Archive for the ‘North Node’ Category

North Node in 1st House, Aries and / or in Aspect to Mars   Leave a comment

There is a tendency here to respond to consequences of actions first and reflect on things later with this aspect.  The natural instinct is to deal with consequences as they happen and it is often done on an instinctual level, this means that it is not often that consequences snowball out of control because often your quick reactions save the day but sometimes after reflection you wish things had been handled differently.  However you are honest and open enough to apologise quickly for any reactions you feel were unfair to anybody else and let go of your own mistakes just as quickly as you let go of others mistakes.  This is because you tend to live in the present moment and are busy dealing with present consequences and choices, rather than mulling over what could have been or how you could have done things differently.  This stops you living in the past or dwelling too much on any failures because of this tendency you don’t give up easily as you are usually focused on where you are now and how to get to where you want to go next in life.

As you mature you will start to reflect more on your actions and learn better ways of dealing with things but your reactions to consequences and events will always be instantaneous especially sudden unexpected ones and this gives you an edge over others often in life as you usually take the steps needed to overcome obstacles when others are still pondering their choices.

©neptunes aura astrology

Posted November 22, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in North Node

North Node in 2nd House, Taurus and / or in Aspect to Venus   Leave a comment

Here there is a tendency to view consequences to actions in black or white terms at times. This is because of the association with a very basic instinct; from about 6 months old babies will cry if picked up by a stranger this is a survival instinct that draws the mothers attention from about 18 months children will do the same when their mother or primary carer goes out of sight again this is important in terms of survival.  Feeling insecure or unsafe is necessary for our survival when we are with strangers or in strange environments especially, it causes us to assess the risks of danger to ourselves and without the instincts to do so we would be less likely to survive. Because of this there is a tendency to view consequences as either putting us at greater risk or as making us safer and more secure.  However consequences are often a mixture of both and with maturity comes the ability to risk assess the likelihood of risks happening as opposed to the likelihood of benefits happening.

With this aspect there is a risk of sticking rigidly to learnt consequences that work for them as a person, especially as they get older and they become less likely to open up to different perspectives and outlooks.

©neptunes aura astrology

Posted November 20, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in North Node

North Node in 3rd House, Gemini and / or in Aspect to Mercury   Leave a comment

There is a tendency to view consequences of actions from a myriad of perspectives, and even years later you may have new perspectives and thoughts on the consequences of events from new angles as your life progresses.  You have the ability to see how a myriad of events are all interconnected and how all our choices lead onto different ones, this ability to see how consequences always affect future choices and set us down different paths is one reason you may be very contemplative and like to reflect on all the options available when dealing with the present consequences of past choices.  You see where things may be going off track and you are quick to make minor detours to get you back on track when you are sure of where it is you want to get to however when you are unsure of where you’d like to go in life you find it difficult to make definite decisions without trying the different routes available and seeing what the consequences are.

This desire to try multiple routes in life may see you have many different career paths but they most likely stem from one or two points where you are exploring how you can use certain skills and talents and if anybody can blend different talents in new and innovative ways it is you.  The consequences of being able to do this makes you able to create a niche where you are appreciated for your ability to blend different fields and talents and provide valuable insight from a completely new perspective.  This is true of most areas of life you will experiment a great deal before blending the understanding you have gained through consequences of choice into your own unique and special insight.

©neptunes aura astrology

Posted November 20, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in North Node

North Node in 4th House, Cancer and / or in Aspect to Moon   Leave a comment

There is a tendency to view consequences of actions from an emotional perspective of how those consequences affect family, friends and your community.  There is a strong connection between expressing care and love and the choices we make and for you that expression of love is judged by the consequences your actions have on loved ones.  This means that you pick up quickly on unintended negative effects your actions might have had by the reactions of those closest to you and you rarely have to be told how they are feeling as a consequence of your actions.  You are capable of making great sacrifices thus for the happiness of others and you tend to measure your successes in terms of family and loved ones rather than status or material possessions.

Being highly sensitive to the effects your actions have on others can mean at times you may feel overwhelmed when unforeseen negative consequences disrupt their lives and this can spiral into depression if the consequences have a major impact, there is a need to understand that nobody is immune to making bad decisions and that all any of us can do is make the best of the situation we find ourselves in.  You have an inner strength to move on from such events and pull things together for the sake of yourself and your loved ones it is important to trust your capacity to do so.

