmth, physical contact and care.  As babies we are born with primal emotional needs and Venus rules their expression, these are just as important than our primitive survival instincts, and we cannot thrive and develop psychologically stable relationships without them being fulfilled in some way.

Venus also represents imperialism, the ability to feed our hedonism by usurping another’s resources.  in this form she is the goddess of war, she wants what you have and she is willing to kill for it.  The ‘star’ of love is also the star of greed and selfishness.  Venus also represents where we are most easily corrupted or bribed into silence, our guilty pleasures.

Venus usurped the sky god Anu/Uranus to become queen of heaven and she still rules the equinox and astrological ages.  all revolutions are filtered through venus our hedonism, greed and selfishness are permanent aspects of society whatever revolution occurs.  Venus represents our personal desires: the good, the bad, the selfless, the selfish and the hidden and by these an impersonal god was always going to be usurped.

Venus is the morning star the name of both Jesus and Satan.   Venus as Inanna is not just the planet Venus but includes the pole star.  In the Age of Taurus the pole star was Thuban in Draco (the Tiamat) which is why Venus is exalted in Pisces but does not rule it. 500BC to 500AD there were twin pole stars.  This twin mythology is reflected in Christianity.  Satan as the twin that fell Thuban and later the dim twin star Pherkad, Jesus as the twin that rose.  Jesus calls himself the bright morning star that is Kochab, the brightest of the twin pole stars.  Satan falls because he does something he considers wrong, that is all sin is. Jesus rises because he takes a leap of faith and does what he thinks is right irrespective of consequence.  This duality is found in Lucifer and Hesperus the Roman names for the dual Gods of Venus.

Venus is represented by the cross, that is the celestial equator which marks the equinox and the Earth’s axial tilt on which the pole star sits at its northern end.  Jesus the human can only ascend to the pole star by dying on her cross.  In becoming the pole star he becomes God.  Venus is the cross on which we all sit, do we fall by our temptations or do we rise by our love.  All of us do both and as Saint Augustine stated it is mainly luck whether we are risen or fallen at the moment of our death. That is why it is foolish to pass judgement on another for they may be the risen one when they die and we may be the fallen.

This duality continues in Jesus representing all that are fallen: the homeless, jailed, sick, disabled, poor, unwanted, the abandoned and the excluded.  In him they become risen and it is those that would look down upon them that are the fallen. “For he who is least among you all is the one that is great.”

Venus is the judge, which Mars has to stand before the power we have to make another fallen, for not meeting our expectations or desires.  It is also the power to elevate to say that I see you naked with all your faults and I find you worthy of love, of my love.  To say that you are worthy and desirable even with all your faults and flaws on display for they make you beautiful to behold in my eye.

Venus and Mars are the closest planets to Earth and it is these symbols and their meanings which are the largest themes of our lives.  Venus is hedonism and pleasure, and right now we are going to talk about a subject that may be controversial to some euthanasia.  When people are incapable of experiencing hedonism or pleasure, when all they are capable of experiencing is pain even that most basic of drives ‘The biological Imperative’ is overruled and they wish to die.  That is their right for to lose our Venus expression is to lose our humanity.

The sun in Cancer understands Venus well, and the many moods they may have reflect her many faces.  Venus is a complex mix of emotions just like them.  sun in Cancer venus in Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn have a dynamic expression of their needs and are more openly direct.  Venus in Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio or Pisces tend to be more relaxed.  Venus in gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius is more likely to feel baffled by the contradictory desires and emotions they feel.

When venus expression is blocked it is likely to be expressed in negative Mars attributes such as violence and sexual aggression.  Or in the ultimate taking of one’s own life.

Neptune represents the emotional expression and relationship we have with our ideals, dreams, illusions and disillusionment especially our spiritual and religious expression of themes.  It represents the realms of inner emotional experience and how we internalise events into meaningful emotional experiences.  it also represent the illusionment and disillusionment found within these emotional interpretations, as a child we may emotionally interpret a parent leaving as them no longer loving us.  When we fall in love we fall under its magical illusion, only to be disillusioned by the person later.  with Pluto Neptune also makes up what is called the sacred feminine.  this is an aspect that applies to all humans irrespective of their gender, sexuality or sexual orientation.  This is about the development of emotional maturity and preparedness for death by developing our own inner meaning to our life and what we have accomplished.

“You must believe in magic or nothing magical will ever happen to you.” – David McMillan

Neptune is associated with GABA in our brains, GABA receptor stimulation makes us fall asleep, become more relaxed they also help relieve pain.  We don’t just produce oxytocin when we fall in love we stimulate GABA production, alcohol does the same.  Chamomile, Lavender, hops and chloroform stimulate GABA or GABA receptors which is why they are all associated with sleeping.  GABA is complex and we should avoid using any GABA products long term because they throw the body out of balance.  It is better to get your body to produce more GABA and yoga does this.

Neptune is also associated with Melatonin.  To increase melatonin all we need is the dark or dim lighting.  Melatonin does not just make us sleep but also regulates blood pressure, protects us from natural radiation and is an anti inflammatory.

Neptune symbolises our aliefs and beliefs.  An alief is when we act in a way that suggests we believe something.  For example if you are scared of bridges you may act in a way that suggests you believe it is going to fall however if you really believed a bridge was going to collapse you would not go on it.  Aliefs and beliefs are powerful emotional responses that can block our development due to fear.

Neptune and Jupiter rule magical thinking such as Dumbo having a magical feather that makes him fly.  We often have lucky coins, pants and other such items as a natural expression of this attribute or lucky behaviours such as touching wood. We also have the opposite things and events that bring us bad luck such as walking under a ladder or breaking a mirror.  Magical thinking is important in events when we come close to severe injury.  For example surviving a natural disaster, believing we are chosen not to die because of a yet unfulfilled purpose may make us more focused on helping others.  It also gives us a feeling of control in situations where we have little.

Magical thinking also gives us the placebo effect, which is important in many chronic conditions where there are no cures.  The placebo effect makes a difference to those lives, no matter how small that effect is.  However it also makes us more vulnerable people believe that the same paracetamol that costs £15 has a greater effect than the paracetamol that costs 5p.  We believe the £200 face cream must be better than the £1 cream.  When we say you only get what you pay for quite often all we are paying for is the placebo effect.  We believe that an injection is better than a pill and that an operation is better than an injection.  This means paracetamol is always less effective, we can buy it cheaply across a counter and we don’t need a surgeon to insert it in us.

Neptune in Sumerian mythology is the Nammu or the Tiamat, the great sea dragon.  She rules the celestial sea of the Northern hemisphere in which the stars sail across the sky at night.  During the Age of Taurus Thuban of the constellation Draco the dragon was the pole star.  The point of celestial North, the point of the northern rotational axis of the Earth.  It appears as though the heavens revolve around this point and the stars here stay always in the night sky they are the eternal ones, this point is an eternal point of origin in mythology.  Neptune rules the night and the sea, our mythological origins and our eternal being.  Neptune represents the setting sun, the dissolving of consciousness the place where we become dreamers and mystics.  Yet Thuban lady rib or lady life of the Tiamat also represents the central themes of being alive and being conscious.

This because Neptune symbolises the central aspects of what is meaningful and sacred to us.  In ‘Les Miserables’ the first book is Victor Hugo’s ideal of the perfect Christian.  The bishop gives his house to the sick since it is bigger than the ‘Hospital’ and moves in there instead.  he gives his money to the poor and wears his cassocks until they have holes.  However he has enough faults and flaws to remain human and likeable.  We see this best when he goes to give last rites to a dying revolutionary.  He talks about how evil it was to kill the king’s children, and the revolutionary talks about how evil it was that thousands of children should starve or be killed for taking food at the hands of the king.  The revolutionary reminds him that the king had no qualms about taking the lives of their children for his splendor.  He leaves with a less judgemental and more balanced view of the man.  The Bishop keeps his silver because it would upset his sister too much to get rid of it although it constantly preys on his conscience.  When Jean Valjean steals his silver he helps him on condition that Valjean help the poorest and most vulnerable in society, in this way he does what he wanted all along and uses it to help the poor, but he does it in a way that means he does not have to face the consequences of his actions in the form of his sister’s anger.  However in his actions the bishop leaves his sister destitute in the event of his death and he does so in a dishonest manner that is never dealt with by Hugo.  With Mars attributes you have a direct this is what I want and damn the consequences, attitude with Neptune the action is often indirect and in ways that are meant to stop us facing the consequences of our actions.  Consequences of actions are ruled by Saturn and this planet’s attributes are hard, but vital for humanity to grasp for Saturn represents our physical frailties as living organisms.  Neptune is soft like mist, and it like Jupiter does not like facing Saturn attributes.

In the second book we meet Hugo’s ideal of motherhood ‘Fantine’.  Fantine is the innocent in a group of three couples and unlike the rest she is in love.  Fantine has no memory of her own parents having grown up on the streets and looking after herself for as long as she can remember.  For the other couples it is just a game where the women are there just to profit as much as possible in the short time before they are abandoned.  When fantine is abandoned she is shocked and in disbelief.  When she finds out she is pregnant she believes he will return and love both her and their child.  Instead Fantine is forced to find a place for her child while she works to provide for her.  She takes the fancy ribbons from her hair and puts them on her daughter because they were a gift from her father and because she wants her daughter to be beautiful and have the things that she never had.  When Fantine loses her Job she sells the gold that is her hair and the pearls that are her teeth.  In resorting finally to prostitution she sells the rest of her body to feed her child.  fantine is the ideal of the loving mother who sacrifices everything to feed their child putting their own needs last.  However everything fantine sacrifices is in vain because her daughter’s carers spend it on themselves and use her child as a slave.

“I dreamed a dream in times gone by, When hope was high and life worth living, I dreamed that love would never die, I dreamed that God would be forgiving, Then I was young and unafraid, And dreams were made and used and wasted, There was no ransom to be paid, No song unsung, No wine untasted, But the tigers come at night, With their voices soft as thunder, As they tear your hope apart, As they turn your dream to shame” – ‘Les Miserables’ musical, ‘I Dreamed a Dream’

Fantine’s child does not gain by Fantine’s idealism, because Fantine’s idealism does not take reality into account or the consequences of our actions.  Fantine’s idealism in the end kills her and enslaves her child.  Fantine has too much Neptune attributes that are not being balanced by her Saturn attributes.  This is balanced by Jean Valjean who begins as a character by having all Saturn and Mars survival attributes but no Neptunian meaning within his life.  However this changes after meeting the Bishop and Fantine, the idealism and trust in both these moments, make them sacred events in his life which gives it new meaning.  These moments change his life forever as he adopts those ideals and battles his failures of the past.  Jean Valjean accepts responsibility for Cossette because he accepts responsibility for her mother’s death.

“Come with me, Where chains will never bind you, All your grief at last, At last behind you, Lord in Heaven look down on him with mercy, Take my hand and lead me to salvation, Take my love, For love is everlasting, And remember the truth that once was spoken, To love another person is to see the face of God” – ‘Epilogue’ Fantine’s lyrics from ‘Les Miserable’

Hugo, dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Dickens to some extent see the poor, the peasant (Aries) as the embodiment of true Christianity.  They fulfil the ideology of giving and sharing although they have the least to give and share in society.  This is part of the reason why these books are popular they contain the sacred that cannot be reached through reason.  We cannot gloss over this aspect as being the opiate of the masses as Marx said.  This is true of a shallow spiritual religious expression where Aries gets its due in the next world and the oppressors face their ‘Karma’.  This was part of the age of Pisces attempt at the unresolved issue of Aries peasant assuming the throne.

“They make the laws, To chain us well, Dazzle us with heaven, Or they damn us into hell, We will not worship, The God they serve, the God of greed who feed the rich, While poor folk starve” – ‘World Turned Upside Down’ by Leon rosselson

It is not only our illusions and idealism that form the sacred but our disillusionment as well.  The famous “Call me Ishmael’ from the start of ‘Moby Dick’, is saying the author identifies with Ishmael abandoned in the desert by Abraham (father of Judaism and Christianity) as God’s will.  Captain Ahab like his biblical namesake (married to Jezebel) battles with God in the form of a whale.  The whale took Ahab’s leg in much the same way that God can take a child or another loved one at any moment, in a sense Ahab is battling the God of dead children, natural disasters and misery.  God in the book takes the form of a white whale with strange markings that are undecipherable, unknown and unknowable an impersonal God that is no respecter of persons.  In a world created by our consciousness by finding meaning in things, the whale is just as undecipherable in meaning as the dead child is. There is no meaning for Ahab to find in the loss of his legs other than the battle with the whale. A battle that takes place at sea in the Tiamat, where there are no landmarks from which everything can be rationally mapped out.  The sea represents what is unfathomable and unknown and yet sensed and seen.  The last wild place where reason, science and civilization has yet to rule.  The place of sirens, sea monsters and pirates.  Here the sacred battle can wage on and meaning can be found in the lives of those that defy the sacred, challenge the sacred and defy the sacred.  Ahab is forever the man battling God or the Whale.

This is a theme we see repeated in ‘His Dark Materials’ trilogy which sees God finally killed in the last book.  This writing is mistakenly described as atheist it is actually gnostic.  If God does not exist he cannot be killed.  In this belief modern satanists are more honest than many atheists for they seek to do battle with God and religion in the same way that Ahab did, finding meaning in their lives fighting a nativity scene, a christmas tree or crucifix.  Atheists on the other hand are not meant to believe in the existence of God, thus should not find meaning in their lives battling him, his religions or Christmas decorations.  They are not supposed to define and find meaning within their lives by their relationship to God and religion, that is not secular.

Gnostics overcame this dilemma by inventing the demiurge, the God they wanted to battle was the fake one and although they have an unknown and unknowable God that provides the odd moment of inspiration (Uranus), they find meaning through battling the fake God that kills kids, causes earthquakes and is the cause of their disillusionment with the physical world (Neptune).  This was the acknowledgement that battling God is just as sacred and religious as worshipping God.  Melville was battling the God that killed his father, the God that was unknowable because his father was dead.  The God that left him without root and ritual.  Melville creates his own ritual through the battle.  He takes to the sea because he has no root to the land.

Neptune symbolises the space we call mystery, night, dream, sea, illusion and disillusionment.  The space in which we can challenge Fantine’s unnecessary sacrifices or find the ideal and beauty in them, sometimes both.  Neptune is the undefined space in which we find our own meanings and battles to fight in life.

“Do you hear the people sing, Lost in the Valley of the night, It is the music of a people who are climbing to the light, For the wretched of the Earth there is a flame that never dies, Even the darkest night will end, And the sun will rise” – ‘Les Miserable’ the musical.

Neptune rules the night and our dreams and it is then that the brain sorts through the day’s events and programmes itself anew to take into account all the new developments and it often does this process when we are dreaming.  Dreaming is a necessary act that fills the void of sleep much like Neptune itself.

“The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frighten me.” – Blaise Pascal

Neptune’s illusions and disillusionment fills in the infinite spaces that frighten us, what we fear more than disillusionment is the void that exists within us without it and our illusions.  Neptune is how we deal with our own inner emptiness, our own lack of essential meaning.  We imagine one, we create meaning in our dreams and because of this ability we can re-dream ourselves into whomever we become. We imagine a God to fight because it is better to be Ishmael and be abandoned by God than to be abandoned for no reason, just as it is better to fight a God that lets children die than to have them die for no reason.  We can fight and punish a God that does those things, we can do nothing without him, except accept them.

Saint Augustine admits in ‘City of God’ to having sex in a church before he was converted to Christianity.  Sex in church is the act of a believer, and he could not convert without having done so.  Saint Augustine was obviously angry with God, sex in church is an expression of rage and defiance of God.  I know because I had sex in every room of a manse, not with a man of the cloth but his son.  It did the same thing gave me the ultimate expression of rage and anger at the loss of my grandfather, it was the last act in my war with God.  In doing this I could admit I was not an Atheist, saying God doesn’t exist is like saying I don’t believe in fairies.  It is an attempt to kill, but deep down believers know it is a glancing blow. Sex instinctively is the ultimate act of profanity and thus defiance against God.  In doing this I was able to ‘convert’ back to Christianity.

Neptune is but it never exists and it cannot be expressed except through the other planets especially, Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus.  Neptune is the aesthetic in religion but it cannot be without the religion, the aesthetic in nature but it cannot be without nature, the aesthetic is but it does not exist.  Ideal is but does not exist, it is always what we strive towards, and it is created from our existence.  We need a real mother before we can create an ideal mother, Neptune is created from Saturn and cannot be without it.  Neptune is our reaction towards Saturn, reality and necessity which exist. Death is a necessity and reality of existence, Neptune is our reaction to it.

Sun in Cancer is more able to cope with Neptune attributes being a water sign.  When Neptune is in Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn this is a more dynamic influence in their lives, which requires them to learn the balance between idealism and futile sacrifice.  When Neptune is in Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio or Pisces the influence is one that is much more harmonious.  With Neptune in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius or Aquarius they struggle more with understanding how their Neptune attributes affect their decisions and life.

When Neptune attributes are blocked it can express itself in negative Jupiter attributes such as self righteousness, over confidence, excessive risk taking and moral superiority complex.

Pluto represents the development of emotional maturity through loss, trauma and experiencing emotional pain.  Pluto represents the heart of experience of all living organisms, which is necessarily birth,pain, struggle for survival, sickness, offspring, disease and death.  These things are common to all living biological organisms.  As we mature we face different emotional stage from being separated from our parents and learning they will return to watching a loved one becoming sick and dying.  From becoming emotionally independent to accepting our own death throughout our lives we are constantly maturing emotionally.  Each time we face death we develop better emotional skills to cope.  However Pluto can also represent emotional trauma that can occur before we are ready to deal with them such as the loss of a parent at an early age or abuse of some sort.  In these instance Pluto can block the full development of these other planets until the traumas are dealt with.

Pluto also represents the compulsion through which we can find meaning in our lives.  Kierkegaard fell in love with Regine Olsen, he did not choose to fall in love with her it was a compulsion over which he had no control and perhaps because of this he ran away.  He ran away because the compulsion to love another is risky the heart can be broken at anytime.  However in accepting he would always be in love with her he find the eternal in his life – his love for her and that gives his life meaning.  The moment he met her gave his life meaning and thus it becomes a fated moment the point his life was building up to, the point the rest of his life would revolve around.

“If all else perished and he remained.  I should still continue to be; if all else remained and he were annihilated, the universe would become a mighty stranger.” Emily Bronte ‘Wuthering Heights’

In accepting this eternal Kierkegaard also had to accept the temporal, that she may not be in love with him, that she may die at any moment and that he may die at any moment.

“Oh! you said you cared nothing for my sufferings.  And I pray one prayer – I repeat it until my tongue stiffens – Catherine Earnshaw may you not rest while I am living: You said I killed you haunt me then!  The murdered do haunt their murderers, I believe.  I know that ghosts have wandered on the earth.  Be with me always – take any form – drive me mad.  Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you.  Oh God! it is unutterable!  I cannot live without my life!  I cannot live without my soul!” – Emily Bronte ‘Wuthering Heights’

In accepting with these things Kierkegaard lives with the compulsion of eternal love that brings meaning to his life but which can end at any moment because both he and she are temporal beings and it is only their love that is eternal.  In doing so Kierkegaard embraces the happiness of love and the despair this compulsion brings.

“whatever our souls are made of mine and his are the same.” – ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Bronte

Note this is not the same thing as remaining in an abusive relationship because we ‘love’ somebody.  In that sense there is no honesty and meaning found unless we recognise that although we love this person and that love is eternal we cannot remain with the person to be abused for that is denying the temporal truth of the situation.  The truth is they are abusive and temporal here does not mean that they will change because they may well remain abusive until their death.  We must embrace loving somebody we cannot live with or cannot have a relationship with, face the despair of loving somebody we cannot be with due to temporal circumstances.  ‘Wuthering Heights’ is not about abusive relationships but an inversion of the oldest story that of the femme fatale.

The femme fatale has been told in many forms from sirens, Salome, Jezebel, Delilah, vampires, Mata Hari, Lilith and perhaps the oldest Ereshkigal.  Ereshkigal is Inanna’s twin sister, ruler of the underworld – note in ancient Greek mythology there was a Persephone long before there was a Pluto.

Ereshkigal and Persephone are the dark goddess that rules over the fertility cycle one that is shared by women.  Inanna is the fertility of the spring equinox and birth, her twin ereshkigal is the autumnal equinox and menopause the death or ending of the fertility cycle.  In mythology Inanna is killed when she visits Ereshkigal in the underworld.  Ereshkigal on killing Inanna assumes her fertility, this is the equivalent of giving a 70 year old woman IVF.  Ereshkigal is in pain for what has happened to her is unnatural.  Ereshkigal cannot birth a fertile land although she represents the sleeping soil that will.  To save the Earth and Ereshkigal Inanna must be resurrected and her place is taken in the underworld by her husband Dumuzi.

