Archive for the ‘Moon/ Sun phases /signs’ Category

Cycle of the Moon and Sun   Leave a comment

The Sun and Moon both have cycles, from new-moon – half-moon – full-moon – half-moon, spring, summer, autumn and winter. The moon’s cycle is monthly and the sun is yearly but both have always played an important part in our lives.  When we talk about the sun being in Aries or Taurus what we are actually doing is describing its position in the cycle at birth.  If you know your moon sign all you need to do to find its phase is flick through the following posts and scroll down until you reach your Sun/ moon sign combination.

The cycles of both the sun and the moon have a lot in common:

Sun 0 Aries, spring equinox point of balance between night and day before the Sun grows in strength in the Northern hemisphere.

Waxing half-moon point of equal balance between the hidden and visible sides of the moon before the moon grows into full luminosity.

Sun 0 Cancer, Summer solstice when the Sun is at its height of power in the Northern hemisphere.

Full moon point when the moon is at its full visible power.

Sun 0 Libra, equinox point of balance between night and day before the Sun grows weaker in the Northern hemisphere.

Waning half-moon, point of balance between the visible and invisible sides of the moon before the moon wanes completely in strength.

These points are dynamic for both the sun and the moon they mark stages of which the moon or sun is continuously working towards.  The position of the sun and moon in their cycle at birth shows where we were on that path and where both our sun and moon want to develop to.  Sun in Gemini wants to reach the full potential of the summer solstice sun, they feel that energy and drive from birth. The waxing gibbous moon wants to reach the potential of the full-moon.  Both our sun and moon want to develop to the next stage it is a constant driving force.

The following posts contain references to the need for attention, this does not mean attention seeking behaviour.  If you are lost in a strange town and need directions you need the attention of a passer-by for them to give directions.  If you have been in a major road accident you need the attention of the emergency services.  We all need attention; people to notice we exist, people to respond to our questions, people to stimulate our imagination through conversation.

Moon in Aries   Leave a comment

Lady Luna represent the conscious funneling of our emotional intuition (Venus) as small children we are driven by our emotional intuition or how we feel whether it is rational or irrational.  Usually the person who helps us develop an understanding of these feelings is our mother and the moon also represents her influence and that of the family in the natal chart.

Those with the moon in Aries are passionately protective of loved ones, intensely caring, emotionally honest and direct. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted June 18, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Moon/ Sun phases /signs

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Moon in Taurus   Leave a comment

Lady Luna represent the conscious funnelling of our emotional intuition (Venus) as small children we are driven by our emotional intuition or how we feel whether it is rational or irrational.  Usually the person who helps us develop an understanding of these feelings is our mother and the moon also represents her influence and that of the family in the natal chart.

Those with the moon in Taurus can be very stubborn when it comes to emotional bonds with family, they can try to domineer them at times.  Most of the time however these individuals work hard at keeping family ties strong and are very protective of their loved ones. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted June 18, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Moon/ Sun phases /signs

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Moon in Gemini   Leave a comment

Lady Luna represent the conscious funnelling of our emotional intuition (Venus) as small children we are driven by our emotional intuition or how we feel whether it is rational or irrational.  Usually the person who helps us develop an understanding of these feelings is our mother and the moon also represents her influence and that of the family in the natal chart.

Individuals with the moon in Gemini have a huge bond with their siblings and family members.  Family to these individuals are the most important thing and if they count you as part of their family they will never desert you. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted June 18, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Moon/ Sun phases /signs

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Moon in Cancer   Leave a comment

Lady Luna represent the conscious funnelling of our emotional intuition (Venus) as small children we are driven by our emotional intuition or how we feel whether it is rational or irrational.  Usually the person who helps us develop an understanding of these feelings is our mother and the moon also represents her influence and that of the family in the natal chart.

Moon in Cancer individuals are extremely sensitive to the emotions of others and find it difficult to find balance in their own emotional extremes. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted June 18, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Moon/ Sun phases /signs

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Moon in Leo   Leave a comment

Lady Luna represent the conscious funnelling of our emotional intuition (Venus) as small children we are driven by our emotional intuition or how we feel whether it is rational or irrational.  Usually the person who helps us develop an understanding of these feelings is our mother and the moon also represents her influence and that of the family in the natal chart.