©neptunes aura astrology

Posted November 19, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in North Node

North Node in 5th House, Leo and / or in Aspect to the Sun   Leave a comment

There is a tendency here to equate the consequences of your actions with how you feel about yourself, when you are feeling good the tendency is to see the positive consequences and to turn a blind eye to some of the negative ones, however when your mood is low the opposite is true.  There is an ability to use the consequences of past actions creatively by applying what is learnt to new ideas and to expand your understanding of how people are likely to respond to certain actions and events you are naturally adept at picking up others responses to your actions and soon learn what will get the effects you desire from others.  This makes you good at predicting the consequences of your actions in regards to how others may perceive them positively but it is important that you have a positive view of the consequences of your actions in the long term as it is your opinion of yourself that is most important.

You are naturally able to turn small negative consequences around with a deft timely intervention or two but struggle with larger consequences at times when your natural positivity escapes you and it is important for you to learn to see even the smallest of positives when hit with sudden unexpected negative consequences because through the negative consequences we learn many things that inform our decision making process later on in life.  Yes it is hard when the consequences of our actions are different to our intended aims but this is something we all experience and it is not a reflection on your personal worth and value.

©neptunes aura astrology


Posted November 19, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in North Node

North Node in 6th House, Virgo and / or in Aspect to Mercury   Leave a comment

There is a tendency to judge consequences of actions from a critical perspective picking out what could have went better and what you could have done to prevent certain consequences.  In the process of tearing consequences apart mentally there may be a tendency to lose sight of the overall effect and to be consumed with small details.  Whilst it is good to critically assess consequences of our actions there is a tendency to be overly harsh on yourself at times as none of us can ever predict the full consequences of actions or have full knowledge on which to base our decisions.  There is a need to be a little less critical and to focus on the positives of consequences as much as the negatives.  Having said that once your critical eye has assessed all the consequences you use this information to drive your thought processes towards creating a better outcome for everybody and you are very aware of consequences in terms of real help they provide to others.

It is important not to let negativity creep in when you assess the consequences of your decisions as this can blind you to the positive contribution you are making at times and sap your energy.  If you feel down at heart then take time to go over all the positive contributions you have made and you will see there is much to be proud of.  It is important that you understand that applying your critical eye to the consequences of others actions is not something that may go well unless asked for and even then it is important to understand that criticism must be balanced or you may just dishearten others.

©neptunes aura astrology

Posted November 19, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in North Node

North Node in 7th House, Libra and / or in Aspect to Venus   Leave a comment

There is a tendency to view the consequences of actions from many different perspectives and you may be more likely to put the perspectives of others on a par with your own.  Although it is good to get the different perspectives as they may shed light on areas that you may have overlooked it makes drawing your own conclusions more difficult at times and as you incorporate the views of others back into your own decision-making process you may lose sight of your own goals at times.  However your ability to incorporate these different perspectives into the process means your thought processes are constantly evolving and because you place value on expert opinion as well as direct material consequences you are likely to end up having a very fair and even-handed thought process as a result, which naturally rejects personal biases.

With this aspect it is important to give as much emphasis to your own emotional responses to consequences as the opinions of others and to accept those feelings are equally valid response.  With time you will be able to develop the confidence to accept that your own opinions on the consequences of events are just as valid as everybody else’s and have the confidence to disregard the opinions of others when they go against your own personal views on your experiences.

©neptunes aura astrology

Posted November 19, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in North Node

North Node in 8th House, Scorpio and / or in aspect to Pluto   Leave a comment

There is a strong emotional investment made in the decisions you make and you are very sensitive to criticism as a result of the emotional investment you have made, as it can feel very much like a personal attack on yourself.  That said it makes you wary of getting feedback from others at times and you may shun the lime light when it comes to receiving positive public accolades as the consequences of your actions just as much as you struggle to deal with negative feedback.  Because you invest a huge amount of emotional energy into the decision-making process it is important to you that your actions live up to your highest ideals and you may be very disheartened if your actions have unintentional consequences that impact others negatively and you are likely to have intense feelings of guilt when they do.  It is difficult for you to let go of the guilt over consequences of actions and they tend to haunt your decision-making process afterwards, and can cause you at times to lose trust in your ability to make good decisions.

Because your decision-making process is strongly affected by strong emotional drives you are vulnerable to emotional manipulation in this area and guilt can drive the decision-making process.  It may only be when the consequences of actions become apparent that you may realise that you have been manipulated by others who are less scrupulous and this is a lesson that may take you quite a while to learn, however once you do you will be very sensitive to manipulative behaviour and pick it up quicker than most.