Dumuzi spends 6 months in the underworld and 6 months with Inanna just as Persephone spends 6 months in the underworld and 6 months with Demeter.  Except Dumuzid is replaced by his sister, which reflects the difference in growing seasons for different crops in the fertile crescent.  Dumuzi represents grains, cereals and lambing season his sister represents grapes and fruits of the vine.  However the principle is the same Ereshkigal is the infertile one, the barren one the woman who is sexual after her fertility has passed as is Lilith.  Lilith and Lilittu are spirits who were not fertile in life, they are incapable of being fertile in death.  These spirits haunt the dreams of young men in erotic dreams that cause them to shed sperm that cannot be fertile.  The same is true of the female vampire the dead are not fertile, their sexuality leads to permanent death for the DNA cannot be passed on to future generations.  In a world without pensions, care homes and welfare state it is our future generation that we rely on as we become elderly. Lilith represents starving to death in our old age, working until we drop.

Black moon Lilith is the point in the chart where the moon is furthest away from the Earth. The point where being a mother or having a mother or family is furthest from us, the point where we are most distant from the ‘we’ the point where we are solely dependent on the’ I’ in our old age, sickness or disability.  It’s opposite the point where the moon is closest to the Earth is Priapus an erect penis.  Lilith is not the feminist mistake, it matters not whether she lies beneath or astride adam she is infertile.  Lilith is incapable of being Eve mother of all, she is the dark desire that separates us from the ‘we’ that leaves us shunned and excluded from society, from nurturing and from its care. Lilith is a sexuality that cannot bring or sustain life and that is its darkness.  Pluto the planet furthest from our solar system’s own Goldilock zone (capable of sustaining life) is similar. Pluto is the bringer of death because he cannot bring life.

This is what makes Kierkegaard the grandfather of existentialism and Emily Bronte the grandmother.  For in choosing our own unique Pluto or Lilith we are being true to ourselves.  In ‘Wuthering Heights’ Cathy is torn between Linton the social norm, the ‘we’, nurturing, food and shelter and Heathcliff her soul, destruction, deprivation and social exclusion.  Linton is nice and easy the comfortable life.  Heathcliff is despair and torment.  In the despair and torment we find meaning because we choose beyond our comfort beyond the ‘we’ that we have defied.

This compulsion is not only about love.  Gandhi and Martin Luther King did not choose to act but were compelled.  Gandhi was on a train in South Africa whilst Martin Luther King was on a bus in USA, both were faced with situations in which they felt compelled to act, compelled to stand in front of another.  Both felt the compulsion to defy the exclusion as part of ‘social norms’ of the ‘we’ in those societies.  The compulsion is also a calling, it is the eternal moment from which all of our life can gain meaning.  The life itself is temporal but the moment is eternal, Gandhi and Martin Luther King are eternally freedom fighters driven by a compulsion that leads them to jail and even death itself.  Their Linton was the life of a respectable lawyer and the life of a respectable baptist minister.  Now they are eternally freedom fighters just as Dante is forever the lover of Beatrice as Kierkegaard is eternally the lover of Regine.

The compulsion that made Dante spiral into the abyss of the Inferno is also the compulsion that makes him ascend into paradiso guided by Beatrice.  It is on the seventh level of purgatory, lust that Beatrice guides him, afraid to pass through the flames of this level the angel of chastity reminds him that only by passing through this level will he find Beatrice on the other side.

“From that most holy wave I now returned

To Beatrice; remade, as new trees are

Renewed when they bring forth new boughs, I was

Pure and prepared to climb unto the stars” Dante ‘Purgatorio’

Pluto is not the religion bought at a new age shop for 5 cents, it is not the religion that fits in with your lifestyle and hipster friends, Pluto is not ‘true for me, because it works for me’.  Pluto is the opposite compulsion, ‘true for me, because it is the idea and ideals that I am compelled to work for, compulsed to sacrifice my lifestyle and friends for’, Pluto never works for us we work for him, we sacrifice our all and we do not need any rewards for doing so.  Pluto is not the phoenix rising in the ashes, it is walking into the flame without any need to rise in the ashes, walking into the flame for a belief, an idea and ideals regardless of the consequences.

The idea of being submerged in darkness to grow and develop is one you can see in the like of Dostoyevsky.  As a child of a doctor he witnessed as a teenager the horrific injuries of a 8 year old child raped by an adult man.  He also saw the illnesses and diseases of the poorest in society.  He saw his father’s neighbours accuse serfs of murdering his father so they would be cleared off the land.  He himself was sent to Siberia and shackled until his release.  he himself had a darkness within him in the form of antisemitism.  it is after the darkness of losing a child that he questions his own ‘Philosophical Christianity’.  The idea of agape love that does not require us to actually love is rebuked in ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ not by argument but by example. At the funeral of Ilyusha his schoolboy friends gather and Alyosha is compelled to promise to love them all forever and never forget them or this moment, all the boys join in.  In this act they create an eternal moment that is sacred to all of them, they become the lovers of each other.

“Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind, should auld acquaintance be forgot for the sake of auld lang syne” – ‘Auld Lang Syne’ Robert Burns

Memories of the dead are sacred, they are the memories of when they were part of our ‘we’, and those who share those memories become sacred too for they are the only ones we can perform the ritual of remembering with, the remaining we.  In the ritual of sharing memories we become each other’s lover.  For lovers share memories that bond them together.  It is the special memories we share that bonds us together as each other’s lover.

“Don Jose and donna Inez led, For sometime an unhappy sort of life, Wishing each other not divorced, but dead; They lived respectably as man and wife.  Their conduct was exceedingly well bred, And gave no outwards signs of inner strife, Until at length the smother’d fire broke out, And put the business past all doubt.” – Lord Byron ‘Don Juan’

Lord Byron has a dark and infamous history.  This poem was left unfinished by his death, the final exclusion from the ‘we’ but it is a reply to his critics the ‘we’ from which he had been excluded.  it is a very funny poem due to his ability to expose the hypocrisy of the social group he lived in and was excluded from.  this also meant it was unpopular at the time of writing although Byron was famous  the first two cantos of the poem were published anonymously.  The poem caused outrage and his published refused to publish any of the cantos.

The reason Byron was so penetrative of society was because he had a secret so dark in that society.  He preferred others to know he had sex with his own half sister than to know he preferred men sexually.  Byron lived at a time when being homosexual still carried a death penalty, incest however was a matter for the church and not the law.  This darkness haunted Byron what he hid rather than die found ways of expressing itself.  His relationship with the prostitute dressed as his brother was one example.  However it is his wife’s accusation of sodomy that puts his life in danger.  It is this that his half sister reacts to and not the accusations of incest.  For this puts his life in danger and in turn drives him into exile.

“But passions most dissembles, yet betrays, Even by its darkness; as the blackest sky, Foretells the heaviest tempest, it displays, Its workings through the vainly guarded eye, And in whatever aspect it arrays, Itself’t is still the same hypocrisy; Coldness or Anger, even disdain or hate, Are masks it often wears, and still too late.” – ‘Don Juan’ Byron

The repressed sexual desires of Byron made him have an affinity to women of the time.  women who wrote their darkest secret fantasies to him anonymously and those letters he kept in the thousands.  Byron inspired Heathcliff, sex for procreation and prosperity had died a death in him, he was Dracula the vampire whose seed was dead.

“And here’s to you Mrs Robinson, Jesus loves you more than you will know, Wo, wo, wo” – Paul simon ‘Mrs robinson’

‘The Graduate’ is the story of the menopausal Lilith / Pluto, Mrs Robinson.  She is trapped in a loveless marriage because of procreational sex, Elaine her daughter being the reason for her marriage.  It is one thing to choose despair and suffering for ourselves another to choose it for a child because of our actions.  Mrs Robinson chooses the societal norm she chooses to raise her child as part of the ‘we’.  ‘The graduate’ is the retelling of Byron’s ‘don Juan’ where he is the innocent seduced by young women forced into marriage with old men.  Except in this retelling they are forced into marriage because of lack of contraception.

‘The Age of innocence’ precedes ‘The Graduate’ it was written in 1920 but also has the same themes except it is Newland archer who has to forsake Ellen when his wife May becomes pregnant.  Eve the mother of all represents life and the innocence of new life but it binds us and traps us to a future that is often not our free choosing.  However in protecting the innocent we often have to slay our own vampire.  Both ‘The Age of Innocence’ and ‘The Graduate’ represent the death of social ages, the first killed by the mass slaughter of WWI and the second by contraception.  Pluto is generational and in this sense it is the death of our ‘we’ and the birth of the next generations ‘we’ as we become fewer and outdated.  The 60’s represented the ability to let loose our inner vampire without slaughtering the innocents.  Yet it is the innocent that is slaughtered in ‘The Graduate’ it is Elaine that suffers.  60’s is a time when people became drunk on their own freedom and it was the children who suffered sexual abuse and neglect under their new ideology.

“Yet each man kills the thing he loves

By each let this be heard,

Some do it by a bitter look,

Some with a flattering word,

The coward does it with a kiss,

The brave man with a sword!”

Oscar Wilde ‘Ballad of Reading Jail’

Sun in Cancer understands the ‘we’ and our connection to it for they are ruled by the moon they understand full well the pain of being disconnected from it, excluded and exiled.  When natal Pluto is in Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn this relationship is a dynamic one which is very prominent in the consciousness of the individual.  When natal Pluto is in Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces the relationship is more a harmonious awareness of these attributes and their necessity in life.  When natal Pluto is in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius or Aquarius it is much harder to understand how these attributes have shaped and continue to shape your life.

When Pluto expression is blocked it can be expressed as negative Uranus behaviour such as refusal to conform without a purpose in doing so, disruptive behaviour and inability to be part of any group.

The third set of planets and the nodes of the moon are neither masculine or feminine but represent how we perceive reality and our lives.  Saturn represents our own unique perception of reality, Mercury represents our own past experiences of reality which we use to imagine all present possibilities and predict the future.  South Node of the moon represents our past wormhole of the personality and the ‘we’ we are born into.  The North node of the moon represents the projected future of the wormhole of the personality until death when we finally leave the ‘we’.

“Hello, inner child, I’m the inner babysitter!” – Terry Pratchett ‘Hogfather’

Saturn represents our experience of reality.  If you throw a brick in the air it is likely to come back down and hit you on the head, no matter how many times you throw it or what the Einstein Bose compensate (when atoms behave as waves in quantum physics) says ought to happen.  Saturn is like Newtonian physics it is our own set of laws that govern our reality.  If gravity didn’t exist and bricks floated in the air the idea of them falling and hitting you on the head would not make sense or be realistic it would be a Neptunian experience.  Saturn does not deal with ideals, illusions and dreams like Neptune it deals with what happens when we fall or fail to prepare for winter.  Irrespective of whether that should happen in an ideal world it is what happens in the real world.  Saturn is the difference between ought and is.  However Saturn also encompasses our confirmation biases if you are liberal left and think all poor white people are racist, you will exclude all evidence to the contrary and focus on any event no matter how small that confirms your biases.

This means that in astrology Saturn is often viewed negatively because it deals with how the world is rather than how we would like it to be and our biases towards other groups.  Saturn makes us prepare, work hard and more importantly face the consequences of our own actions or inactions.  Saturn says if you can’t do the time don’t do the crime.  Saturn says there is no such thing as a free meal.  Saturn says if you fly with the crows you get shot with the crows.

In mythology saturn is the son of Uranus, unknown unknowns Saturn is the opposite of his father he is the known knowns.  If we swing on a chair we know that at some point it will tip backwards and we are likely to bang our head on the floor and it will hurt, it is a known known.

Saturn also represents parenting especially the setting of boundaries, laws or rules and consequences of actions.  For each of us how we were parented will be different, we will have grown up with our own set of family rules that we take for granted.  When we ourselves become parents we instinctively use those rules as a guide, this is when as parents we instinctively have two sets of rules each from our family and this is when things often get complicated.  Unless we can communicate effectively we are likely to get frustrated with each other breaking the rules, because both will have different rules they are trying to apply.  Saturn can block the full expression of other planets especially if we have had extremely authoritarian or permissive parents.

Saturn is the reality of your individual existence, the reality of your predicaments, frustrations, struggles, weariness, anxiety, alienation, dread, exclusion, sense of inauthenticity, sense of nothingness, sense of incompleteness, anticipation of aging, sickness and death.  We can have no empathy without Saturn for to understand Saturn is to have empathy for the rest of humanity.  Neptune is illusion it can never give us access to what it is for any individual to be human, Saturn is the realities of life for any individual and it is only through understanding their Saturn influences that we can have true empathy and understanding of them.  This is why natal Saturn is very important in synastry.

“‘You can’t give her that!’ she screamed. ‘It’s not safe’ IT’S A SWORD, said the Hogfather.  THEY’RE NOT MEANT TO BE SAFE.  ‘She’s a child!’ shouted Crumley. ITS EDUCATIONAL. ‘What if she cuts herself?’  THAT WILL BE AN IMPORTANT LESSON.” – Terry Pratchett ‘Hogfather’

The Sun in Cancer is opposite Capricorn which is ruled by Saturn.  These individuals understand the necessity of rules but they also understand the need for them to be just, fair and balanced.  Sun in Cancer Saturn in Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn individuals are very aware of just how hard and difficult life can be for others. Sun in Cancer, Saturn in Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio or Pisces recognise the necessity of Saturn influences in their lives and it’s more harmonious influences such as stability and security as contributing greatly to our successes and happiness in life. Sun in Cancer, Saturn in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius or Aquarius individuals struggle with recognising its effects on their lives and in dealing with issues around it.

Saturn is how we interpret the past wormhole of the personality rationally.  South Node of the moon is our personal emotional interpretation of it, it also represents epigenetics and genetics in general.  How we felt about our parents, our childhood, family and friends.  The special memories we have and our emotional responses to trauma and loss.  As already stated the moon represents our ‘we’, the South Node of the moon represents the ‘we’ we are born into.  It is also our genetic predispositions and epigenetics, how the effects of our ancestors lives changed their and our genes.

The south Node of the moon is the point where the moon passes the ecliptic or the path of the sun, to enter the celestial southern hemisphere.  The Northern point of the axial tilt represents a point of mythological birthing of the universe a point the stars revolve around, with everything originating here and thus moving south mythologically.

South Node of the moon, encompasses our genetics, our environment and our own personal family history.  More importantly it encompasses our emotional connection and access to these things, it is the beginning of where ‘I’ or the ‘Sun’ in astrology starts.  We all begin as part of a ‘we’ before we learn to separate ourselves as individuals and develop our own unique ‘I’ of the sun.  It represents the birthing of our individual consciousness.  In the parable of the sower, seeds fall in the thorns, on the wayside and some in fertile soil.  South node of the moon represents where the seed of your beginnings of consciousness fell.  This makes it a very sensitive spot.  It is the point that you as the sun emerged from the we of the family, parents and the moon. It along with the ascendant which is the Zodiac sign on the ecliptic east at the moment of your birth  (the place where the sun rises each morning), represents the emergence of you as an individual.  If you were born at sunrise your ascendant will be your sun sign, and this changes through the day as the sun and stars moves from its point of origin at dawn to the west to set.

The sun in Cancer is probably more sensitive to their South Node than most people.  Sun in cancer South Node in Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn will feel it the most.  Sun in Cancer, South Node in Taurus, Virgo, scorpio or Pisces will be generally more accepting of the South Node and have the least issues.  Those with Sun in Cancer and their South Node in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius will struggle with understanding its effects on their life and just why this area is a sensitive one for them.

Our personality is like a wormhole through space and time from the moment of our birth to our death.  It is the constant self throughout our life which is in continuous change.  Mercury represents all the infinite wormholes that exist from this present moment in time.  Before we act or make a decision there are infinite possible actions that can shape the direction our lives will take and each moment and decision has infinite possibilities.  we explore these future possibilities through our imagination, all possible wormholes can be explored and when we make a decision we choose a preferred path that collapses the infinite possibilities.  This is easy to do because all future wormholes are interconnected in future choices and consequences making them a network of possibilities rather than infinite separate routes.  This is like the internet or the cerebral network in our brains which are both Mercurial.

Mercury is like quantum physics in this sense and quantum physics like all science comes from re-imagining the world based on past experiences and testing whether those future wormhole possibilities stand up to experimental evidence. Our imagination takes our past experiences (Saturn our known knowns) and uses them to try and predict future events, this is called a hypothesis.  sometimes experiments prove our hypothesis wrong and we learn something new (Uranus our unknown, unknowns).  With each new thing we learn there are infinite possibilities.

This is why although there are infinite possible types of bagel we could buy, we prefer the choice of one or two; because bagels are relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of things we call our lives.  We don’t like to over invest our imagination in the relatively unimportant things though we like a choice, we like quick simple choices that allow us to live our lives.  This is why optical illusions work, Saturn tells us that from past experience all noses stick out we don’t have to waste time imagining what type of nose you may have, we just skip it and presume it is the same as every other nose.  Thus when we see the mask we see it with a nose pointing out because it saves us time and a lot of energy.  We live in a world with much more information than we have time to filter, to weigh up and to imagine the possibilities it offers us.  That means we have to become more and more selective about what information we deal with.

It also means we have to be more honest both climate changers and climate deniers are in fact identical they have neither the time, ability or resources to sift through the information at hand instead both sides are choosing an opinion – neither side is scientific or more rational than the other.  Both sides are taking a short cut because we have more scientific information than any human can process and have a normal functioning life.  Some scientists have to accept responsibility for this and start being honest, because they have been taking advantage of this situation to place themselves in a position no scientist should ever go to and that is the unquestionable authority – science works by questioning.  In fact those that question the scientists findings are being more scientific than those blindly accepting them.  However the obstacle still remains that the information is too numerous and complex for a simple answer or finding.  There is no simple experiment or proof to give the people.  Science like the news is one area where we have to accept we either spend all day checking the facts or we are just choosing an opinion that suits us at the present moment in time and fits into our own confirmation biases.

This is true also of academics they have no more real insight into facts than the rest of us have, they would not be able to function in their own fields if they spent their time investigating the facts of other fields they have to take a side or opinion too.  Academics are of little use to us.  We cannot trust their opinions more than our own because they too are just as blinded by their own confirmation biases.  Add to this the fact that science is supposed to be falsifiable, but none of us happen to have large hadron colliders in our gardens to check whether we get the same results or not and you get to the point of where science is in danger of killing itself.  Science that cannot be properly peer reviewed because it is too complex, and unfalsifiable ceases to become science and starts to become belief system.

This is why we were never meant to fully understand Uranus, because we cannot function when too many unknown unknowns become known, we cannot function when our systems are overloaded with too much information. We end up with people choosing scientists for climate change and demonising them for saying vaccines are safe, or vice versa people choosing the scientists on vaccines and demonising them over climate change. Add to this genetically modified crops and stem cell research and most people are all over the place.

However we are not the only ones.  The average life science paper published today is twice the length it was 25 years ago, that means it peer reviewers who are also practicing scientists with their own work and deadlines have twice as much material to review.  On top of this far more scientific papers are been published than ever before.  This means that it becomes impossible for them to be reviewed to the same standards of 25 years ago.  This is not just happening in one field, which specialises in anaesthesia papers that have been retracted and currently has at number one position Yoshitaka Fujii with 183 scientific papers retracted after it was discovered he was falsifying the results. 183 papers he published with falsified results passed through peer review process. Currently 500 anaesthesia papers a year are retracted, some with honest mistakes and others with faked statistics that have not been picked up by peer review or inconvenient facts that are omitted.   Science papers get recited on average between 10 – 20 times over 5 years in other papers this means there are estimated to be 1000 papers a year published on cancer that are using unreliable data from other studies.

“There is a loquacity that tells nothing, which was Bathsheba’s, and a silence which says much; that was Gabriel’s.” – ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’ Thomas Hardy

Mercury represents the imagination and learning new information but it also represents communication.  The enlightenment could never have happened without the printing press and the availability of books.  Now we have the internet, we have access to information as never before.  Good ideas are only useful if they are shared.  However we are bombarded by memes to the point good ideas and anything of any relevance is drowned out in the information overload.  This too is mercurial to have so much information and so little time to sort through it.  This is something we must also take responsibility for, how much of the meaningless memes and garbage of the internet do we ourselves generate.