Moon in Leo individuals are warm, affectionate, funny, caring and larger than life.  They can be dramatic at times and are never dull to be around.  They are often witty and sparkle in company. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted June 18, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Moon/ Sun phases /signs

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Moon in Virgo   Leave a comment

Lady Luna represent the conscious funnelling of our emotional intuition (Venus) as small children we are driven by our emotional intuition or how we feel whether it is rational or irrational.  Usually the person who helps us develop an understanding of these feelings is our mother and the moon also represents her influence and that of the family in the natal chart. Moon in Virgo are very sweet, caring souls who are willing to go the extra mile for those in need.  They are more sensitive than they appear and take criticism to heart.  These individuals are at their best when appreciated and valued by their family. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted June 18, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Moon/ Sun phases /signs

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Moon in Libra   Leave a comment

Lady Luna represent the conscious funnelling of our emotional intuition (Venus) as small children we are driven by our emotional intuition or how we feel whether it is rational or irrational.  Usually the person who helps us develop an understanding of these feelings is our mother and the moon also represents her influence and that of the family in the natal chart.

Moon in Libra yearns for emotional connection and to be understood.  This moon is actively trying to relates its emotional experiences to that of others, to bond and understand them better. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted June 17, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Moon/ Sun phases /signs

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Moon in Scorpio   Leave a comment

Lady Luna represent the conscious funnelling of our emotional intuition (Venus) as small children we are driven by our emotional intuition or how we feel whether it is rational or irrational.  Usually the person who helps us develop an understanding of these feelings is our mother and the moon also represents her influence and that of the family in the natal chart.

Moon in Scorpio individuals are intense and passionate their feelings are at times overwhelming.  They care passionately about their friends and family. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted June 16, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Moon/ Sun phases /signs

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Moon in Sagittarius   Leave a comment

Lady Luna represent the conscious funnelling of our emotional intuition (Venus) as small children we are driven by our emotional intuition or how we feel whether it is rational or irrational.  Usually the person who helps us develop an understanding of these feelings is our mother and the moon also represents her influence and that of the family in the natal chart.

Moon in Sagittarius the wild wanderer of the sky, likes to explore the world and travel to exotic destinations.  This moon is a larger than life party animal whose honest emotional expression is often refreshing.

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Moon in Capricorn   Leave a comment

Lady Luna represent the conscious funnelling of our emotional intuition (Venus) as small children we are driven by our emotional intuition or how we feel whether it is rational or irrational.  Usually the person who helps us develop an understanding of these feelings is our mother and the moon also represents her influence and that of the family in the natal chart.

Capricorn is the sign of the horn of plenty and like the moon is associated with fertility.  Capricorn is also the symbol of divine rulership, the moon here rules as queen of the night.  Moon in Capricorn individuals are sweet and caring, they are unlikely to express emotional extremes even if they feel them.  Their practical caring side means they keep a rein on excess emotions to prevent them getting in the way of looking after others.

These individuals are very wise and steadfast in their emotional outlook they are practical, sincere and true.  Once they make a commitment to anybody they stick by that commitment and honour it. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted June 16, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Moon/ Sun phases /signs

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Moon in Aquarius   Leave a comment

Lady Luna represent the conscious funnelling of our emotional intuition (Venus) as small children we are driven by our emotional intuition or how we feel whether it is rational or irrational.  Usually the person who helps us develop an understanding of these feelings is our mother and the moon also represents her influence and that of the family in the natal chart.

Aquarius is a representation of the waters of Enki/Ea or Oceanus the world river.  Both these Gods were famous for not getting involved in the disputes of the Gods over power and control.  Oceanus was recognised as the true ruler by some just as Enki/Ea was the original ruler of the Sumerian Gods.

This refusal to take part in pettty rivalries and disputes sums up moon in Aquarius individuals nicely they refuse to be dragged into the petty quarrels of others.  Aquarius here is not cut off from their emotions but separated from being manipulated by them and although they may often appear cool at times there is a warm and caring individual inside who just prefers to show his feelings through action rather than tears.  These individuals are inspired to take action against injustice and like to focus on the important matters of life.