©neptunes aura astrology

Posted November 19, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in North Node

North Node in 9th House, Sagittarius and / or in aspect to Jupiter   Leave a comment

Here there is a tendency for expected consequences never to live up to expectations, this is due to larger than life expectations at times so even when they are successful it may not feel like a success at the time and it is important to view just how much you have accomplished with this aspect.  With unexpected consequences the opposite is true any unexpected positive result no matter how small is likely to give a huge boost to morale and encourage you to persevere.  With the expansive energy of Jupiter when you see the consequences of actions positively the energy increase can be huge and if you are enthusiastic about results you are almost unstoppable however if the consequences are less immediate then the enthusiasm can quickly vanish and it is hard to persevere with any action and decision where the consequences may not be felt for some time.

Luckily it often does not take much to uplift this aspect of your personality and an unexpected compliment is often all it takes to boost your moral.  With positive consequences you may however be encouraged to use this feedback to expand your decisions and actions in all directions as you see a vast number of ways in which the consequences are connected to different courses of action and you may decide to try all of them which can use up your energy pretty quickly.  This also stops you focusing your decisions and actions to one area which may be better in the long-term for success.

©neptunes aura astrology

Posted November 19, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in North Node

North Node in 10th house, Capricorn and / or in aspect to Saturn   Leave a comment

Here the individual is very aware of the importance of the consequences of their actions and may have a strong sense of duty towards others.  They may naturally shoulder a lot of responsibility and feel the weight of these responsibilities bearing down on the consequences of their actions.  They may view the consequences of actions through the effects it has on others and their duty to them.  They may also appear inflexible at times due to their strong conviction that the consequences of their actions dictate their choices as they may have a duty to put the needs of others first especially if they have others dependent on them.  There is the capacity to put the consequences to others of their actions, before the consequences to themselves however they may do this when it is not necessary and they may deprive others from understanding the full consequence of their actions by assuming a duty to them and protecting them from the full impact of their decisions.  They may also have the urge to try to impose consequences on others for their actions when it is unnecessary or unfair to do so.

Having a strong sense of duty these individuals assess the impact of their decisions on the effect it has on loved ones, and take into consideration the realities of the situation and what was realistically achievable in the circumstances when assessing how effective the consequences are in the achievement of goals and they are prepared to accept small reasonable positive outcomes as consequences knowing that they can amass to a much greater effect than grand gestures often do.

©neptunes aura astrology


Posted November 18, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in North Node

North Node in 11th house, Aquarius and / or in aspect to Uranus   Leave a comment

Here there may be a tendency to ignore certain consequences if they are believed to be unjust or biased responses.  The individual may feel that what they are attempting to do is far more important to than the consequences to themselves personally.  There may however be a belief that the rules don’t apply to them and that they have a right to behave in certain ways without the consequences of their actions catching up with them.  Everything we do has consequences for ourselves and others and whilst it is important at times to focus on whether our actions are for the best rather than the personal consequences of acting on our convictions, nobody has the free range to do what they like in life and everybody must face the results of their actions and their effects on others.

There may also be a tendency to interpret the consequences of actions from a unique perspective that gives a very individualistic meaning to the decision process and one which removes emotional perspectives when necessary to aid the process of evaluating and incorporating lessons learnt into the decision-making process with as little bias as possible.

©neptunes aura astrology

Posted November 18, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in North Node

North Node in 12th house, Pisces and / or in aspect to Neptune   Leave a comment

Here there may be difficulty in viewing consequences of actions realistically and there may be a likelihood that small set backs are viewed as failures that dishearten the individual, there may also be difficulty in accepting that we seldom get the ideal consequences from our actions and that we have to accept the best realistic consequences as achievements and not failures.  There may be a strong tendency to judge consequences of actions to unrealistic expectations we have of ourselves and accepting a more realistic expectation of ourselves will ease the feelings of disappointment that can deter us from continuing after a minor set back.

There may also be a tendency to imagine the consequences are far worse than they are, when we make a poor decision and to try to bury our head in the sand, when we need to deal with consequences pro-actively to minimise any negative repercussions. Ignoring problems magnifies them in reality and in our minds and learning that a bad decision is not the end of the world and can be rectified by action is an important learning experience.

Once it becomes easier to deal with negative consequences rather than ignore them it also becomes easier to draw lessons from what went wrong and why in order to use the experience pro-actively in future decisions.  The same is true of positive consequences if they are appreciated for a good result we can take all the positives and relate them back to what went right for future decisions instead of giving up because they failed to meet an impossibly high standard.

©neptunes aura astrology

Posted November 18, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in North Node