Mercury is about communication, we can sit on a log but when we call that log a chair we give it a purpose, and that purpose is to be sat on.  We use language or more significantly words to give things a purpose.

“In the beginning was the word” – John 1:1

The word or logos is divine purpose.  Genesis starts with logos, divine purpose of night and day, seasons, earth and all that live on it. This ends with the divine purpose of the sabbath, this creation story is a creation of purpose.  It is not the how we got a universe but the why we have a universe and its divine purpose in our lives.  Science can give us the how when it comes to our universe but the why cannot be found in science, the why is a set of philosophical ideas that give us and the world around us purpose and meaning.  We give meaning and purpose to the unknown (Uranus) through our use of language (Mercury) this is why some confuse Uranus as a higher or God’s Mercury.  The truth is we don’t know if God even has a Mercury for we cannot communicate with him/ her/ it, we decide he has a plan and we invent the plan and the purpose.  God did not invent a plan for us we invented a plan for him and a divine purpose within our lives.  In this way Mercury is the messenger of the Gods, for our Mercury decides or imagines his purpose and plan just as it imagines our purpose and the meaning of it.  Mercury invents the meaning and purpose of events in our life and our relationship to the divine whatever that may be.  This means that the infinite choices of the moment are always viewed through our imagined purpose of the divine and of ourselves.

Because Mercury is always close to the sun and is an important aspect of being conscious whatever our sun sign is we have a good understanding of its attributes and it is one of the most primal forces in our consciousness.

The North Node of the Moon represents death, the moment we leave the ‘we’.  It also represents our emotional desires for the future such as children, grandchildren or ending world hunger.  It represents the purpose we want to achieve with our lives before dying.  The type of ‘we’ or society and family we want to have been part of creating and hope to be leaving at the point of death.  North Node of the moon represents our full development of Neptune and Pluto emotional maturity or the sacred feminine to the point that we are ready to die without regrets.  thus the North Node of the moon calls on us to gamble and take risks for what we want to achieve lest our talents forever remain unknown, unknowns even to ourselves.  It also calls on us to learn from our life and appreciate all that it has to offer us and this is the full potential of the sacred masculine Jupiter and Uranus.

for the day will come when all the future possible wormholes of the personality cease to exist or collapse.  If those with the Sun in Cancer have prepared themselves for the inevitable event they will be ready for the next stage.  Saturn will have turned their wormhole into the reality of their lives and they will walk down it visiting the faces of those they loved and all the precious memories into the bright light of their birth.  As they step beyond into the pre-existence or non-existence whichever they believe in happy with whatever they have achieved or accomplished in life.

Sun in Cancer in the 1st house

here there is a strong drive to connect with the environment and the community in order to create a more balanced society and give a shared sense of ownership of our natural resources.  These individuals are usually more direct than most Sun in Cancer individuals and they can also exhibit a fiery temperament when they feel their family or community is being threatened.  They tend to be passionate about their relationships and invest a great deal of energy in them.  They love being with friends and family but these individuals are dynamic at getting what they want at work and in life in general.

Sun in Cancer in the 2nd house

Here there is a strong urge towards creating a very stable and fertile home environment.  Whether that fertility is in a creative form or in the wise use of natural resources these individuals always make the most out of what they have in life.  They are generally more emotionally balanced and calmer in their expression than a lot of people with the Sun in Cancer are.  They tend to handle trauma and loss better than most and are often a tower of strength for family and friends at stressful points in their lives.  These people are often also more outgoing than they first appear and can be the leader in their group of friends.

Sun in Cancer in the 3rd house

Here the individual is very expressive and open to all kinds of experience as they rarely feel uncomfortable with any type of new experience and situations.  They are very matter of fact about relating to other people from varying backgrounds and work hard at seeing things from all types of experience and not just their own.  However when it comes to what they want out of life these individuals can be very stubborn and stand their ground under immense pressure.

Sun in Cancer in 4th house

here everything is going on under the surface these people are very introspective and like to be alone with their thoughts to work out what exactly it is they feel and want.  They are good at holding in their feelings and saying nothing but that is a shame for they are more vulnerable and a lot more sensitive than others realise.  Part of this is they are also very capable and organised individuals and it is this practical and sensible side of their personality that most see but in private they like a shoulder to cry on and somebody to support them for a change.

Sun in Cancer in 5th house

These individuals are very expressive and tend to channel their emotions into creative projects of some type.  They feel a strong connection with the natural world and children in particular.  although they have a flair for the dramatic at times they are likely to be the most practical and reliable person in their group of friends.  Most importantly they need to be able to express their emotions openly and honestly with others and like people who are also direct and to the point.  They are good at understanding the darker impulses we all have and tend to be open to expressing them in some form.

Sun in Cancer in 6th house

Here the individual is very hard working and also feels very responsible for the welfare of those around them.  They are at their best in close relationships where they have the confidence to express their dramatic or creative side more.  They have a knack of turning their dreams into reality through sheer grit and determination.  They also tend to be very direct in the way they talk to others and prefer people who are plain spoken and say what they mean, this does not mean they are nasty but that have a flair for relating to everybody without the need for fancy words.

Sun in Cancer in the 7th house

Here the individual tends to be very romantic and tends to invest a lot of energy in their close personal relationships.  Relationships although important do not feel easy for these people due to an inner dynamic which pulls them in different directions when it comes to expressing their emotional needs.  They tend to appear very self reliant and can be tough as old boots when they need to be but they need to feel relaxed and comfortable before expressing what they really want and at time their emotions can feel overpowering only because they are kept restrained most of the time.

Sun in Cancer in 8th house

These individuals can seem very intense but underneath it all they have a core stability that means they can weather any of life’s storms without completely losing the plot.  Their intensity is not from an inability to cope but from a desire to really connect to other people and what it means to be human.  Not only are they intense but they are also very direct and tend to go after what they want in life but can lose interest if they achieve things too quickly as they enjoy the struggle.  These people are great fun to be around and like their friends to have a good time and enjoy themselves

Sun in Cancer in 9th house

These individuals have a bit of a dare devil streak to them that comes out spontaneously when most people least expect it to.  They can be quite deep thinkers especially on issues of morality and ethics and have an intense desire to find their own intrinsic meaning within their lives.  although they may be dreamers they are also down to earth and practical when it comes to putting their ideas into action.  They have the drive and energy to work hard and achieve their dreams and also the ability to make others visualise the possibilities they believe in too.

Sun in Cancer in 10th house

here the individual is much more balanced in their emotional outlook than a lot of Sun in Cancer individuals because they have a strong inner core of stability.  These people also don’t know what rest and relaxation is they are always striving in work, at home and in their personal relationships.  They are direct in achieving what they want and don’t tend to stop until they win even in relationships they need a partner who will put up some resistance and fight for their corner.  Often they come from a tough beginning in life and they know they won’t return to it without a fight.

Sun in Cancer in 11th house

Here the person places a great emphasis on friendship and camaraderie. They are very social in their outlook on life and tend to enjoy being part of the crowd which is unusual for most Sun in cancer. They are also more stubborn and determined than most and like to do things their own way.  They also need more freedom and autonomy than most Sun in Cancer individuals and like to be part of many different groups.  When it comes to love they are stubborn once they make their mind up they will not give in.  They tend to feel passionately about equality and justice and are driven to protect the more vulnerable in society.

Sun in Cancer in 12th house

here the person is very introvert at times and needs space on their own to reflect.  They have a vivid imagination and like to daydream, but all of this serves as creative source within their lives because they have the capacity to imagine things differently they als have the capacity to create those differences and often do.  They are also very hardworking individuals and are very practical when their heads are not in the clouds imagining a different future for mankind.

Posted February 28, 2017 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Sun in Sign & Houses

Your Hidden Mr Hyde and Fascism, Uranus opposite Jupiter Transit   2 comments

Uranus or Anu represented the impersonal God of Uruk in Sumerian mythology.  The God of the rotating sky, by which we can determine the seasons, God of the pole star Thuban (serpent of the sea dragon Tiamat or Draco as the constellation is now known) by which they found direction of North.  This point is the point of mythological genesis.  Understanding astrology means understanding this symbolic point.

It looks as if the world revolves around the celestial axis because the earth does, from earth we see the stars revolve around this point.  The axis cuts straight through the Earth from North to South or vice versa. The star and the point of celestial North mark a mythological genesis point where the universe begins or the big bang.  This point in Sumerian mythology is Nammu, the primordial Goddess that gave birth to the universe.  Ancient cultures didn’t belief the world revolved around the Earth they believed it revolved around the axial tilt because they could see it doing so with their own eyes.  The pole star does not move in the night sky everything else does, all the other circumpolar stars revolve around it.  To be head sky God you have to be at the centre of the universe, the one everything revolves around.

How Anu became the centre of the universe, you need to know about his predecessor to understand.  In Sumerian Mythology Thuban the serpent of Tiamat or constellation of Draco ruled the Northern point of the axial tilt.  The sky North of the celestial equator is the sea or the Tiamat showing her dominance.  The sky south of the celestial equator was the Absu/Apsu fresh water.  Remember the axial tilt hits a mythical south point and this is where Enki resides.  Enki was the Deity of Eridu/Eridug the first Sumerian city state.  The waters of Enki or the Absu rise up through the axial tilt and cut through the Earth just as the axis does, Enki fertilises the Earth with his water and Absu/Apsu fertilises the Tiamat.  Fresh water and semen are the same word in Sumerian writing, they both fertilise or as Jesus called it living waters. “If any man thirst let him come unto me and drink.”  “He that believeth in me according to the scriptures, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living waters.”

Enki in Mythology becomes sick and Ninhursag Lady of the Mountain representing Earth cures him by creating Ninti, Lady life, Lady rib and lady arrow from his rib.  Ninti is Thuban the pole star it is the northern point of Enki’s rib, later in mythology that rib will once more belong to the Tiamat when she is slain.  But at that time Enki’s rib is the axial tilt from celestial south through the Earth to celestial north at the pole star she is Ninti lady life a representation of Ninhursag Lady mountain created from Enki.  This is similar to the Djed in egyptian mythology.  When Set kills Osiris by trapping him in a coffin, his body is swept into the ocean by the Nile and is washed ashore at Byblos (where the title Bible originates) in Lebanon.  Where it washed ashore a sacred tree sprang up containing the body of Osiris.  The King/ruler of Byblos had the tree cut down and used as a pillar in his palace Isis requests the pillar and extracts the coffin the pillar is then anointed.  The pillar represents the spine of Osiris, in Egyptian mythology it is the spine that produces semen or gives life to us, it is the spine in which the Kundalini (serpent) rises in Indian mythology. It is the pillar of Djed(axial tilt) that holds up the world and produces stability. Just as it is our spine that holds us up and provides us with stability.  Byblos is a Greek translation of Gubal which means well or origin, Jabal also means Mountain in Arabic.  Both Lebanon and Dilmun are cited as the garden of Eden in Sumerian mythology. Dilmun (Bahrain) an island in the Tiamat from which fresh water rises up through wells it is symbolic of the mythology of the Celestial north.  Lebanon which represents mountains (Ninhursag, Lady Mountain or Lady earth), Byblos the well (Absu or the rising waters of Enki), Cedar representing the good tree, tree of life, tree of knowledge, the pillar that holds up the sky – it is the trees of the Cedar that were traditionally used in temples and boat building. The Cedar as a boat floats in the Tiamat.  Dilmun was an important trading place between sumerians/Mesopotamians and Indus Valley civilization, Lebanon is also important for access to wood for temples and ships it too is a trading place where the grass is always greener. Eden is the point of Celestial North but also a representation of its fertility the womb that gave birth to the universe and our home the Earth.

However there is no evidence that the early Sumerians knew the Earth was a sphere, Absu/Abzu/Apsu also refers to Aquifers that lie under the ground and the Absu rising in the Tiamat is a mythological representation of upwelling as well common in the gulf.  The mythological point of origin of Absu is the celestial south of the axial pole whatever shape they did or did not presume the Earth to be.

Anu god of the later city state Uruk usurps Enki as chief deity by becoming his father, and having him building his temple.  Anu represents the celestial equator which crosses the Axial tilt at the centre of the Earth.  Anu is the centre point of the cross which also makes him the centre point of the axial tilt.  This is reflected in later Babylonian astrology when Anu/Inanna rule the equatorial stars and the signs/ constellations of the equinox. Enki the southern Hemisphere stars, Aquarius the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates (absu/apsu)  as well as the constellation of the winter solstice (sun at the most southern point) and Capricorn sign of the start of the flooding of the Euphrates and Tigris representing Enki/Ea himself.  Enlil the Northern hemisphere starts especially Bootes as the plowman and Antares the star closest to Ursa Minor, Leo sign/constellation of the summer solstice and the sun’s most Northern point.  Enlil and Inanna’s role in this mythology is best understood by understanding Anu.

Anu is impersonal he moves the sky but his purpose is unknown and unknowable.  Anu is responsible for changes, all the good and all the bad changes, but we can’t figure out what we are being punished or rewarded for or if it is all impersonal and we don’t matter.  A God that does not intervene and see our side of the argument is immune to worship.  A god we cannot placate is a god in which worshipping becomes futile.

This corresponds with Pascal’s night of fire and the revelation that the God of Isaac and Abraham is not the God of the philosophers but an unknown and unknowable God.  Uranus is the God we cannot relate to.  The God that lets kids die of Cancer without reason and so we castrated him.  Uranus brings out the violence in us for Uranus also represents our own castration and frustration our own unknown and unknowable aspects of our personality – the inner demons we hide from ourselves lest we see into our own abyss, for the celestial axis and celestial equinox meet in the heart of Hades or the underworld and it is at this point he fertilises the Earth, Ki or Gaia.  Hades the place, in Sumerian is Kur or Kigal later Irkalla in Akkadian and is ruled by Ereshkigal – Queen/scented house of the Great Earth/Land or Ninkigal, Lady of the Great Earth/Land.

In Uruk his castration of power was in the worship of a queen of heaven who usurped his powers Inanna or Venus.  She is sometimes his wife and sometimes his daughter.  Originally his wife was Uras – Ur means hill, mound or mountain.  Kur is not only the underworld but also Sumerian for mountain and can be used instead of Kir for land, it is also the name of the first dragon that dwells in the centre of the Earth, under the mountain from which it sometimes rises in the form of smoke and fire.  The dragon under the Earth is a parallel for the dragon of the North celestial axis. It is likely that Uras is a representation of Ereshkigal, Ninhursag and the Tiamat/Nammu.  Enki mythology both Ninhursag and Nammu are used interchangeably both are his wife and both can be represented by the pole star.  In mythology Inanna becomes the twin sister of Ereshkigal and it is she who visits the underworld at the slaying of the Golden Bull of Heaven at the spring equinox instead of Anu.  Due to venus having a closer proximity to the sun, it is always near the equinox at the spring solstice.  Inanna is also queen of heaven and thus the pole star as well as Venus.

In sumerian mythology it is Inanna who breaks the back of the scorpion to end its grip on the earth and the autumnal equinox and because Inanna has broken the back of the Scorpion the nights will once more get longer.  In greek mythology Inanna becomes Aphrodite born from Uranus castration, but Inanna is also Urania daughter/wife of Uranus.  The impersonal God is replaced by the Goddess of love, hedonism, pleasure, power and greed.  The Goddess who is very personal and very relatable.  This Goddess rules a city state so large and powerful, Uruk becomes the symbol for the word city not only in Sumerian but Assyrian and other cultures that borrowed its cuneiform writing.  The name of that city Uruk may lead to the name of the country Iraq, which may be derived from Aramaic Erech pronunciation of Uruk.

Anu remains merely as a symbol, he represent the ancient settlement that existed during the Eridu period, hence the claim that Anu is the father of Enki, the Uruk period 4000 – 3200 BC is Inanna at at her most powerful.  It saw a shift from smaller agricultural settlements to larger urban cities like Uruk the first real city in the world, with a full time bureaucracy, military and stratified society.  When any settlement increases to a certain point self organisation and communication gets stretched to breaking point.  This means that a bureaucratic class becomes essential.

However even great empires fall and another takes their power, Inanna and Anu are usurped by another city state God Enlil of Mesopotamia, Nippur means city of Enlil and becomes the spiritual centre of Mesopotamia, and she becomes his granddaughter subservient to the God of the new ruling empire.  Enlil is in turn replaced by the Babylonian Marduk or Jupiter.  Enlil castrates Anu by mythologically stopping the God of the spring solstice penetrating the earth, by prevention of this penetration Anu has no access to the axial tilt.  He makes Innana his granddaughter and puts Ninlil on the dais as represented by the pole star.  This mirrors later Chinese Dragon mythology where the Dragon becomes not only a representation of the Emperor but also the storm God.

“I am asking about the relationship to the Deity of all the different beliefs of mankind.  I am asking about the general revelation of God to the whole universe with all those cloudy nebulae.  What am I doing?  To me personally, to my heart, has been indubitably revealed a knowledge unattainable by reasoning, and I obstinately wish to express that knowledge by reason and words.

Do I not know it is not the stars that are moving?  But I, watching the movement of the stars, cannot picture to myself the rotation of the earth and I am right in saying the stars move.” – Leo Tolstoy ‘Anna Karenina’

At the time of the Rise of Babylon as ‘The’ city state, the pole star which was Thuban in Draco changes to kappa Draconis in Draco however because this star is not bright, Kochab was used as the pole star.  In Babylonian mythology Marduk / Jupiter slays the great sea dragon the Tiamet who wants to pass the ‘Tablets of Destinies’ onto Kingu or Qingu – the unskilled labourer,peasant, red neck, pagan, plebeian or the sign of Aries (Babylonian constellation of the agrarian worker) which had replaced Taurus as the constellation on the eastern horizon as the sun rose at the spring equinox.  Marduk slays Tiamet and places her rib at the centre of the world to hold up the heavens.  He also delivers Qingu to the underworld just as Inanna or Gilgamesh had despatched the Golden Bull to the Underworld.  Aries is the time when the peasant is struggling to be heard and the head deity is the one that can keep them in control, Taurus represented hedonism provided by agriculture – Aries its continuation by abuse of power to enslave others.

This mythology is also reflected in Adam and Eve.  Eve in Hebrew means life and it come from the hebrew word for serpent as Thuban does.  Adam and Eve is a retelling of Enki / EA and Ninti – lady rib or lady life.  Enki / Ea was the god of the first Sumerian City state Eridu / Eridug.  In Sumerian mythology Ninti or lady life comes from Enki’s rib not the Tiamat.  Enki in Marduk mythology slays and usurps the powers of the Absu/Apsu or the constellation of Aquarius which represented the water of the Euphrates and the Tigris to create mankind. The Apsu represented freshwater or semen – water that can fertilise the Earth and make it green.  The Tiamat represented seas both on earth and the primordial sea on which the stars floated in the night sky.  The Absu or Apsu being the husband of the Tiamat can be represented by her Pole Star Thuban as a sign of procreation – Thuban or Ninti is the daughter of Enki she is created from his rib but she is also the Tiamat / Thuban incarnate in Eve.  The pole represents the eternal heaven its stars stay in the night sky whatever the season they are eternal.  The pole star represent eternal life, she is the mother of all.  The Tiamat is also the great serpent or the constellation Draco wrapped around the tree of knowledge, which is also the tree of life, the North celestial pole.  Eve has already given the peasant knowledge of good and evil, The Tablets of Destinies she has to be banished before they are given immortal life.

She does this through giving the tablets to Enki who with her is the symbolic father of humanity, for he is God of the first Sumerian city state, a city of ruins that poses no political threat to the powers of the day.  In claiming descent from Enki and Ninti they are claiming equality with Sumerians, Mesopotamians and Babylonians they are saying we are one of you.  This is a wise thing to do if you are a Babylonian captive.

In Marduk mythology he wrestles the tablets of destinies back from the peasant kingu or the constellation Aries, under Marduk’s or Jupiter’s reign the peasant is created a beast of burden to work for the God of the Babylonian city state for their leisure.  Aries will not rule the spring equinox for Marduk has fashioned himself the son of Ea or Enki and the New rib of the Tiamat which holds up the sky, kappa draconis is his rib placed there after he slays the Tiamat and it is dead, it has no power Kochab ‘The star’ does.

This mythology is also reflected in Hurrian myth of Teshub / Teshup slaying the dragon, the Hittite myth of Tarhunt slaying the serpentine dragon and in Zeus and the Typhon.  The spring festivals of Puruli (celebrated by the Hattian people of Anatolia), and Akitu (celebrated by Babylonians) recreate the myth of Marduk and lead up to the spring equinox.  This is also part of Gilgamesh or Pabilgamesh and his usurping of Inanna, Inanna cannot remove the serpent from the tree Gilgamesh does it for her – Gilgamesh has the power to control the heavens.

Pabilgamesh relates to Pabilsag the constellation of Sagittarius, city god of Isin.  Isin was a city close to Nippur and thus Pabilsag (great descendent, city may date as far back as Ubaid period as a settlement) is the son of Enlil due to the dominance of Nippur. However when the Elamites invade Mesopotamian power retreats to Isin and from Isin the Mesopotamians still rule Ur, Uruk and the spiritual centre of Nippur.  This is a time when Uruk is also becoming less important, in the epic of Gilgamesh an early king from Uruk’s height of power, with an ideal name Gilgamesh means chosen one of the ancestors and that relates nicely to great ancestor could be interpreted as being the chosen one of the great ancestor, is chosen to represent Pabilsag and Isin as always being part of Uruk mythologically and its rulership.  To do this gilgamesh needs to usurp Inanna.  He does this by slaying the Golden bull of heaven, Inanna or Venus still rules the sign of Taurus and the spring equinox to replace her is to usurp her.  It is Gilgamesh who mythologically changes Thuban as the Tiamet to Thuban as Inanna.  This is because ‘The Epic of Gilgamesh’ earliest written copies pre-date both Marduk and the change in pole star, although Thuban is moving from the pole at this point.  But pabilsag is the son of Enlil the ploughman that put Ninlil Virgo the field of cereal on the dais of Thuban, making Thuban Ninlil’s star.  Pabilsag is the ancestor of the Marduk mythology and Pabilsag or Sagittarius is ruled by Marduk or Jupiter.

This is why the signs at the equinox and the constellations no longer match, symbolically Aries the peasant is still striving to overthrow Marduk we have ancient symbolism that is still unresolved.

When the constellation of Pisces sat on the eastern horizon at the time of sunrise on the spring equinox we had twin pole stars. Kochab ‘The star’ and Pherkad ‘The dim one of the two calves’ of Ursa Minor the little bear.  We have twin pole stars and this ties into the mythology of the Gemini constellation which now marks the summer solstice.

Pisces the constellation is the remnant mythology of the Tiamet, Thuban and her fall.  Gemini absorbs the immortality of the twin pole stars into the constellation that sets and rises in the form of resurrection and eternal life for all including the peasant.  Yet Kochab the brightest of the twin pole calves still represents Marduk – Babylonian for Bull calf of the sun God Utu, this gives him a permanence of both the sun and the pole star – Marduk is always in the sky night or day.

What is more when Gemini was the constellation of the spring equinox Theta Bootes was the pole star, Bootes represents Enlil as the ploughman.  The big dipper is the plough, Kochab and Pherkad the calves that pull it.  Today Polaris is the pole star it is also part of Ursa minor.  Enlil is still the ploughman that moves the heavens and the bull still brings the spring equinox.  Polaris will continue to be the pole star until around 3,000 AD/CE when gamma Cephei,’The Shepherd’ takes its place.  So Marduk / Jupiter is still under the influence of Enlil and Enlil is the symbol of Leo and the self, it is Hercules with his lion skin, only that lion skin controls Hercules and not the other way round.  Hercules cannot remove the lion skin and neither can we our beliefs and judgements are based on our own thinking and that means they are based on our own best interest even when we pretend otherwise.

So we have Uranus symbol of the unknown and unknowable sky God in Aries the sign of the peasant and the peasant ruler Prime ministers and Presidents.  Aries represents peasants assuming the throne of kings, emperors, high priests and popes, it is the overthrowing of the caste system.  But the peasant when he ascends the throne becomes the elite and thus the peasant is forever castrated from attaining power.  Uranus in Aries is symbolic of this frustration.

We have seen Uranus in Aries, Square Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Cancer and opposite Mars in Libra.

Lets start there with the symbolism.  Capricorn represents Enki himself it is only the water or Absu/Apsu of Enki that is represented in Aquarius.  Enki was the Patron God of the city state of Eridu/Eridug the first Sumerian city state.  The city although involved in trade was self reliant having a population that fished, grew agricultural produce and raised livestock.  The population although large was small enough to feed itself.  Capricorn represents this self sufficiency, hard work and management of resources wisely.  It represents our ability to be self sustaining as a community and it represents the ability to trade, save and everything associated with traditional banking whether that is seeds, grains or other resources put aside until required.

Capricorn represents the plenty we can produce by our own hands if we have and use our resources wisely.  It represents fairness and respect for agreements between parties.  Pluto is Ereshkigal the dragon under the mountain the twin sister of Inanna.  In reality she is the twin of the Tiamet.  The axis goes through the centre of the Earth itself, The dragon above is also the dragon at the centre of the earth.  Ereshkigal represents the dead as immortal spirits of the underworld.  We plant the dead in the soil just as we plant seeds and Ereshkigal represents this duality, lady death is also lady life.  Pluto represents all that is dark and hidden within us and society at large, it represents our darkest desires and our deepest fears.

The rod of Asclepius with the snake entwined is the symbol for medicine or rather the symbol of resurrection and eternal life, Asclepius is killed for bringing the dead back to life and robbing Hades of his subjects.  However the earliest snake staff is that of Ningishzida, Lady of the good tree and it has two snakes entwined one representing Thuban itself the other representing the constellation of Draco.  Ningishzida is sometimes male and then she is the son of Ereshkigal, the Lady/Queen of the dragon under the mountain and the lady of the good tree are however the one thing, the axis cutting through the earth.  Hermes or Mercury ruler of the twin stars Gemini, and  Ninlil or Virgo also has the double snake staff and thus he can visit the underworld at any time.

We have the peasant castrated from usurping the throne and the darkest desires of the banking world and our deepest fears of them, not to mention the abandonment or death of those Capricorn values themselves or our inability to access and control our own resources anymore.

Jupiter in Cancer, we bring in our beliefs about our environment.  Cancer represents all environments but is especially connected to our first the womb.  Jupiter represents our beliefs about our environment, family, community, culture and nationality.  More importantly Jupiter represents how our beliefs drive our actions.

Lastly we have Mars in Libra.  Libra represents the claws of the Scorpion that held the world in balance at the time of the autumnal equinox, Libra represents the striving for balance and equality or fairness it is also symbolic of the scales of justice.  Mars represents our most basic instincts common to all life and that is survival and reproduction. Mars in Libra is all about the need for balance, justice and equality because our lives depend upon it and the lives of future generations.  Mars here is an instinctive reaction to injustice and inequality.

It is no surprise then that at this time we have the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street and Scottish Independence referendum.  It is no surprise that these issues are still unresolved.  Pluto is still in Capricorn and still square Uranus except now we Jupiter in Libra opposite Uranus as well.

Jupiter represents beliefs and how those beliefs drive our behaviour.  Right now those beliefs about equality and justice are opposing the castrated peasant.  Lets deal with some of those beliefs.

White privilege: white students should not enjoy their education but feel guilty, hispanic and black students do not have to feel guilty for rising to privileged position in society it is equality for them to have privilege and inequality for others.  Poor white people will not get a college education and that is okay because they have white privilege they don’t need it and they don’t deserve it.  Poor black people are subjected to racism because they do not get an education and some white people do this shows that white privilege is real.  Although privilege without acknowledging it can only exist for elite if a majority of black, female, hispanic, disabled and other groups are kept in poverty. Thus black, female, hispanic, disabled and others never benefit but keep an elite in power.

White privilege does not move towards equality for all it does not address racism but use poor black people to drive the idea that those with privileges do not have them and are not part of an elite system.  Under this although Barack Obama was President of USA and one of the most elite men in the world he is still regarded as having less privileged and a harder life than a white homeless man or woman.  However because it pits the poorest in society against each other it does prevent them uniting and demanding more equality.

It also raises the issue that the black peasant like the Arab peasant or the white peasant cannot sit on the throne only the black elite, Arab elite and the White elite.  No black president can overcome racism and no female president can overcome sexism because it is only the elite than can sit on the throne.  Thus the Aries conundrum still exists.  Except now we have the term ‘privilege’ to justify people never having any right to sit on the throne as peasants.  Not only can the peasant not sit on the throne like Marduk in mythology the peasant is being told he has no right to it, and his job is to slave away for the throne sitters because he has ‘privilege’ and because he has ‘privilege’ his lack of access to resources is his fault and not the elite throne sitters because they made it without ‘privilege’.  This is ‘Catch 22’ brought to life when the elite have no privilege and no responsibility for their dependence on inequality, and the peasant is to blame and has all the ‘privileges’ denied the poor elite.

Thus we have a clash of justice, either a system of massive inequality which is deemed fair because people have ‘privilege’ that doesn’t exist but marks them from birth to be a slave and have no right to expect a share of the elitist gains.  Or we challenge this ideology, and we pick somebody that represents this ‘privilege’ and offends the ‘elite suppression using victimhood’ and we put them on the throne.  This my friend has happened.

This is the reason Donald trump was elected president. However the myth of the peasant throne still holds strong despite never being achieved and putting Donald Trump on the throne is admittance that the myth is a bust, it does however let the elite know the ‘privilege’ con is over.  That may take a while to sink in and the elite is rallying its celebrity and academic elite to fight it ‘for the sake of humanity peasants must be slaves’, cry is ringing loud and clear from all quarters just now.  Trump the reality star embodies Kim Kardashian white trash hell – the peasant is on the throne and the Anarchists are outraged that he has sullied it.  The Anarchists those supposedly against Hierarchy are enraged that a white trash peasant instead of Graeber or Chomski dared to put his arse on their throne.  You can rape and sit on that throne like Bill Clinton, you can bomb the entire planet like Obama, but speak like Kim Kardashian and the end of the world is upon us all.

That leaves one major issue – ‘the end is neigh’ers.  They are ready to kill to keep the peasant throne myth alive they have self righteous indignation on their side.  This is especially true of those of the ‘victimhood, free pass to elitism’ group, even if they were never getting that free pass to elitism but being kept in poverty to guarantee another’s freedom to elitism without responsibility.  For this has worked as well as the ‘American Dream’ that nobody was ever going to get but even better it has social responsibility and equality twist that ensures the opposite for the elite for ever more.

Although the fight right now is about free elitism and ensuring poverty through the ‘privilege’ mythology if the myth is busted a new Aries mythological step may be created. If  Aries can’t sit on the throne and be Aries in what way can the peasant rule, Uranus is the unknown, unknowns this is what we may discover soon.

Saturn will soon be in Capricorn symbolising that the hidden bodies of the banking system will be revealed, tough times and tough action taken are ahead but some of those resources may well head back to the peasant especially the land as the source of our food and all our resources.

Before this Venus is conjunct Uranus at the beginning of June and whether or not the peasant gets his share of the elite’s hedonism will be on the agenda symbolically.












Sun in Leo through the houses   3 comments

“My dear accept this dedication: it is given over, as it were blindfolded, but therefore undisturbed by any consideration, in sincerity.  Who you are I know not; where you are I know not; what your name is I know not.  yet you are my hope, my joy, my pride and my unknown honour.” – Kierkegaard from dedication to ‘That Single Individual’

This is dedicated to the millions of unique individuals who happen to share a common aspect, the Sun in Leo, but one who possesses this attribute amongst many other things.  This was written for you, solely for you the reader, when you read it I do not know.  I may be dead but this was still written for you the person who looked to the sky for meaning in their life and to their life.  Because you look for the meaning of you this is not a short trip but a journey, so get comfortable because this is a long but hopefully revealing read.

The sun is at the centre of our solar system it pulls or holds the planets in orbit around it.  The sun in astrology is similar it pulls together all the different aspects of our personality or consciousness to make a whole.  The sign the sun is in and house describes in general terms how our personality forms and develops throughout life.

Which sign and house it is in, in general ways tends to describe how our personality or consciousness forms and develops throughout life.  However we can only experience our own consciousness and in that sense our consciousness is unique, it is the only consciousness we will ever experience.

“Everything develops, differentiates, moving towards complexity and refinement and there are laws governing this process.  You are part of a whole.  When you know as much as possible about the whole, and about the laws of its development, you will understand your place in the world, and your own self.” – Tolstoy ‘A Confession’

The whole you are part of encompasses humanity and all life.  Symbolically that is represented by the Zodiac which your natal chart contains with the sun marking your own unique contribution to that whole. No person is a Leo, we all contain the Zodiac and the planets because their symbolism is common to us all.  We all contain the Zodiac, planets, states or elements, the masculine & feminine equally.  In interacting with each other we see these symbolic attributes interacting with each other and we all play all the signs and planets at different points and times in this interaction.

The sun also represents our drive to be valued, to contribute and feel valued for who we are.  This drive for appreciation is the drive to find our own greatness.  Some think it is in gaining power, some fame, some money, some spiritual recognition, some making academic discoveries – nobody can define your greatness for you it is something that is linked to finding your own meaning within your life.  Your greatness and the meaning of your life are defined uniquely by you and it is your own inner recognition of your meaning that makes you great and this is something you will strive for throughout your life.


Descartes ‘I think therefore I am’ represents our unique consciousness through which we experience the outer world.  It is subjective I experience the world from my perspective and you from your own perspective.  Just as we experience the sun rising from our own subjective view, objectively (materially or scientifically) the sun never rises or sets, it is the rotation of the earth that makes it appear the sun is rising or setting here on earth and we all experience this in different places and times.  Objectively it is impossible for anybody to have a sun sign since the sun does not rise at all it is impossible for it to rise in a constellation or sign.  Subjectively however we see rainbows, sunrise and sunsets and we find beauty and meaning within them all.  That is what consciousness is, the ability to find beauty and meaning within our lives.  Computers can translate different languages but they cannot find the beauty and meaning within poetry for that consciousness is needed.


The sun represents our unique consciousness in which we can only experience our own sunrises, sunsets, pain, sadness and happiness.  The sun thus has been associated with egocentricity because I only experience my pain although I can understand you feel pain too.  For me my pain takes priority it is the only pain I am experiencing and it has an urgency that your pain can never have for me.  Which is why it is almost impossible for us to inflict severe pain on ourselves although we can and do inflict it upon others.

This can sometimes be mistaken for self-centredness but our consciousness is our soul, spirit, ghost, mind or the immaterial aspect of ourselves.  This is not something separate from the material world if it were I would not be able to raise my arm for my arm is a material object made of atoms, electrons, quarks and bosons.  I have a spiritual or nonmaterial existence some call the soul, ghost, mind or consciousness and in astrology this is represented by the sun which appears to us to rise and set each day or to be subjective born and die each day although it does neither.  In the moments between life and death we find our own meaning and greatness like the homeless woman (see picture above).

The sun also represents free will.  My arm does not rise due to a material chain reaction that started with the ‘Big Bang’ but because I or my consciousness wills it to rise.  Our sun represents our will to be as Nietzsche called it or our consciousness.  For Nietzsche our will to be is the only important aspect of who we are, in the sense we will ourselves into becoming who we are and in this becoming we find our own meaning, ethics and values within our own subjective lives.

For Nietzsche ‘God is dead’ refers to how we understand our own consciousness.  God is conscious and made us conscious in his image, we find meaning in rainbows because God placed meaning within rainbows as a sign of his promise.  The God of consciousness and meaning was killed by science we have his blood on our hands.  Our subjective view was merely illusion and the objective view of science reality.  This God had died and for Nietzsche the only way forward was for us to create our own meaning, ethics and values in our lives. Our will to be our own unique form of greatness, living within our own convictions, meanings and ethics.

The sun represents our own unique consciousness (our subjectivity).  Just as you cannot experience my pain you cannot tell what I find offensive.  The swastika for example may be offensive to some because they associate it with Nazi ideology however for others they may associate it with the original Indian mythology and have a completely different view.  This is because we as conscious beings create symbols to which we attach meaning.  This is what astrology is it is not science it does not deal with the material that is astronomy and physics; astrology is the meaning we ascribe to stars and planets in the sky as symbols that we relate to as conscious beings.  Neither Saturn or Mercury can physically cause your computer to break but they do symbolise how we can consciously perceive these events.  We perceive mercury going retrograde because that’s what it looks like from our perspective on Earth (subjective) but in the actual material world (objective or scientific) Mercury does not go retrograde none of the planets change direction of orbit or enter constellations.  So we say Mercury is retrograde because it appears to us that it is and we are right to do so.

C S Lewis puts this best in ‘Voyage of The Dawn Treader’ when Eustace say that in our world stars are giant balls of gas, and Aslan replies even in our world that is not what stars are only what they are made of.  What they are is subjective, desire comes from desiderate – (star descended below the horizon) desire for the star that is no longer visible and all our desires are subjective.  The two brightest ‘stars’ in the sky are Venus and Jupiter symbols of love, hope and faith.  (1 Corinthians 13:13 – And now these three remain faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is love. )  What Venus and Jupiter are to us is symbolic and meaningful. What the Sun, moon and planets are made of is objective and is part of astronomy what they mean to us as symbols of our consciousness that is astrology.

For it is our consciousness that defines humanity, Data in Star Trek is alive because he has consciousness despite being non organic. Do you remember your first pet and how you loved it before you knew what death felt like.  That is the sun our consciousness grasping symbolism of Pluto, Scorpio and the 8th house – something we will all do in life irrespective of our different horoscopes.  Part of consciousness is grasping that we exist and one day we will cease to exist, Data in star Trek grasps this and fears non existence yet he sacrifices his existence for the benefit of others and this makes him not only conscious but human for he finds meaning in the sacrifice and his existence and death loses its sting.

Facts are objective, truths are subjective and unique to ourselves.  astrology and the natal chart represent our unique subjective truths about what it is to be alive, to live and experience the material world and all the other conscious beings in it.  I usually perceive the Saturn transits as dropping things, the reality is I have faulty collagen and muscle spasms.  Saturn does not make me drop things but when I am conscious of Saturn I am more conscious of my genetic condition; my reality of life.  I say Saturn is making me drop things and I am right to do so, for like sunsets and sunrises this is how it appears to me.  In astrology we have the sun and the stars moving because this is how it appears to us, we say the sun is rising and never the Earth is rotating.  We have a rising sign (ascendant) not a rotating earth sign.

‘Does not wisdom cry out, and understanding lift up her voice?’

Sun in Leo allows us to develop an energetic, magnetic and responsive personality.  If we consider the four elements to be rather the four (normal) states of matter then earth = solid, water = liquid, air = gas and fire = plasma.  Plasma occurs naturally in flames and during lightning so we can say that fire signs can be both electrifying and fiery at times because they are highly reactive.  Plasma is the energy state above air and in this state gases become ionised or positively charged.  Ionised gases are attracted to negatively charged atoms and they will also attract them – gas states are (electro) magnetic.  Not only are they magnetic personalities but they tend to be driven by instant attractions and repulsions.  They have excess energy to burn and just like the electrons released during plasma state they cannot return to the equilibrium of balance within the atom until that energy is released.  Electrons can release this energy as light, and fire signs also tend to shine when energised and can illuminate a room especially in the process of bonding where they may cast multicoloured rainbows.  However for them to retain some balance in their lives it is essential for them to find a cause or project in which they can use up their ample energy in meaningful ways.

Just as all matter changes state so do we except for the fixed signs.  The sun in Leo is fixed to the energy state of fire.  This is important because all energy dissipates.  If you put ice (solid or earth) and steam (air or gas) together you will eventually get water (liquid) when their temperatures reach equilibrium – the solid or earth cools the gas or air and the air or gas warms the earth.  Other people and planets can change our energy state unless it is fixed.  Fixed signs remain fixed by either heating or cooling down the other.  Sun in leo heats, it is the sun on a warm summer day, it shines and warms the other.  However it cannot change the energy state of the other fixed signs.  Aquarius will send a lightening bolt to clear the air, Scorpio will cool its heels by stinging it and Taurus will send Venus to chill them out and if that doesn’t work the horns will go down and they will chase them off their earth.  They cannot reach equilibrium with each other only recognise that they cannot change the other and this is dynamic for fixed signs because changing the other is what comes naturally to them.  It is also exciting and challenging because they cannot change each other.

When it comes to the cardinal signs they are always striving to be and remain their energy state, that means cardinal fire sign of Aries finds it easy to stay in its state without having to strive with Sun in Leo.  Sometimes Aries can demand that Leo sunshine, this is because Aries has to work extremely hard at maintaining its energy state.  If we think of the sun in Aries it is striving to warm the earth after the coldness of winter, that is hard work.  The fixed signs do not have to strive they are doing what comes naturally to them, and Aries recognises this.   However for the other cardinal signs it is much more challenging.  When the sun enters Capricorn for example it is the shortest day, Capricorn is striving to become winter to become earth or solid energy state.  It is not helped by the sun in Leo trying to warm that earth or solid back up, it cannot understand why the Sun in Leo would want to do such a thing when he is trying to make winter come.  The sun in Leo cannot understand why anybody or any planet would not want to be summer.  Cancer is striving to be water, too much sunny Leo turns it to steam and it has to withdraw, to rebalance its energy state Sun in Leo forces Cancer to strive even harder.  Cancer does not understand why Sun in Leo is constantly trying to exhaust it by making it work twice as hard and Leo doesn’t understand why Cancer the sign of the summer solstice doesn’t love that summer sun.  Libra the sign that is striving to become autumn and air in equilibrium or balance, copes better with Sun in Leo as long as it does not throw everything out of balance.  The odd sunny day in september is beautiful but September is not summer.

Finally we get to Sun in Leo’s relationship to those with mutable signs.  Mutable signs are born at the end of a season they are born into change and they accept it.  Mutable signs by nature turn into the energy state that suits them best at a particular moment it just happens that Gemini prefers air or gas, Virgo prefers earth or solid, Sagittarius prefers fire or plasma and Pisces prefers water.  Not only will they change energy state they can also change to cardinal or fixed if it is in their interest at that moment to do so.  They are the shapeshifters of mythology.  Mutable signs naturally do what fixed signs naturally can’t and that makes them a tricky concept to grasp for fixed signs.  There is something magical about all shapeshifters but there is always doubt about whether their sorcery is good or evil.  It is neither.  This is especially true of Gemini and Pisces; it is easy for Gemini to be water, air or fire just as it is easy for Pisces to be earth, water or air.  It is much harder for Virgo as an earth sign to become fire or air, the same is true of Sagittarius as a fire sign it is much harder to become earth or water.  Sun in Leo trust these two mutable signs the most, because Sagittarius is in its own energy state it is easiest.  Because Virgo is naturally in a earth or water state it is much more difficult.  Pisces is the most difficult because it can become air and lull Sun in Leo into a false sense of security.  It is only when Pisces changes into earth or water does sun in Leo get a sense that they are out of their depths.  Gemini is a lot easier for them to handle and Gemini will find it fun being Aries, Sagittarius or even Leo for a while.  However unlike Aries, Gemini really doesn’t need that Leo sunshine to help it strive to be fire like Aries does and it is quite happy to revert back.  Sun in Leo senses this and it quite likes being needed to brighten up the world.

Is the Sun in Leo really unchangeable, astrology is subjective it is how we subjectively experience reality and our own consciousness, we subjectively experience fixed signs as being set in their ways.  Objectively there is no way of knowing for we cannot experience each other objectively.  This is true for all the sun signs, it is how we subjectively experience them.

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted March 10, 2016 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Sun in Sign & Houses

Sun in Virgo through the houses   4 comments

The sun is at the centre of our solar system it pulls or holds the planets in orbit around it.  The Sun in astrology is similar it pulls or holds all the different aspects of our personality together to form a whole personality or ‘solar system’.  How our personality forms and develops throughout life is influenced by the sign and house our sun is in at birth but for each of us it will be unique.  The sun also represents our drive to shine, excel, contribute and value our whole personality or whole of our consciousness.

Descartes ‘I think therefore I am’ represents our unique consciousness through which we experience the outer world.  It is subjective, I experience it from my own perspective and you from your own perspective.  The sun represents our own unique consciousness in which each of us can only ever experience our own pain, sadness and happiness.  The sun has thus been associated with ego centricity, because I can only feel my pain there is no way for me to feel your pain although I can understand that you are feeling pain.  Thus for me, my pain naturally has more urgency than your pain for it is the only real pain I can experience.  However our consciousness is our spirit, soul or ghost it is the immaterial  or spiritual aspect of who we are; although it is inseparable from our physical bodies.  For although our consciousness may be a product of the brain it is immaterial unlike the brain.  Descartes was saying I think I feel pain and even if I am wrong about feeling pain, there is something that thinks it feels it and that is me.  Even if everything is a deception I must exist to be deceived. The I in this is the mind, consciousness, soul, spirit or ghost.  This I is not separate from the material world for if it were I would not be capable of raising my arm for my arm is material but my mind isn’t. I have a spiritual existence within a material existence and my spiritual experience is symbolised by the sun.  The sun also represents the idea of free will, my arm doesn’t get raised as part of some material chain reaction that started with the big bang but because I willed it to be raised.  The sun represents our will to be as Nietzsche called it, or consciousness.  For Nietzsche our will to be is the only reality, in the sense that we will ourselves into becoming whoever we are and in this willing we find our own meaning, ethics and value to our life.

‘Starry, starry night paint your palette blue and grey’

Those born with the Sun in Virgo tend to form layers through all the stages of life.  If we consider the four elements as rather being the four common energy states then: earth = solid, water = liquid, air = gas and fire = plasma.  Solid is the lowest energy state and those with their sun in this element are rarely in a rush they like to take their time and think things through first rather than acting spontaneously. Solid is the only state that has a definite form of its own rather than adapting as liquids and gas do to the form of their container. Those with their sun in an earth sign have solid rather than adaptable personalities they tend to have solid opinions and values which they rarely change.

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Posted February 9, 2016 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Sun in Sign & Houses

Sun in Libra through the houses   Leave a comment

The sun is at the centre of our solar system it pulls or keeps the planets in orbit around it.  Our sun in astrology is very similar it pulls together all the different aspects of the personality or consciousness together to make a ‘solar system’ or whole personality.  Which sign the sun is in best describes how we form our personality and how it develops throughout life.  The sun also represents the drive to be valued, contribute, excel, shine and be fully appreciated.  Libra the sign represents the main way the sun tries to do this along with the house it sits in.

‘Its wrong to wish on space hardware, I wish, I wish, I wish you’d care.’ – Kirsty McColl & Billy Bragg ‘A New England’

The sun in Libra allows us to develop an expansive adaptable personality as Libra is an air sign.  If we consider the four elements to be rather the four energy states of matter then: earth = solid, water = liquid, air = gas and fire = plasma.  The air signs tend to have the qualities of the gas state.  Gas conforms to the shape of its container the body but it also expands to fill it.  Air signs tend to be expansive mentally or open minded and to adapt to their own physical limitations and attributes.  Those with the sun in Libra tend to adapt naturally to the physical changes that each stage of life brings and to grow and expand mentally whilst doing this.  The gas state is also the second highest state of energisation.  Which is why it is expansive although it is not driven by repulsion and attraction like the plasma state but by the need to fill a vacuum in knowledge or experience.  All air signs feel energised to seek new experiences, knowledge and learning.  Too much routine and too little stimulus is bad for them it drags their energy levels down and their ability to shine.

Sun in Libra is also a cardinal sign all the cardinal signs are striving to obtain and maintain.  This means that throughout life those with sun in Libra are striving to gain experience and knowledge and to maintain it or keep it up to date.  They strive to expand their understanding at each stage of life and often this is done through their relationships with others by their desire to find balance in views, explanations and beliefs.  The cardinal signs begin at the spring equinox, summer solstice autumn equinox and winter solstice.  These points represent the start of the new season.  The cardinal signs represent the striving to become, Libra begins at the start of autumn it is symbolic of the striving to become the season of autumn. Libra also represents a mythological striving to return to balance.

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Posted November 17, 2015 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Sun in Sign & Houses

Sun in Scorpio through the houses   Leave a comment

The sun is at the centre of our solar system it pulls all the planets into orbit around it.  Our sun in astrology is very similar it pulls all the different aspects of the personality or consciousness together to make a ‘solar system’ or whole personality.  Where the sun is best describes how we form our personality and how it develops throughout life.  The sun also represents our drive to shine, excel, to be valued, to contribute and to be fully appreciated for all aspects of our personality.  Scorpio the sign represents the main form in which the sun tries to achieve this along with the house it sits in.

“I know you think that I shouldn’t still love you or tell you that” – Dido ‘White Flag’

Sun in Scorpio allows us to develop a fluid, absorbing personality as Scorpio is a water sign.  If we consider the four elements to be rather the four (normal) states of matter then earth = solid, water = liquid, air = gas and fire= plasma.  Water has the qualities of the liquid state it has no defined shape but rather it conforms to the shape of its vessel (which would be your body).  This means water signs adapt and conform to the stage of the body through its development.  Liquids absorb and dissolve minerals or nutrients (knowledge) as they flow or move through life they can enter the smallest cracks in rocks without being noticed as they absorb what is inside.

Water slowly erodes its own path in life, like a river, this may be slow and unperceived by the naked eye but it is capable of forming rich flat mud plains like the Nile that fertilises the land around it enriching the soil with the nutrients it carries. Water signs are fertile with knowledge that can enrich life and develop new growth.  So water signs adapt to each stage of life and development carrying with them past nutrients or wisdom that they use to enrich life and develop new growth and this is especially true in later years.

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Posted November 1, 2015 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Sun in Sign & Houses

The Sun in Sagittarius through the houses   Leave a comment

The sun is the centre of our solar system it keeps the planets in orbit by the force of its huge gravitational pull. Similarly in astrology the Sun is the centre of our ‘solar system’ keeping the planets or different aspects of the personality in orbit with its gravitational pull.  The sun holds us together as a whole personality.  This means that the sun in Sagittarius holds the whole personality together in a Sagittarian form. The sun best describes how we form our personality and how it develops throughout life.  The Sun also represents our drive to Shine, excel, be valued and contribute to the world we live in. Sagittarius is the way it does this along with the house the sun sits in.

“If sailor tales to sailor tunes,

Storm and adventure, heat and cold,”

– R.L. Stephenson Treasure Island

Sagittarius is a fire sign this means it can be an electrifying and explosive personality at times because it is highly reactive. If we think of the four elements not as elements but as the four common states of matter then fire = plasma, air = gas, water = liquid and earth = solid.  Plasma occurs naturally in flames and during lightning so we can say that fire signs are both fiery and electrifying at times.  Plasma is the next energy state up from gas and in it the particles become ionised that is they are positively charged. The state beneath them is air or gas when this is heated by flame or lightning the gas splits into ions and and electrons.  The states of matter are dependent on the energy state of electrons, Solid is the lowest energy state then liquid and gas when electrons have too much energy they are excited and this breaks the bond that holds them as part of the atom when this happens we have free electrons and ions.

Not only are fire signs high energy but they are often driven by instant attractions and repulsions.  However once ions bond with their electrons they no longer have a charge unless they are split apart again.  so we could say that single fire signs have an electric spark that they lose in relationships but this spark is replaced by bond.  We can also say that they are highly reactive as are ions, and their reactions are driven by attraction and the need to find balance or neutrality.  In order for electrons in Plasma to bond again with the ions they have to lose excess energy and they do this by giving off light.  These people glow and give off light as a process of bonding and it can be like a beautiful rainbow or a shining star.

As babies they are driven by the need to bond with their family and as children the need to bond with friends.  If these needs to bond are not met they can be fiery and have an electrical magnetism that attracts others to them until they do bond.  Ions either have an excess of electrons or a deficit, causing either a positive or negative charge and they need an opposite to receive balance from their opposing charge and to give balance to so throughout life they tend to feel unbalanced if one their own they need friends, family or relationships to keep them balanced these are not solitary signs.

What we can say is that fire signs are always highly reactive at the beginning of all the stages of life they are charged and need others to react with and they also need earth energy to ground that current at times.  Usually they will have a parent or family member with an earth sign sun that can ground them, this is important to them because they need the grounding of earth to calm the energy of the plasma state so they can take form and shape.

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Posted October 31, 2015 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Sun in Sign & Houses

Sun in Capricorn through the houses   Leave a comment

The sun is at the centre of our solar system it pulls or keeps all the planets in orbit around it.  Our Sun in astrology is very similar it pulls together all the different aspects of consciousness or personality together to make a ‘solar system’ or whole personality.  The sun best describes how we form our personality and how it develops throughout life.  The sun also represents the drive to feel valued, to shine or excel, to contribute and leave a lasting mark as well as being appreciated for all aspects of our personality.  Capricorn represents how the Sun attempts to achieve this along with the house it sits in.

Descartes ‘I think therefore I am’ represents our unique consciousness through which we experience the outer world.  It is subjective I experience it from my perspective and you experience it from your perspective. Just as we experience the sun rising from our own subjective view. Objectively (materially or scientifically) the sun never rises or sets it is the rotation of the earth that makes the sun look as if it is rising from our subjective perspective on earth.  Objectively it is impossible for anybody to have a sun sign since the sun does not rise at all, it cannot rise in either sign or constellation.  Subjectively however the sun rises and we find beauty and meaning in it.  That is what consciousness gives us the ability to find meaning in things and events, computers can translate different languages but they cannot find meaning in the words.  No computer experiences the beauty of poetry or finds meaning in it.

The sun also represents free will.  My arm does not rise due to a material chain reaction that started with the bigbang but because I will it to rise.  The sun represents our will to be as Nietzsche called it, or our consciousness.  For Nietzsche the will to be is the only important aspect of who we are and in this willing to be we find our own meaning, ethics and values within our own subjective lives.  For Nietzsche ‘God is dead’ refers to how we understand our consciousness, God is conscious and he made us conscious in his own image, we find meaning in rainbows because God put meaning in them as a promise not to flood the earth.  The God of meaning that represented our consciousness is dead we killed him and have his blood on our hands.  Our consciousness (our subjective view) was merely illusion and the objective view (scientific) reality.  This God was dead and for Nietzsche the only way forward was for us to find our own meaning, ethics and values in our lives.

The sun represents our own unique consciousness (our subjectivity) in which each of us only ever experiences our own pain, happiness or sadness.  The sun is thus linked to ego-centricity because I only experience my pain and emotions they take priority.  This can seem like self centredness but our consciousness is our soul, spirit, ghost or immaterial aspect of ourselves.  It is not separate from the material world if it were I would not be able to raise my arm for my arm is material made of atoms, electrons, quarks and bosons.  I have a spiritual existence some call the soul, mind, ghost, or consciousness and in astrology this is represented by the sun which appears to us to rise and set each day to subjectively be born and die although materially it does neither.

The sun is symbol of our unique consciousness.  Just as you cannot experience my pain you cannot know what I find offensive.  The Swastika for example may be offensive to some and not to others depending on whether they associate it with Nazi ideology.  This is because only consciousness can create symbols and symbols are things to which we attach different meanings. This is what astrology is it is not a science it does not deal with the material and objective that is astronomy and physics, astrology is the meaning of the stars and planets in the sky as symbols that relate to ourselves as conscious beings.  Neither Mercury or Saturn can physically or materially cause your computer to break down but they can symbolise how we perceive these events or find meaning in them.  We perceive Mercury going retrograde because this is what it looks like from earth in reality none of the planets orbits change direction or enter constellations.  C S Lewis puts this best in ‘Voyage of The Dawn Treader’ when Eustace says in our world stars are giant balls of gases and Aslan replies no even in your world that is what stars are made of not what they are.  What they are is subjective, desire comes from desiderate – (star descended below the horizon) desire for the star that has gone down, no longer visible, and our desires are subjective.  The two brightest ‘stars’ in the night sky are Venus and Jupiter the symbols of love and hope.  What they are to us is symbolic and meaningful.  What the sun, moon and planets are made of and their orbital paths are objective and thus astronomy not astrology.

Sun in Capricorn strives to maintain a strong solid and emotionally dependable personality as Capricorn is an earth sign. If we consider the four elements to rather be the four normal states of matter earth = solid, water = liquid, air =gas and fire = plasma.  Solid is the lowest energy state and these sun sign individuals do not like to rush into things they take their time and make sure it is what they want first. Solid is also the only state with a concrete dependable form and these sun signs reflect that nature. They are emotionally dependable and predictable. They are the emotional form they are and they cannot and will not change, not without an earthquake at least.  That is something people should remember although they are solid and dependable lean on them too much and apply an excess of pressure and you will get an earthquake you are not likely to forget.

“Love me tender, love me sweet, never let me go” – Elvis Presley ‘Love Me Tender’

Earth signs tend to build layers like sedimentary rock as they go through the stages of life from the baby layer, child layer, teenage layer and the adult layer.  Each layer tends to act as a protective emotional layer to the previous stage. This gives them a sense of inner security as long as these layers are not disturbed.  Earth signs can be very protective of their childhood and whatever is buried in those layers they seldom discuss unless they absolutely trust you.

Sun in Capricorn is also a cardinal sign.  The Cardinal signs mark the spring equinox, summer solstice, autumn equinox and winter solstice.  In the Age of Taurus – Taurus marked the constellation in which the sun rose on the day of the equinox.  During this time the sun rose in Leo at summer solstice, Scorpio at autumn equinox and Aquarius at the winter Solstice.  Aquarius represented the waters of Enki but Enki himself was represented by Capricorn.  Those signs represent what is now the fixed signs they are fixed in time to the age of Taurus and the mythology of that period.  During this time the constellations were a very important aspect of astrology.

When the Sun rose in Aries at the spring equinox, it rose in Cancer at the summer solstice, Libra at the autumnal equinox and Capricorn at the winter solstice. The zodiac was changed from the Babylonian one which began with Taurus to the Greek one which begins with Aries.  However the constellations themselves were less important than the planets at this time and the mythology of the signs did not develop to reflect the importance of their placement as they had previously.  In this symbolic way we can say the cardinal signs reflect this drive to become the mythological giants of the Taurean age except Capricorn which as Enki already held importance – the striving of Capricorn is in maintaining that importance.

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Posted October 27, 2015 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Sun in Sign & Houses

Sun in Aquarius through the houses   Leave a comment

The sun is at the centre of our solar system it pulls or keeps all the planets in orbit around it.  Our sun in astrology is very similar it pulls together all the different aspects of the personality or consciousness together to make a ‘solar system’ or whole personality.  Which sign the sun is in, describes in general ways how our personality or consciousness forms and how it tends to develop  throughout life.

“Everything develops, differentiates, moving towards complexity and refinement and there are laws governing this process.  You are a part of a whole.  When you know as much as possible about the whole, and about the laws of its development, you will understand your place in the world, and your own self.” – Tolstoy ‘A Confession’

The whole you are part of encompasses humanity and all life, and symbolically that is represented by the Zodiac which your natal chart contains with the sun marking the spot of your unique contribution to that whole.

The Sun also represents our drive to feel valued, to contribute and to be fully appreciated for all aspects of the personality or consciousness.  Aquarius the sign represents the main form in which the sun tries to achieve this along with the house in which the sun sits.  This drive for appreciation is the drive to find our own unique greatness.  Some think it is gaining power, some fame, some money, some spiritual recognition, some making academic discoveries – nobody can define your greatness for you it is something that is linked to finding your own meaning in your life.  Your greatness and the meaning of your life are defined uniquely by you and it is your own inner recognition of your meaning that makes you great and this is something you will strive for throughout your life.

Descartes ‘I think therefore I am’ represents our unique consciousness through which we experience the outer world.  It is subjective, I experience it from my perspective and you from your perspective.  Just as we experience the sun rising from our own subjective view, objectively (materially or scientifically) the sun never rises or sets, it is the rotation of the earth that makes the sun look as if it is rising and setting to us on earth and we all see this from different places and at different times.  Objectively it is impossible for anybody to have a sun sign since the sun does not rise at all, it cannot rise in either a sign or constellation, subjectively however the sun sets and rises and we find beauty and meaning in these events.  That is what consciousness gives us the ability to find meaning in things and events, computers can translate different languages, but they cannot find meaning in the words.  No computer experiences the beauty of poetry or finds meaning in it.


The sun represents our own unique consciousness (our subjectivity) in which each of us can only experience our own sunrises, sunsets, pain, sadness and happiness.  The sun has thus been associated with egocentricity because I can only feel my pain although I can understand that you feel pain.  For me my pain always takes priority for it has an urgency I experience that your pain can never have for me.  Which is why it is almost impossible for us to inflict severe pain on ourselves although we can and do inflict it upon others.  This can sometimes be mistaken for selfcentredness but our consciousness is our soul, spirit, ghost, mind or the immaterial aspect of ourselves.  This is not separate from the material world if it were I would not be able to raise my arm, for my arm unlike my mind is a material object made of atoms, electrons, quarks and bosons.  I have a spiritual existence or non material existence some call the soul, mind, ghost or consciousness and in astrology this is represented by the sun which appears to us to both rise and set or subjectively to be born and die each day although materially it does neither.  In the moments between life and death we find our own meaning and greatness like the homeless women.

The sun also represents free will.  My arm does not rise due to a material chain reaction that started with the Big Bang but because my consciousness wills it to rise.  The sun represents our will to be as Nietzsche called it, or our consciousness.  For Nietzsche the will to be is the only important aspect of who we are, in the sense we will ourselves into becoming who we are and in this willing we find our own meaning, ethics and value within our subjective lives.  For Nietzsche ‘God is dead’ refers to how we understood our consciousness, God is conscious and he made us conscious in his image, we find meaning in rainbows because Good put meaning into rainbows as a promise not to flood the earth.  The God of meaning that represented our consciousness was killed by science we have his blood on our hands.  Our subjective view (consciousness) was merely illusion and the objective view reality.  This God had died and for Nietzsche the only way forward was for us to find our own meaning, ethics and values in our lives.  Our will to be our own unique form of greatness, living within our own convictions, meaning and ethics.

The sun symbolises the unique subjectivity of consciousness.  Just as you cannot experience my pain you cannot tell what I find offensive.  The swastika for example may be offensive to some because they associate it with Nazi ideology.  However for those of Indian origin it will not be offensive because the symbol is associated with a completely different ideology.  For others they may be aware of both ideologies and find it offensive in some circumstances and not others.  This is because only consciousness can create symbols and symbols are things in which different meaning can be attached.  This is what astrology is it is not a science it does not deal with the material that is astronomy and physics; astrology is the meaning of the stars and planets in the sky as symbols that relate to ourselves as conscious beings.  Neither Mercury or Saturn can physically cause your computer to break but they do symbolise how we can consciously perceive these events.  We perceive Mercury going retrograde because it is what it looks like from earth (subjective) but in the actual material (objective or scientific) world Mercury does not go retrograde none of the planets change direction of orbit or enter constellations.  C S Lewis puts this best in ‘Voyage Of The Dawn Treader’ when Eustace says in our world stars are giant balls of gas, Aslan replies, that is what they are made of not what they are.  What they are is subjective, desire comes from desiderate – (star descended below the horizon) desire for the star that has gone down, no longer visible, and all our desires are subjective.  The two brightest ‘stars’ in the night sky are Venus and Jupiter the symbols of love and hope.  What they are to us is symbolic and meaningful.  What the Sun, moon and planets are made of, and their orbital paths is objective and as such is part of astronomy and other sciences, not astrology.

“Who am I to split”

Sun in Aquarius allows us to develop an expansive, adaptable personality as Aquarius is an air sign.  If we consider the four elements to be rather the four (normal) states of matter then: Earth = solid, water = liquid, air = gas and fire = plasma. The air signs tend to have the qualities of the gas state, gas conforms to the shape of its container but it also expands to fill it.  This is because gas has no definite shape or volume. Because of this ability to adapt to their container, the sun in Aquarius child just adapts into the teenager sun in Aquarius body. The personality as a whole expands to fill and conform to its new shape.  The sun is a giant ball of fire and when you heat a gas it expands even further or pressure builds up.  As with all Sun in Air signs there is intense pressure on the personality or consciousness to expand – become more open minded.  If there are blocks to this, the personality can explode like a balloon going bang!  Which is when the personality is freed to reform itself in a new more expansive way. However because Aquarius is a fixed sign it is often a huge inner explosion.  We often think of Fire signs as being explosive but in truth it is only the Air signs that build up enough pressure to truly explode and like a balloon going bang it is sudden, unexpected and violent to experience.  It is also more likely to happen when they are being restricted either physically or mentally by rigid structures.

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Posted October 24, 2015 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Sun in Sign & Houses

Meditations for improving Venus synastry – increasing own sexual pleasure – Female   Leave a comment

Warning these meditations may cause sexual arousal at times – this is completely normal, however you should still feel the calmest associated with meditation at the same time.

These meditations are a process and you should begin to notice changes in your sexual responses to partner within 2 – 3 weeks it is important to find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted.  The length of time for meditation starts at 5 mins and slowly builds to 25 mins but allow at least a couple of minutes to get into the meditation process and to come out of it. As with all meditation you will be distracted by other thoughts during the process just bring your mind back to its focus again and continue.  Meditation is a slow but lasting process and the changes it causes are gradual but increase in effect over time so although you will begin to notice changes by three weeks the changes will be small compared to what you experience after 12 weeks or twenty.

Week One

Find a calm, peaceful and comfortable spot to sit in, how you sit is unimportant as long as you feel relaxed and comfortable. Either close your eyes or lower them to avoid focusing vision on anything in particular take a minute to focus on breathing, do not hold the breath or try to lengthen it but focus on breathing in a comfortable relaxed manner. Now we are ready to begin, for the next 5 mins I want you to focus on imagining what it feels like when your partner touches your breasts – this is not the same as sexual fantasy. Focus on imagining the sensations of his touch on your breasts, is it soft or hard, gentle or rough.  The first time you do this is the most difficult and if you are struggling just stroke breast for a second and meditate on what sensations you feel and visualise this as your partners touch. This should be done each day for a week, each day it should become slightly more easier to visualise the touch and focus on the sensations felt.

Week Two

Same as week one but before you meditate I want you to find your ideal place, may be a beach somewhere a tree-house in the Amazon, a mountain or beside a running stream – a place that takes your breath away with its beauty.When you begin meditating visualise being there does it change what sensations you feel at your partner’s touch can you smell the sea, trees or mountains, hear waves or trickling water at the same time as you can feel the sensation of touch. This meditation should be for 5 mins and done each day for a week.

Weeks Three & Four

Same as week one except it is now the touch of your partner’s mouth on the breasts again the first meditation may be difficult, if you struggle wet finger in water and touch breast for a second noting the sensations. Again meditation should last for 5 mins allowing time for entering and leaving meditation. This should be done each day for a week. Week four is the same as week three except again you are going to go to your special place and should also experience the smells and sounds as well as the sensation of touch during meditation. again meditation should last 5 mins and be done each day for a week.

Weeks five & Six

For both weeks you are in your special place with the smells and sounds it contains, for 5 mins you will meditate on the touch of your partner’s hand on your breasts and for next 5 mins the touch of their mouth.  You will now be meditating for 10 mins each day.  Because you are now meditating longer allow yourself extra time at end simply to feel relaxed as well.  It may be hard at first to meditate for full 10 mins but after two weeks this should be easier.

Weeks Seven and eight

This is also the same for both weeks.  For 5 mins you will meditate on the touch of your partner’s hand on the vulva including the clitoris, inner labia and area surrounding vagina again if this is difficult for you to do then touch these areas before hand and concentrate on what sensations you feel. After 5 mins doing this imagine this is also in your special place for a further 5 mins.

Weeks Nine and Ten

This is also the same for both weeks as in week five and six you will be in your special place whilst meditating and for first 5 mins you will meditate on the touch of your partners hand on your breast, 5 mins on the touch of their mouth on your breasts and last 5 mins meditating on the touch of your partner’s hand on the vulva. Again because you are meditating for longer allow extra time to relax afterwards and again it may be hard at first to meditate for the full 15 mins but should get easier after two weeks practising each day.

Weeks Eleven and Twelve

Again same for both weeks, allow yourself time to relax now meditate on the touch of your partner’s mouth on the vulva if this is difficult to do wet a finger and touch the vulva before hand and concentrate on the sensations you feel.  meditate on this for 10 mins and for the final 5 mins meditate on this again in your special place with smells, sounds and feelings included.

Weeks Thirteen and Fourteen

Same for both weeks and you are in your special place throughout the meditation. First 5 mins meditating on touch of partner’s hand on breasts, 5 mins meditating on touch of partner’s mouth on breasts, 5 mins meditating on touch of partner’s hand on vulva and last 5 mins meditating on touch of partner’s  mouth on vulva.  You are now meditating for 20 mins and should again allow fro more time to relax after meditation again it may be difficult at first to meditate for the full 20 mins but after two weeks meditating everyday is should become easier.

Weeks fifteen and Sixteen

Same for both weeks. First 10 mins the focus will be on the sensations you feel during penetration, again if this is difficult beforehand you can stroke the vaginal wall and concentrate on the sensations you feel. For the last 10 mins you will also be in your special place with all the smells, sounds etc.

Week Seventeen and onward

Now you will begin to meditate for full 25 mins and it will be in your special place. First 5 mins focus on the sensation of your partner’s touch on your breasts, 5 mins focus on the touch of partner’s mouth on breasts, 5 mins focus on partner’s touch on vulva, 5 mins focus on partner’s mouth on vulva and last 5 mins focus on the sensation of penetration. Continue to do this everyday for at least a month.  If after a month you want to increase by five mins find an additional focus for 5 mins at start, if you have Venus in Taurus for example you may want to focus on sensation of having neck caressed or kissed.  You can focus on having hair stroked, toes sucked, back stroked or any other sensation would recommend you focus on same sensation for a month before changing start focus. Again if you change start focus you should continue with it for a month.  after meditating everyday for six moths it becomes unnecessary to do this everyday and once a week meditation is enough to sustain this heightened level of sensual experience.

Sun in Pisces through the houses   Leave a comment

The Sun is at the centre of our solar system it pulls or keeps all the planets in orbit around it.  Our sun in astrology is very similar it pulls together all the different aspects of our personality together and keeps us whole. It does this to make and maintain a whole, functioning ‘Solar system’ which may be identified as our personality or consciousness. Which sign the sun is in best describes how we form our personality as a child and how this develops throughout our lives.  Pisces the sign shows the main way our sun tries to maintain a whole and functioning personality along with the house the sun sits in.

Descartes ‘I think therefore I am’ represents our unique consciousness through which we experience the outer world.  It is subjective I experience it from my perspective and you from your perspective.  The sun represents our own unique consciousness in which each of us can only feel our own pain, sadness and happiness.  The sun has thus been associated with egocentricity because I can only feel my pain although I can understand you can feel pain.  For me my pain takes priority for it is the only pain I experience.  This can sometimes be mistaken for selfcentredness but our consciousness is our soul, spirit, ghost or immaterial aspect of who we are.  This is not separate from the material world if it were I would not be able to raise my arm for my arm unlike my mind is a material object made of atoms, electrons, quarks and bosons.  I have a spiritual existence or non-material existence some call the soul, mind or consciousness and in astrology it is represented by the sun.  The sun also represents free will.  My arm does not rise due to a material chain reaction that started with the big bang but because I will it to.   The sun represents our will to be or consciousness as Nietzsche called it.  For Nietzsche the will to be is the only important aspect of who we are, in the sense that we will ourselves into being and in being we find our own meaning, ethics and value within our lives.

The sun represents the unique subjectivity of our own consciousness.  Just as you cannot experience my pain you cannot tell what I find offensive.  The swastika for example may be offensive to some because they associate it with Nazi ideology.  However for those with Indian ancestry it may not be offensive because it is associated with a completely different ideology.  For others they may be aware of both ideologies and find it offensive in some circumstances but not others.  This is because consciousness creates symbols and symbols are things to which we attach meaning.  This is what astrology is it is not a science it does not deal with the material that is astronomy and physics; astrology is the meaning within stars and planets as symbols in the sky that relate to ourselves as conscious beings.  Neither Mercury or Saturn can physically cause your computer to break but they do symbolise how we can consciously perceive these events.  We perceive Mercury going retrograde because it is what it looks like from earth (subjective) but in the actual material world (objective) Mercury does not go retrograde no of the planets change direction of orbit.  C S Lewis put this best in ‘Voyage of the Dawn Treader’ when Eustace says in our world stars are giant balls of gas, Aslan replies that even in our world it is not what stars are but what they are made of.  What stars are is subjective, desire comes from desiderate – (star descended below the horizon) desire for the star that has gone down and is no longer visible.

Sun in Pisces allows us to develop a fluid personality. What is meant is that the personality is able to change fluidly from one stage of life to another.  Pisces is a water sign. If we consider the four elements as rather the four states of matter then: air = gas, water = liquid, earth = solid and fire = plasma. We can see that Pisces as a water sign adopts fluid / liquid energy state behaviour patterns.

Liquids have enough energy to be flexible and adaptable however they have less energy than gas and plasma states. The water signs tend to be more energetic than the earth signs but less energetic than either air or fire signs.  They may find it exhausting to try and keep up with both either physically or mentally. Liquids have no definitive form of their own they adapt to the form of their container or vessel.  For Water signs that is the body they were born into. They are able to adapt to their physical limitations, capacities and structure. They adapt to a body that will change shape and form throughout life.

Pisces child fluidly becomes a teenager, it is not a sudden change but slow ebb and flow of different behaviours that become adopted making the change gradual and barely noticeable.  This fluidity of change lasts throughout life and is a slow meandering process that can go off in many different directions at certain turning points or times in their lives.

To remain liquid or fluid a certain amount of pressure is necessary.  At high altitudes where the air pressure is much lower water also has a lower boiling point and turns to gas easily.  Pisces the sign tends to feel this pressure but it is a necessary part of what makes them fluid and forever in a state capable of constant flow.  They are so adaptable, flexible and fluid because they live in a state of constant pressure.  Part of this is because their resistance to stress can be lower than average – they feel pressure more than the average person does.

To remain fluid it is also necessary to have a certain consistency of temperature, too cool and liquid turns to solid and too hot it turns to gas.This means the sign itself is not attracted to either of those extremes and prefers to exist some where between these points – water signs abhor what they consider extremely cold people but they also find the opposite too much as well.  They prefer the relaxing middle ground to the extremities.

Pisces represents the fish and if a pond freezes completely over in winter, they can’t breath and suffocate from lack of air.  When they are in relationships of any kind they cannot cope with being frozen out emotionally, they suffocate without the warmth of affection and love. They need to feel affection in all its forms from hugging to sex to feel alive and to function.  What they also struggle with is dealing with its opposite relationships which are too fiery. The high energy blasts from fire signs can evaporate their water and leave them feeling fried. This may exhaust their emotional reserves unless they have the space and time within such relationships to cool down and return to a more balanced liquid state.

Traditionally in astrology they prefer water and earth sign relationships.  However they all also need that air to breath and can feel claustrophobic in any relationship too rigid to allow them to do this.  The rigid structured energy state of earth or solid signs if imposed on them can turn water to ice. If this happens they will feel suffocated and emotionally cold as a result.  Which means that even with earth signs there must be some degree of flexibility built into the relationship for it to last.

As Pisces is mutable sign the sun here deals with the process of personality growth and continence as a natural process without the need for dynamic intervention.  Whereas for a cardinal sign like Aries there is a dynamic striving to become a teenager and for physical changes to occur or for a fixed sign there may be the desire to remain in childhood for longer with Pisces it is accepted more as a natural process.

800px-Chaos_Monster_and_Sun_GodThis is because the fixed signs represent a fixed period in mythological and human history.  It represents a time when the Sun rose in the constellation of Taurus at the spring equinox.  The time of the Sumerians, ancient Egyptians and the Babylonians, was a time of major mythological development.  The constellations of the equinox, summer solstice and winter solstice were important parts of this mythology.  Thus this mythology is fixed there in time and space to these cultures. The time of the fixed signs of the Zodiac is at the strongest mythological point. Or as ‘the Doctor’ would say certain points in time and history are fixed and cannot be changed not even by timelords.

When the Sun rose in the constellation of Aries at the spring equinox the mythological importance of the constellations had begun to fade in comparison to that of the planets.  However it was still a revolution.  The sky had literally revolved.  The constellation of Aries was a very minor constellation up to this point.  Aries is one of the faintest constellations and up to this point it was known as the Agarian worker.  Agarian worker means the peasant, pagan, plebeian, yokel or redneck.   The constellation representing the peasant class strove for importance during this new era.  I am, I want my voice heard now, I want my share of power for we number greater than you.  The sun at the summer solstice now rose in Cancer the constellation of the crayfish that hides even from the moonlight.  Cancer strove to find a safe environment and security under the light of the longest day.  Libra the constellation in which the sun rose at the autumn equinox, strove to balance the changes of a new era and to relate to this new world.  Capricorn the constellation in which the sun rose at the winter equinox strove to retain the mythology, rituals and power of Enki whose waters the sun rose in at the winter solstice during the previous era.

Thus the strongest mythological values are forever placed on the fixed signs.   Although the cardinal signs symbolically strived to achieve this mythological greatness. In some ways they were successful, the Zodiac changed from the Babylonian one beginning with Taurus to the Greek / Roman Zodiac beginning with Aries.  When the Sun rose at the spring equinox in the constellation of Pisces the change went almost unnoticed. the start of the Zodiac did not change Pisces remained at the end.  This being, becoming and changing naturally without notice or the need for attention or striving is what all the mutable sun signs have as a personality trait.  They do not strive to become their sun signs, they are that sign in a process of change.  They do not need to strive to display an emotional need for recognition of their changing status.  They have an inner understanding of who they are and how they are changing naturally.

We could say then that the Cardinal signs at the equinox and solstice represent a striving to become they represent the beginning of a new season or they are in the process of becoming that season. The fixed signs are in the mid-season they are not striving to become they already are that season. The mutable signs represent the end of the season a time of change that goes without much notice. Snow melts gradually and we only really notice when it is almost gone. This is the Sun in Pisces effect, it can melt the winter snow without anybody noticing or the frostiest of hearts.

This means that the signs do not correspond with the constellations any longer but to the solar cycle.  Although the constellations no longer hold the same mythological value they once did the equinoxes and solstice do.  At the winter and summer solstice the sun is at the furthest point from the celestial equator 23.5 degrees in summer it is north and in winter it is south.  Planets that are beyond these degrees are called Out Of Bounds (OOB) they are beyond the range of sun.  Note this is declination and not the degree of the sign.  I have Mars at 8 degrees Sagittarius but it is still OOB it is over 23.5 degrees south of the celestial equator.  The planets and stars OOB southern hemisphere are said to be ruled by Enki (Capricorn and Aquarius) and those in the northern hemisphere ruled by Enlil (Leo).  Planets and stars on the 0 declination celestial equator are ruled by An/Anu and Inanna Uranus and Venus.

Although the constellation of Pisces is no longer where it was the sign of Pisces represents this energy as associated with the season rather than the constellation.  Sun in Pisces is the melting of winter snow and the new shoots of spring emerging. it is the new buds slowly forming on the tree branches still invisible to the casual observer.  It is the coming of spring that goes unnoticed until it is here.  It is a powerful process of change that is so subtle and gentle we rarely feel its effects until it is gone and spring has arrived.  We can also say the same about those with the sun in Pisces in our lives they have a powerful effect on us that we rarely notice until they are gone.  Which is why they like to do vanishing tricks at times, just to make others realise what they have missed.

The sun in Pisces represents the ending of winter and the slow return of spring. The returning to balance between day and night.  We can say Pisces is the slow change at the end of a cycle which is trying to return back to a sense of balance and renewed fertility.  They have a sense that something is always ending and another thing is always beginning. This is especially true of life itself. Which is one reason they are likely to have an interest in the process between death and birth in mythology and religious beliefs.  At death everything decays and turns into something new and those with Sun in Pisces sense this aspect of the natural cycle. Not just the living they also sense this happens to everything from stars to rocks there is a cycle of death and rebirth in a new form.


“Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts you at all, you at all” – Catatonia ‘Nothing Hurts’

Our personality is like a wormhole it is who we are as a person,through time and space and it is in a state of constant change yet we always feel like ourselves. It is the sun that provides this consistency of self as well as holding all the aspects (planets) of our personality together. The Pisces sun wormhole could be said to change very subtly yet in profound ways. To meander in various directions throughout life like a river winding its way to the sea.

Pisces represents the fish tails in Sumerian mythology the tails were fish and bird (swalllow).  In Sumerian the word for feather is Kun, to fly is dal and ni is the self. Whether this is just a coincidence or not I do not know but it could relate to the sign as being one in which the desire to awaken the ‘chakras’ is common or easier in.  I do know that the seven auras are themes in both Inanna’s (Venus’) descent to underworld and the death of Humbaba in Gilgamesh. Inanna is tricked into taking off her seven auras so she can be killed.  We call the Kundalini the coiled serpent. In the age of the Sumerians, Babylonians and ancient Egyptians; Thuban a star representing the throat in the snake or dragon constellation of Draco was the pole star.  The constellation still coils its way around the inner edges of the  many of the signs of the Zodiac today.  Thuban may have been known as Tianna the life of heaven, or rib of heaven which would connect it directly to Pisces through the mythology of the Tiamet. The Tiamet was the Sumerian sea goddess, and in mythology she was represented as a sea dragon when she was slain.  The Tiamet’s rib held the vault or polar axis between heaven and earth.

In the myth the tail of the Tiamet formed the Milkyway our galaxy and if we turn modern representation of Draco around so that the head becomes the tail Etamin is at 26 degrees Sagittarius the same degree as the black hole that is the centre of our galaxy.  The tail of the Tiamet does indeed form the milkyway.  This places the Tiamet as the central most important aspect in the heavens as the pole star around which the sky revolved.  It also confirms what many have thought that the Tiamet is one representation of Nammu the primordial waters from which all was created. As the point of the axis or pole star Thuban or Tianna it would have been the central point in the heavens for the Sumerians a mythical point of origin.

This also confirms the idea that The Tiamet was an earlier and more important mythological goddess than either the head God Enki  or Enlil who usurped her. In mythology Ninti – lady rib or life is created from Enki’s rib this may have been the theological usurpation of the Tiamet’s superiority as the pole star by representing it as the rib of Enki.  This usurpation may also be a theme with Enlil and his goddess Ninlil being lady wind or lady breath the reason behind lady rib also being lady life.

Isiaiah 27:1 In that day, the Lord will punish with his sword, his fierce, great and powerful sword – Leviathon the gliding serpent, Leviathon the coiling serpent, he will slay the monster of the sea.

The fish tail in Sumerian mythology represents Enki the father of humanity, earth and god of civilisation. The tails pull us in different directions the fish pulls us towards creating a better society for all (in the here and now). the swallow pulls us towards our own individual spiritual flight.  Those with the sun in Pisces are also pulled by these two opposing emotional needs. The need to provide emotional understanding to others.  They also have the need for time alone to develop their own inner emotional connection to the divine in life whether through science, religion or art they need an emotional connection to the divine or wonder in the universe.

The tails also represent the Tiamet’s mythological defeat in which she is killed and divided up to create the earth and sky. The sea in the sky is where the planets and the moon sail at night whilst the sea on earth is where boats and ships sail and rivers flow into. The fish tail represents the earth and her seas and the swallow tail the sea in the sky. A myth that exemplifies this symbolism and Sun Pisces split is that of how the Avalokiteshvara got  his / her 1000 arms.  In the mythology she / he was about to obtain Nirvana or enlightenment when he / she heard the suffering of humanity.  At that moment they wanted to return to help others instead of obtaining true enlightenment and nirvana. This made their body shatter and they begged Buddha to restore them so they could help all of humanity. He / she took on a new form with 1000 arms of compassion that had the eye of wisdom in each palm.

This is something those with the Sun in Pisces need to understand and that is that compassion needs to act in complete unity with wisdom.  We need the wisdom to know what can be changed and what help people really need.  The wisdom to walk away when necessary and to help when necessary.  Those with the sun in Pisces first instinct is always to help but they soon learn this is not always the right thing to do, for we can become crutches for those perfectly capable of standing on their own two feet.  In Sumerian mythology Enki (Capricorn) was the god of wisdom, humanity and fertility.


Aquarius represents the waters of Enki, the absu (fresh water) who was the husband of the Tiamet or sea Goddess. The Tiamet is represented in Pisces. However there is and was a whole area known as the sea in astronomy / astrology it stretches from Pisces to Sagittarius.  The Tiamet (Pisces) and the Absu (Aquarius) gave birth to the parents of Enki (Capricorn) and Enki created the first man (Sagittarius).  This is also reflective of the sign of Pisces which is a subtle influence over a wide range of areas which is not necessarily obvious to the naked eye.  The sign can not only be subtly influenced by other signs moods and feeling but it to can have a subtle influence over the moods and feeling of other signs without even being aware of this.

Pisces is not only the fish in this sense it contains the symbolism of Sagittarius our chief ancestor or mythological ‘Father Abraham’.  It contains the understanding that life is the adventure that all of humanity gets to go on, that we should eat, drink and be merry for we are alive. It also contains the mythological wisdom of Enki as both Capricorn and Aquarius.  They understand the importance of preserving those structures and rituals that serve humanity as well as creating new structures to serve us.  Pisces always ruled one third of the Zodiac and always will whatever constellation is at the equinox which was why its movement there was so unimportant in regards to this sign and constellation.  Pisces represent the great Tiamet.

The cord that connects the tails was treated as a separate constellation, like humans both birds and fish belong to the phylum chordata – animals that have a dorsal chord or had at one point in evolution more commonly know as vertebrates. It connects birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish with a common ancestor.  The sense of being inter-connected to all life on earth is a Pisces theme.  We are all connected because all living things have common ancestry some of it is just more ancient than others.  The cord in Pisces also represents the fact that every living thing on earth is connected through common ancestry and connected through the earth itself.

The umbilical cord carries all the nutrients to the developing baby from the placenta it also carries away the babies waste products.  The sign of Pisces is also connected with mystical sense of seeking purification and nutrition from the universe, natural world and / or spiritual realms.  This emotional purification they seek is the purification from past traumas and pain.  They seek emotional understanding through looking for the bigger picture in life and finding meaning for all our wounds and pains that we experience as humans.  They seek to know that no person ever suffers in vain that all of it has a purpose.  It does and that purpose and treasure is found in life itself.  In life we find things that mean more than our life that we are willing to sacrifice everything for and that is our purpose and nothing is ever in vain because of this.

“Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts in your world, in your world” – Catatonia ‘Nothing hurts’

As stated at beginning it is the Sun that holds the planets together to form the ‘Solar system’ of our personality. With Sun in Pisces that hold is not rigid, the individual does not need to pull the planets into a rigid ‘Solar system’ with a rigid definition of whole personality.  There is a lose grip with Sun in Pisces that acknowledges all these planets are in orbit naturally and that a tight grip of them is unnecessary. The planets are just there. Generally this is just accepted as planets being there is a natural product of being a ‘Solar system’.  Which is generally how they regard various aspects to their personality they are accepted as just being parts of their solar system.

Humpback Whale

Pisces is also ‘feminine’ – note this has nothing to do with gender, sexual orientation or sexuality but a way of describing one distinct part of human consciousness or attributes the ‘feminine represents the need for healthy creative, intuitive and mystical emotional expression. Or just emotional expression.  We need positive emotional expression, which does not mean ‘feeling positive’ but finding positive ways to express our sadness, sorrow and pain.  Funerals are a positive way of expressing grief which is why we have them.  When we celebrate that person’s life we are saying why we miss them and why it hurts to lose them.  We are acknowledging they were part of our life, our memories and our heart and now it feels broken without them.

We express our emotions positively by creating something special for that person, their funeral.  That is the mystical expression of emotion, we know they are gone and will not see what we have created for them but we have an emotional need to still express that love for them.  We have an emotional need to say goodbye although they are already gone, because emotions are not rational or logical but things we feel for each other and the world around us – emotions are mystical.

Feminine in this sense describes human need to express emotions this can be creatively using intuition, mysticism and wisdom gained in emotional maturity. This is creativity often expressed through art, religion and science – all of which require the individual to see the world around them in new ways or to give birth to new ways of seeing the world.  They are all means in which we can experience and express awe and a sense of wonder at the complexity of the universe we live in.

Yet the Sun is traditionally ‘masculine’ again this is nothing to do with gender, sexual orientation or sexuality but describes attributes of our physical and psychological needs expressed in drives. Our drive to take risks and experience life through competition with the natural world which tests our physical and intellectual resources, the sacred warrior within that puts other values above own life, our drive to shine and be appreciated, our drive for food, shelter and sex. The sun holds the ‘solar system’ of our personality together yet it is just one star within the Milky-way our galaxy.  The sun represent the drive to shine and excel and to shine our light amongst all the other stars.

We are part of a galaxy a community which is larger and more important than our sun, and our galaxy our community is just one of many that make up the universe.  Our sun is aware of this that it shines its light in competition with millions of other stars, yet in shining its light it allows the ‘feminine’ earth to create life.  Irrespective of whether other stars are brighter or larger than the sun its light alone gives life to the earth.  Its light is necessary just as each of us is necessary and each of us must shine in life to give life.

So we can say that part of the ‘masculine’ consciousness of our ‘sun’ or personality is easily converted to ‘feminine’ consciousness in Pisces.  However it is important to remember the feminine attributes of emotional expression often experienced as creativity, intuition, mysticism and wisdom create the masculine attributes of drives and vice versa.  For example when creative nurturing of our moon is blocked it creates the drive to shine in its negative form as that of attention seeking behaviours. It is in finding a balance between these attributes of positive emotional expression and drives that we feel most complete.

The opposite attributes of Sun in Pisces is Moon in Libra and the Sun in Pisces when blocked can adopt some of the characteristics of the moon in Libra to overcome those blocks.  Moon in Libra is about using creative nurturing to find a sense of balance within the drives and creative expression.  It is about nurturing the self in a way that helps us to become more balanced emotionally.  It is also about learning to communicate our emotional needs openly and honestly with others something which the Sun in Pisces can find difficult at times.

The moon in Libra is also about reaching a balance between our emotional interpretation of events and the reality of a situation.  We often feel hurt at actions that were not intended to hurt us because of our emotional interpretation of those actions.  Sometimes this is justified but at other times we need to see beyond our emotions to the reality of the situation for those involved.  This is an area that those with Sun in Pisces need nurturing with when they feel hurt and wounded by the world around them.

“I couldn’t feel, so I tried to touch, I told the truth, I didn’t come here to fool you” – this is the lesson of the moon in Libra, Sun in Pisces attempts to feel everything but sometimes it needs to reach out and touch others with their words. It needs to tell them the truth about their feelings and their needs. This is important in aspect to Sun in Pisces in relationships, they must learn to communicate in ways that are clear to others instead of expecting the other to automatically understand their emotions intuitively.  To love another is not to have a telepathic relationship with them but to want to relate and understand what they are saying and words are essential part of this.  Only we know what is happening in our own consciousness and only we can express it.

“Words plain with lullaby refrain” – Catatonia ‘Nothing Hurts’

Traditionally in astrology only two planets represent the feminine consciousness of emotional expression ‘Moon’ and ‘Venus’ this is because ‘Neptune’ and ‘Pluto’ were unknown planets to the ancient astronomers and astrologers. It is also because ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ have become confused with gender and sexuality. So what was once obvious that their ‘feminine’ nature was in regards to emotional expression or the ‘sacred feminine’ has become obscured. There are four planets that represent the ‘feminine’ emotional expression and four that represent their opposite the ‘masculine’ drives.  Whatever gender we are we need a balanced expression of both in our lives to remain healthy both physically and emotionally.

Neptune or in Sumerian mythology Tiamet  represents the ‘feminine’ emotional consciousness in regards to intuition, mysticism and creativity springing from our ideals, dreams and emotional disillusionment with reality.  It is the need for an emotional connection with something larger than ourselves through which we can give our life purpose and meaning.  It is also the areas in which we struggle to understand certain realities or in which we are ‘disillusioned’ by the reality.

Our disillusionment is a form of emotional disappointment.  We may be disappointed emotionally by the realities of how our family nurtured us or failed to nurture us.  We may be disappointed emotionally that no matter how hard we try we never seem to find a sport we are good at.  These emotional disappointments can make us believe that some things we are incapable of accomplishing.  Whilst in reality it is just the belief that this is true that stops us from achieving.  Thus Neptune can block expressions of drives and emotions because it causes us to believe we are incapable of expressing them positively.

The difficulty for those with Sun in Pisces is that both their sign and co ruling planet represent the Tiamet which means instead of Neptune adding an extra definition to the sign it reaffirms those core values of creativity, intuition, wisdom and emotional disillusionment.  This is something that Sun in Pisces struggles with, finding a complete definition as a person when they are aware of feelings of emotional disillusionment with themselves and the reality of life.  Instead they should focus on what their core values are these are reaffirmed and stronger in Pisces than any other sign.  What they lack in strong definition they make up for in strong values and it is through these values that they find a sense of strong definition.  For although reality is painful and will always hurt us emotionally it also brings us pleasure, joy and love.

Neptune or the Tiamet rules sleep and when we are sleeping we reprogramme our brains – something which will be explained in greater detail later.  Neptune and sleep help us to deal with the issues we have in expressing emotional needs creatively, our drives and dealing with the issues that have arisen or any changes during the day.

so although Neptune represents emotional disillusionment with life it also represents our ability to change these feelings and the importance of good sleep and dreams to do this.   Neptune rules the inner world of our minds. Those with the Sun in Pisces often need extra sleep because of this and it is good for them.

“So Sweet sleep, enjoy the time you keep”

As co ruler of Pisces these themes are important. The other co- ruler Jupiter represents the ‘masculine’ consciousness, Jupiter leaps where angels fear to tread – across streams as children and sometimes chasms as adults for the sheer joy of knowing you can make it to the other side. Yet it is in competition with nature that we find wonder and awe in being alive, in having amazing bodies that can leap, climb and soar through the air.  The drive to participate in activities that create a sense of wonder and awe is part of the ‘feminine consciousness’ of creativity represented by Neptune and Pisces.

Jupiter also represents the drive to live life to the fullest, it does this in conjunction with others it is hard to laugh on our own laughter is something we share with others.  The Jupiter drive to live life to the fullest is also the drive to enjoy those we meet in our path through life.  Jupiter is the drive to learn that life is a feast and that none of us can feast alone.  If we try to feast alone we end up with indigestion but when we feast with others we can eat heartily from life and sleep heartily afterwards.

Thus the Sun in Pisces natural gives expression to Jupiter drives for risk taking, adventure and expression of belief, awe and wonder. It also is capable of expressing these drives in creative forms through art, mysticism and wisdom.  Jupiter and Neptune are opposites and so we can say that Pisces is ruled by the opposite ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’ expression.  All the Masculine planets have their opposite feminine planets and vice versa. The moon is the sun’s opposite, Venus is Mars’ opposite, Jupiter is Neptune’s opposite and Pluto is Uranus’ opposite.

Because of being ruled by opposite masculine and feminine planets, sun in Pisces may tend to rely on one more than the other and again the themes of the moon in Libra which is about finding a nurturing balance apply to the self in regards to finding balance between our Jupiter drives and Neptune emotional expression apply here as well.

one way Sun in Pisces may find of expressing Jupiter drives is a fascination with the other sign it rules Sagittarius which represents a symbolic first ancestor.  Those with Sun in Pisces may have an interest in genealogy, ancient civilisations and religions they may also feel a strong attraction to ‘primitive’ cultures or hunter gatherer societies and the idea of the noble savage is one that appeals to them and they may have a tendency to mysticism and romanticism when it comes to people from certain cultural backgrounds.

But this drive and interest can lead them to devote time to understanding the mythology of specific cultures.  They can acquire knowledge and understanding of the ancient world, that allows them to see the humanity in us that never changes but is an eternal reflection of ‘the first ancestor’ through time and space.  For we share the same awe and wonder at the rising of the sun as he did, regardless of our scientific understanding of it.

The opposite sign of Pisces is Virgo and this is the Sun in Pisces shadowland.  Those with sun in Pisces fail to see how they too can be hyper critical of others, passive aggressive and use guilt manipulatively.

The sun is the centre of our solar system it pulls or keeps all the planets in orbit around it.  Those planets represent the differing aspects of our consciousness or personality which is presented as a whole by the sun. In understanding how the Sun in Pisces relates to the planets in general we gain a better understanding of the sun or whole personality. However as individuals we all are unique and although in general the sun in Pisces may not usually experience difficulties expressing certain drives or emotional needs and tendencies it may not be the case for every Sun in Pisces.  This will also depend on aspect within their own unique natal chart.

We have four ‘feminine’ planets Moon, Venus, Neptune and Pluto and Sun in Pisces feels a natural affinity with these planets and this side of their nature.  The moon represents human reproductive creativity as well as the emotional nurturing  Green Sea Turtle of ourselves and others which can be expressed in terms of the mystical connection we feel towards our home, family and friends. If there are blockages to the moon’s expression in the chart the negative expression of the Sun becomes accentuated and instead of focusing on obtaining emotional nourishment and giving it creatively there is a stronger drive to shine through the Sun in Pisces in a negative form.  This is the drive to excel and shine by playing the victim of life, by refusing to deal with consequences of actions and past situations constructively or honestly.  To refuse to co-operate with others by using the excuse of not being understood or appreciated in order to have others pamper to our drive for attention.

Venus also represents human reproduction as part of the reproductive nature of expressing our current emotions such as romantic love and maternal instincts. Venus is the expression of how we feel at the present time as well as this it represents artistic creativity. It is the expression of feelings through colour, music and food. How we express ourselves emotionally and our instinctual responses to being part of the natural cycle of loving and losing people and possessions as well as enjoying the wonders of the natural world. Venus is our expression of emotional needs and feelings. This is what young children are doing when they have a ‘temper tantrum’ they are expressing their sensation of feeling emotionally overwhelmed.  Children need time to develop ways of expressing their emotions especially excitement which can be overwhelming for them even once they pass the temper tantrum stage.

As adults we learn to express these emotional needs in better ways but those with Sun in Pisces can still remain sensitive to feelings of being emotionally overwhelmed.  Yet part of their nature actually seeks out this experience, because it is often these experiences which are a trigger to mysticism or religious ecstasy especially if we are overwhelmed by feelings of love or awe and wonder. However if Venus is blocked this energy will express itself in negative Mars forms, leading to more expression of anger and sometimes the use of sex to fulfil emotional vacuum.

“All around me is wonderful and nothing harms me at all, me at all” – Catatonia ‘Nothing Hurts’

Pluto or the Sumerian counterpart Ereshkigal (Sister of Venus) represents the intense and powerful emotional moments of the natural cycle, birth sex, love, reproduction, sickness and death. Through experiences of these events we begin to go through a process of emotional maturation.  The child that loses their beloved goldfish experiences intense grief because it is a new emotion for them one they have no knowledge of how to process.  Yet with each beloved pet they lose they develop the emotional skills necessary to deal with these events.

It is when we lose somebody we love that we descend into the creative darkness for we are never the same afterwards we have learnt never to take our breath for granted or our loved ones. It was in the death of the dinosaurs and the meteorite strike that humanity and mammals were created. Since these intense moments in the creative cycle inspire much creativity themselves as well as intuition, mysticism and the search for wisdom Sun in Pisces is often deeply attached to their Pluto experiences. As such these parts of our personality are intuitively understood easily.

Pluto also represents areas where we hide or continually bury urges and desires because they were and are unacceptable to ourselves and our culture or family.  These buried urges and desires are often not as dark as they first appear. In fact some of these desires may appear as callings which completely change our lives for ever.  We can feel a compelling call to teach, to love another or to dedicate our lives to a cause.  However in continuously burying the less positive drives we can cause areas of hurt because those expressions cannot find any means of fulfilment.  In those circumstance Sun in Pisces can use Neptune like a drug to block out the pain and hurt caused by refusing to accept all of who we are. Neptune itself can represent areas we are trying to block out. the urges is to create a sense of emotional numbness instead of dealing with the issues and pain to find some form of healing. This is made worse because when Pluto is blocked it gains expression in negative Uranus drives.  Thus instead of realising they are using alcohol, drugs or other Neptune devices to block emotional pain they may see themselves as ‘rebels without a Cause’. You may have noticed the Lyrics to ‘Nothing Hurts’ and the song is posted above for you to listen to because it deals with this aspect of the Sun in Pisces. Emotional maturation through dealing with pain of loss, repression and acceptance of who we are.

We have four ‘Masculine planets’ Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus which the Sun in Pisces naturally draws on to provide impetus and motivation for emotional expression.  Mars which drives our competitive nature which includes our sex drive gives rise to the hedonism of the ‘feminine’ Venus joy in creating pleasure from food or sex and expressing emotions through both.  Those with Sun in Pisces have the same sex drives as everybody else they just like to express that drive in more subtle and less upfront ways than most.  That is unless they have their Mars in a very dynamic sign such as Aries and even then it will still be a Piscean expression of Mars in Aries.  However this also means that they are good at picking up subtle meanings in the actions of others as well.

However if their partner does not intuitively know that, “last night I dreamed we were dolphins” followed by the look should be translated as lets have sex there can be trouble.  Those with sun in Pisces love having sex even if they show it in strange ways, sex takes them on a magical mystery tour of the universe filled with wonderful sensations.  They just struggle to express this emotional mysticism they experience during sex and orgasm.  We live in a society that portrays sex in raunchy forms and terms.  Sun in Pisces identifies sex and Mars drives with this portrayal. They are often unable to be direct about their sex drives because this is not the sex they want.  They don’t want the cheap adult movie.  Yet it is hard for them to define or find definition to the sex they experience. They want the sex where orgasm feels like a religious experience.

Mars also represents the drive for survival which naturally entails putting ourselves first. Those with sun in Pisces are also capable of doing this well but are uncomfortable in perceiving themselves as selfish.  They are also very uncomfortable with the idea of others thinking of them as selfish. This means that they tend to express these drives in various ways that are subtle and like us all rationalise their actions later. As adults we are expected to express our emotions in positive creative forms but this can be blocked and in such cases it is usually expressed through Mars anger and sex as a means of receiving some form of emotional interaction.  If Mars is blocked we tend to become over emotional in negative Venus ways such as the temper tantrum.

Uranus which drives us to expand, compete for originality, individuality and freedom from the bounds of what constrains us. Whether that is limited knowledge, nature or other powers Uranus gives rise to new and creative ways to be. It is our drive to express ourselves, live an expansive life and to be inventive whether in creation of new technology or discovery of knowledge. Uranus means the ‘sky God’ or universe which is continually expanding and growing or stretching, this drive is beyond the drives we have as mere living organisms but represents a drive that separates human consciousness as unique.  It also defines humanity as a symbolic part of the expanding universe which is why we are driven to stretch and redefine ourselves throughout life.

Uranus is the masculine opposite of Pluto which represents our progress towards emotional maturity.  Uranus represents a drive towards the discovery of wisdom through expanding our knowledge and experiences in life.  As said earlier compassion can only work in complete unity to wisdom.  These means that it is vital for those with the sun in Pisces to develop their Uranus expression as much as their Pluto expression and be able to balance the two in order to become effectively compassionate.  When Uranus expression is blocked we tend to express it through its opposite negative Pluto emotional expression we pick away emotionally at the faults of others, use manipulation and power games.

Uranus is also the planet of castrated attributes which have lost a means of expression.  It is in Uranus’ castration that the universe is born in an explosion of frustrated attributes and drives that finds new form.  Uranus blocks to the planets are usually sudden events that were intense emotional experiences.  The blocks it causes are meant to focus our need to develop new ways in expressing drives or emotions.  It is also about expanding our knowledge of ourselves through understanding our own blocks and how we can overcome or remove them.

It is the third group that represents the last aspect of consciousness or personality that we have yet to discuss in regards to Sun in Pisces. Saturn and the South node of the moon represent our past experiences whilst Mercury and the North Node of the Moon represent the present and future possibilities. Remember that our personality is like a giant wormhole through time and space from the moment of our birth to our death. The Sun is what holds this wormhole’s appearance together providing the personality some consistency.  Right now Saturn and South Node represents the past of this wormhole where its been, and our memories and emotions are captured in its formation.  Mercury and North node represent the present and future paths this worm hole could and will take.

Water lilies

When it comes to the wormhole past that is behind us Sun in Pisces tends to regard this part of wormhole as a creative, intuitive and / or mystical lesson.  Thus Saturn which is similar to Newtonian physics in the sense that irrespective of what quantum physics says if you throw a brick in the air it is likely to fall back down and smack you on the head no matter how many times you try it, is seen as a spiritual metaphor for learning wisdom about throwing bricks.  Saturn however is like gravity it is a set of laws or rules that govern how our own individual universe works. Saturn is our representation of reality and what is rational.  If apples never fell to earth gravity would be an irrational idea.  However because in all of our past experience apples have fell and never floated upwards gravity is a completely ration idea.  Not only does Saturn rationalise our past and present experiences it is formed from them.

The south node of the moon represents the more subjective aspect of past experiences – ‘gravity’ or Saturn is something we all experience universally although we may have different actual experiences of falling or bricks landing on our head.  Saturn is how we see reality.  Saturn also does something else it rationalises our past choices and actions.  When we make a choice Saturn rationalises it to fit in with past experiences and to maintain a sense of continuity of the self.  whilst we may like to think of ourselves as being rational we act upon our emotions and drives no matter how irrational they may be and rationalise them later.  We make up a story to explain to ourselves why we have behaved in a certain way.  It is only when our drives and emotions are not involved in the decision making process that we act rationally.

Even when we are ‘rationally’ making decisions that rationality is conditioned by our confirmation biases.  Confirmation biases mean we ignore the facts that don’t fit our Saturn reality and focus on the facts that do.  We all skewer the statistics and the results to fit in with our own confirmation biases.  In academia they try to limit this through peer review but if we all have some of the same confirmation biases they go unnoticed.  This is why contrary to many modern beliefs we are NOT more ethically or spiritually advanced than previous generations or other cultures. We just see their confirmation biases because they are different we do not see our own.  For the Sun in Pisces this is hard for them to accept about themselves because they often like to shine that light as being a form of spiritual enlightenment.

Saturn is for the most part a positive force in our life it gives us expectations of what is likely to happen if we throw a brick in the air and it gives us a sense of our own continence as a personality.  However Saturn can also block positive emotional expression and drives.  Saturn is a representation of rules and laws. We all have rules and some of these are necessary, like don’t run out on road without looking is a good rule or don’t rape.  However when these rules include things like punishing a three year old for touching their penis they can create blocks – Mars’ positive sex drive can be blocked because it is excessive.  What is natural and essential for the continuation of any species has now become wrong to the child.

Just as children can be blocked from expressing emotions creatively if temper tantrums are excessively punished or frowned upon and this blocks Venus expression.  Saturn blocks unlike Uranus blocks are usually blocks caused by long term behaviours of others or situations experienced often in childhood. Uranus blocks are sudden unexpected events in which an emotional expression or drive gets blocked due to shock or trauma.   For those with the Sun in Pisces they can be more sensitive to excessive reactions of adults as children.  This is especially difficult for them because those drives or emotions are expressed in innocence and increases the impression of the world as one they don’t understand or fit into and those with the Sun in Pisces have some natural difficulties in accepting and experiencing reality.

Subjective experiences are those emotional memories which affect us as part of our human consciousness. How we related to our grandma, what it felt like for grandma to die. Generally our south node tells us it hurts when somebody we love dies or gets sick. This is part of our past wormhole and we use it to predict how we would feel if our children, nephews, nieces or grandchildren died. Because that subjective past of feelings and emotions about people in our lives is an incentive for us to care for those we have and to nurture them.  What has happened in the emotional past and our desire to nurture and sacrifice for others affects our choices, future possibilities and how we perceive current events. This again from a Sun in Pisces perspective as seen as a spiritual, emotional and creative journey.

Infinite possible future wormholes exist for everybody in the present moment. These possible paths are ruled by Mercury. Which represents an infinite amount of choices of the present moment which all exist simultaneously until explored by Mercury through the imagination.  If Saturn is Newtonian physics then Mercury is quantum physics. All future possible wormholes exist as probability waves and do so until Mercury collapses them by action.  The imagination explores all the possibilities in front of it and to do this it uses Saturn’s previous rational experiences and the emotional experiences of the south node of the moon.  However the Sun in Pisces imagination is likely to be more biased towards the emotional past experience of the south node than Saturn especially if Mercury is also in Pisces.

although there is an infinite amount of future wormholes the Sun in Pisces is likely to think in terms of being on their one creative, spiritual, mystic and or wisdom path.  This is because as soon as Mercury choice has been made these possibilities collapse and the Sun in Pisces continues unaware of them. The choice is made and Saturn rationalises it as it becomes part of the south node.  Not only does Saturn rationalise it but Neptune reprogrammes it into our consciousness at night during sleep.  When we sleep and especially when we are dreaming all the new events are reprogrammed into our brain and we fit them in with past experiences – our dreams are an expression of our brain being reprogrammed and trying to put everything that has happened into order. When we are in deep sleep we also dream this is our brain rebooting almost like a computer and running the new reprogramming.

With the north node of the moon this is easier because it represents our future emotional desires what we want from life emotionally from the perspective of understanding that our end is death.  Or rather what we hope to have accomplished by the time we die.  This is connected to emotional maturity. For the central purpose of emotional maturity is to prepare us to accept our own mortality and it is easier to do this when we have some sense of accomplishing what we want from life.

Neptune the ruler of Pisces helps reprogramme the brain each night as we sleep and sun in Pisces often senses this as a loss of self, they sense waking up with the sun as somebody new.  They are not sure how this happens but they sense it and often they blame Saturn or reality for feeling as if they are always new in the world and a stranger to it. However it is their own ruler Neptune that causes them to be born each day with the sun and although they sense having lost their old self they have a brand new one to match the dawn. That is the miracle that Neptune gives us. A new self to match the new day. Life is always a fresh start because of this.

We are born anew each day until the moment comes for all the possible future wormholes to collapse.  At that moment we have reached our destination the north node of the moon. Here Saturn solidifies the wormhole that is your life and your personality. You take the journey back along your wormhole through time and space through all you have accomplished and experienced.  You see the many faces of those you have loved and who have loved you.  You travel back to the bright light you saw at birth and beyond into the pre-existence or non-existence whichever you believe in.  To be reborn as grass, trees, flowers, birds, butterflies and all the many animals you already feel part of.

Sun in Pisces in 1st house

here the individual is very aware of the fact that their self definition is a fluid process which is constantly in change dependent on the world around them they are very aware of themselves being defined by similarities and opposites to others.  This person understands themselves more by interacting with the world around them than by solitary processes. Interaction with family is especially dynamic with them, so are interactions within relationships and they understand themselves better through their relationships. This is because they are to some degree focused on the ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’ interaction within themselves. ‘Feminine’ as stated above is our creativity, intuition, mysticism and wisdom – how we find our own individual place in the universe.  ‘Masculine’ describes the sacred warrior, protector of mother earth, family and community, it describes our desire to take risks and our ability to place other things above our lives.  At the heart of it is our drive to compete intellectually and physically with the world/nature and those with sun here may desire a few rites of passage experiences throughout life such as bungee jumping, camping in the desert which challenge their physical and intellectual capabilities.

Sun in Pisces in 2nd house

here the individual is very aware of how their insecurities may become defining aspects of their personality during some stages of life.  This is also true of the opposite they are also very aware of how their security may become defining aspect of their personality during some stages of their life.  Insecurity can and does give birth to security it is also true that security gives birth to insecurity.  The food insecurity of the last ice age gave birth to agriculture and methods of reasonably obtaining food security.  Crop failure and home repossessions give birth to an insecurity not experienced by nomadic hunter gathers who do not have the type of security of a permanent home.  yet within this cycle of security and insecurity lies our creativity, intuition, mysticism and wisdom as a means of coping and changing ourselves and the world around us. Here the fact that as humans we will all suffer loss and grief is often a dynamic that causes the individual to question their own sense of security and insecurity.  However they are likely to recognise these themes as part of the pattern of creativity and renewal which benefits society with its inventions and social changes.

Sun in Pisces in 3rd house

here the individual is very aware of both the ‘feminine’ and masculine aspects of their personality.  As stated before this is not a reference to gender or sexuality but to differing parts of human consciousness. The ‘feminine’ relates to creativity, intuition, mysticism and wisdom whilst the ‘masculine’ relates to risk taking, testing one’s abilities in natural extremes, spiritual warrior and the ability to self sacrifice for the greater good.  This is because here the communication between ‘Mercury’ the possible potential choices of a given moment and the ‘planets’ are accentuated.  Mercury is closest to the Sun both physically and symbolically because it is in communication with the planets of the ‘solar system’ in each moment of possible choices.  This helps the Sun maintain a coherent ‘solar system’ of the personality. Mercury represents our possible choices at any one moment and the planets represent different drives and desires of the personality.  If we are hungry the Mars drive to eat may take precedence over Venus desire for creating hedonistic pleasure – we will be more interested in satisfying our hunger.  This inner communication will also be reflected in external communication, where listening to many varied inputs is important and choosing what takes precedence at any given time is highlighted as an important part of the development of the whole personality.

Sun in Pisces in 4th house

here the individual is very aware of the importance of their inner life.  Inner life in this sense is not the material world we create not even as a home but the inner intangible world; love, peace,anger,dreams, ideals, beliefs and values are intangible they cannot be held or seen but felt.  Thus although focus is on the home and family it is not the material or physical home and family but the intangible and subjective meaning of being part of an environment that contains many things which are not seen by the naked eye.  This does not mean that the physical home is not important but that its importance comes from the fact that it is the environment where the subjective inner life flourishes and it often reflects what it is we want from our own inner life.  Thus it is very likely that individuals with the sun here are focused on the whole personality as as something which through necessity must interact with the outside material world in order to create the environment necessary for their inner life to be creative and spiritually cohesive, this is also how they are likely to view their relationships as well.

Sun in Pisces in 5th house

here the individual is very aware of the need to maintain a healthy and whole personality.  In this sense we are talking about our ‘solar system’ of personality ability to function as a whole reflecting and refracting the light of the sun to create beautiful multicoloured rainbows and reflect that light out into the galaxy and universe.  If we consider the different colours of a rainbow as representing the ‘planets’ within our ‘solar system’ as a whole they produce a rainbow and as a whole they constitute the light of the sun.  It is all the colours of light that give sunlight its strength and all are needed for it to compete with the brightest stars and it is only in its competition with other stars is the light necessary to create life emitted.  It is likely that this drive to shine spurs the individual to creative expression whether that is intellectual, artistic, mystical or philosophical.

Sun in Pisces in 6th house

here the individual is vary aware of the need to sustain life through care, food and the work necessary to provide the sustenance necessary for the individual and offspring/family to survive. Here the basic resources needed for a healthy and whole personality to develop is brought into focus. Here the necessity of resources as a means of sustaining life and creativity is also creatively developed from modern agriculture, medicine and childcare we have developed creatively the resources necessary to sustain life and we will continue to do so in new and imaginative ways.  This may include how we express thanks such as harvest festivals and other celebrations of mother earth as the source of our resources from various creation mythologies to deep scientific insight into ecology, biology, geology and other sciences that reflect our need to develop and interact with the earth.  Individuals with this aspect are likely to be drawn to this subject in some form and have a need to impact how we sustain life and each other in some creative form that allows us to develop a sense of our place within the universe..

Sun in Pisces in 7th house

here the individual is aware of the need for all parts of the personality to relate in some form with each other to create a balanced whole.  This means that despite the fact that each planet represents a different aspect of consciousness and life, common ground between all the aspects of our consciousness must occur for us to find a whole and work as a whole personality rather than different aspects of consciousness working independently of each other.  This requires balance and trade-offs between different needs, desires and requirements as conscious human beings.  Here the drive to relate as a means of competing more effectively not just in terms of sexual relationships but in broadening knowledge and resource base is one that not only is expressed in how the different aspects of personality relate but in how the individual relates to others around them whilst maintaining a sense of whole personality which allows them to operate not just in the world but to create a richer inner life as well.

Sun in Pisces in 8th house

here the individual is aware of the fragility and importance of life.  Understanding how fragile life is gives the impetus to live and enjoy it whilst we can, even the suffering and loss as an important aspect of being human and alive.  This is also true of our insecurities, both of these our fragility and our insecurity drive our need to shine our ‘sunlight’ as bright as possible whilst we can and to feel part of this galaxy and universe which existed and exists beyond our star.  From our fragility and fears our star burns brightly creating the light necessary for life it is our fear of our fragility and death that makes us give life to others and to ideas, to create an understanding of this process in new ways that incorporate the feelings of being part of a universe and a galaxy.  To give celebration to the fact that we have the opportunity to shine in the heavens even if it is for the most brief of moments.  This understanding of fragility extends to the planets that represent aspects of our consciousness and how fragile these can be, and the need for strength by uniting the personality as a whole to be able to create during the fragile period of life we have.

Sun in Pisces in 9th house

here the individual is aware how much of an amazing adventure life is.  The sense of awe at simply being alive, at the wonders of the universe from galaxies, to bumble bees is often felt strongly here.  People are often confused by the term ‘mystical’ which is when we feel a deep sense of awe, wonder and connection to something larger and more profound than ourselves, this can happen in studying science, listening to music, sports and being in nature.  We can feel a sense of awe and wonder when our bodies move perfectly while practising sports – note it is a sense of amazement at the wonder of how our body can move and act rather than a narcissistic experience.  From the mystical experience there is a sense and feeling of connection on an inner level this can be felt as different areas of consciousness being interconnected to for the whole personality and on an outer level an interconnection with humanity, nature and the universe.  The sense of interconnection and need of communication on both the inner and outer levels of life may mean the need to retreat into solitude at times to hear clearly their own inner intuitions.

Sun in Pisces in 10th house

here the individual is aware of the need to be fully part of the world and nature.  There is a habit of thinking about nature as something different to humanity, but humanity has been a part of nature for over 2 million years.  Yet to some extent most of us feel cut off and separated from it by the demands of life.  To some extent we are cut off from the realities of nature as well such as predation, starvation, sickness and death until they come knocking at our door.  However all these things give us an appreciation of what we do have an uncomfortable night under the stars gives us an appreciation for our bed and roof over our head, anybody on a diet where bread is forbidden soon appreciates how wonderful toast smells.  We live in a world where we have water on tap yet few drink it, but go a day without it and you appreciate how amazing it is.  On an inner level of your ‘solar system’ you tend to appreciate not all of the planets’ wants and desires can be fulfilled and that this is actually a good thing.  You also appreciate this as regards to the whole personality in the outer world as well yet you understand that it makes what we have richer and more fulfilling.

Sun in Pisces in 11th house

here the individual is aware of themselves as being connected as part of a family and community.  Here the sense of being one part of a whole which has to work and act in unison with the rest is quite strong.  There is an understanding here of ethics and morals not as a measure of what is right and wrong but as a means of being able to unite people into working together under agreement.  This sense of having a shared ethical or moral frame behind which people can unite is also part of inner life and you unite the differing aspects of your consciousness from a stance of finding an ethical or moral framework from which all the ‘planets’ abide in order to create a whole personality represented by the sun.  This is reflected in your outer life as a strong desire to treat everybody in the same ethical and moral way and to expect the same treatment back.  However you are unlikely to just follow any standard approach to ethics and morals but are likely to contemplate the merits of your ethical choices and to create your own unique set of principles that you are very likely to stick to consistently.

Sun in Pisces in 12th house

here the individual is likely to be attracted to studying science, religion, art, literature or mysticism and through the experiences of others find their own sense of awe and wonder.  They are likely to be very reflective and need time and space alone to contemplate what they are actually experiencing.  In order for these people to here what their planets are telling them they often require time out from the distractions of daily life and they often need time alone in discussion with themselves to find and figure out all the voices that make up our complex consciousness and to incorporate all those voices into the whole personality represented by the sun.  Once these individuals learn to do this they find an inner strength in the whole personality that allows them to overcome almost any obstacle in life.  This is also true in the outer woorld nce they have learnt this technique in finding and understanding their inner life they can create a strong group of people using the same method to achieve goals whether religious, scientific or for social justice.

©neptunes aura astrology

Posted October 16, 2015 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Sun in Sign & Houses

Pluto and the Moon in Synastry   Leave a comment

Maya in Sanskrit means illusion or magic, in later Vedic texts it refers to appearing one way when they are another similar to Plato’s analogy of the cave.  In the analogy of the cave people spend their entire lives in it without realising it is a cave, outside there is a fire with puppets that create shadows on the walls that the inhabitants think are real. In Buddhism Maya is the name of Buddha’s mother.  In Mathew 10:35 it says:For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter against her mother-in-law.

For our mothers and families define reality for us as children, we know whether it is right or wrong to eat at the table depending on what they teach us.  We could say the cave we are born into comes from our parents cultural heritage and the shadows reflected on the wall are their ideas.  The shadows reflected on the wall will be different if you are born in Europe compared to the Middle East or Africa.  The shadows come from everywhere around you, family, television, neighbours and friends.  Yet you are so used to them you seldom question how real the shadows are.

Pluto in aspect to the moon in synastry represents a relationship where both are forced to question the shadows on the wall and what they really think about them.  With the harmonious aspects it is a subtle realisation, with dynamic aspects it is a sharp awareness that may come through different cultural heritages or political belief systems.  Whatever the differences they bring this dynamic into focus in ways that cannot be avoided.

How we feel about our family and our culture, our insecurities what these beliefs have created and what we believe about ourselves in relation to the rest of the world are all called into question.  If we fail to deal with any of these issues: anger, prejudice, hatred or biases they will come back to haunt us within the relationship.

If we don’t deal with these issues we remain scared of certain shadows on the wall and we will mirror these fears within the relationship, if we don’t examine the ideology of the shadows on the wall this also will be mirrored within the relationship. Yet the relationship offers us the ability to see clearly our own shadows and the cave in which we have been dwelling.  It offers us the opportunity to find the crack of daylight that points the way out of the cave we have been stuck.  Thus it is an opportunity to free ourselves of preconceived notions that bind us to the cave.

Posted September 25, 2015 by neptune's Aura Astrology in musings