Moon in Aquarius can be an indication of feeling separated emotionally or physically from the mother and /or family. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted June 16, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Moon/ Sun phases /signs

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Moon in Pisces   Leave a comment

Lady Luna represent the conscious funneling of our emotional intuition (Venus) as small children we are driven by our emotional intuition or how we feel whether it is rational or irrational.  Usually the person who helps us develop an understanding of these feelings is our mother and the moon also represents her influence and that of the family in the natal chart.

In the Babylonian star charts (tails) Pisces the fishes represents two animals joined by a thread to the tail of the fish and the swallow.  Certainly Europeans believed that swallows instead of migrating south in winter dove into rivers and water to hibernate.  The swallow and the fish were both large constellations in Babylonian times.  The fish represented Anunitum a Babylonian variation of Inanna or Venus.  The fish may also be connected to Siduri, the barmaid (an incarnation of Venus) who lives at the lip of the sea, beyond which is the Land of Life, where Utnapishtim lives (the swallow was one of the animals sent by him to find land in the flood myth). Utnapishtim is warned to build an ark by Ea / Enki. He is also told to abandon riches and possessions and seek life and to tell the city elders that he is hated by Enlil and would go to the watery Abyss to live with Ea via the ark. As you can see the barmaid, the land of life, abandonment of riches for spiritual life are all Neptune themes.

In Egyptian mythology the swallows are connected to the stars and also the souls of the dead and show the way to the land of life.

Moon in Pisces individuals have been taught through their childhood to filter their emotional responses through themes of understanding, like the ‘barmaid’ these individuals often provide an ear to everybody’s problems and moon in Pisces individuals understand that we are often driven to behave in certain ways because of trauma and pain.  Often those with moon in Pisces will just listen without judgement but at times they can get drunk on their own emotions and indulge them.  Apart from the ability to become over emotional these individuals are deeply sensitive to the needs of others and will go out of their way to help anybody in need.

Moon in Pisces because of their sensitivity seek a partner who is sensitive to their emotional extremes and who can help them find some balance, and encourage their practical side.  They need someone who can help them filter through the deep emotions of their heart and make sense of them.  These individuals often need a helping hand dealing with their emotions and soft heart so they are not abused by the less scrupulous in life.

With the moon in Pisces these individuals often find it herd to deny their own Venus anything it desires and may need help to balance some of those sensory indulgences before they take them to extremes.

Moon in Pisces Sun in Aries,

were born just before the new moon, under a waning crescent moon.  At their time of birth the sun was near the celestial equator which marks the equinox when night and day are most balanced. As children these individuals were very emotional and although they understood that they couldn’t always get attention when they needed it would grow impatient if left waiting to long.  As adults they are more direct in their need for attention and still impatient at times. With this aspect much of their childhood will remain a mystery even to those who know them well.  There are things from the past the do not discuss.  In relationships you may sense the emotional undercurrents behind their passionate outbursts but it is hard for these individuals to discuss certain feelings even with their nearest and dearest.

Moon in Pisces Sun in Taurus,

was born just after the waning half-moon under a waning crescent moon.  At their time of birth the sun was roughly midway between the celestial equator which marks the equinox when night and day are most balanced and the summer solstice when the Sun is at its most visible strength and power in the Northern hemisphere.  As children these individuals were patient in waiting for attention sure in the knowledge it would come eventually.  The moon was in the process of hiding her self from view and those with this aspect tend to want to hide those deep emotional outbursts and expressions that can’t help but escape occasionally.  These individuals have very deep emotions which they keep under wraps a lot of the time.  These individuals are naturally better at caring and supporting their own needs than opening up to others.  In a relationship they are comfortable more with their partner opening up than they are with the idea of doing it themselves.

Moon in Pisces Sun in Gemini,

were born under a waning half-moon.  At their time of birth the sun was close to the summer solstice when the Sun is at its most visible strength and power in the Northern hemisphere.  As children they were balanced in their emotional expression but demanded a lot of attention.  The sun here is almost at its peak and these individuals feel this from the moment of birth, the excitement of almost having reached the top, they are in a rush to get there and this can make time drag if they are forced to wait.  As adults they will always have an impatient excitable childlike quality and openly seek attention when they need it.  Here the need to hide the deepest emotions and the fact that they struggle doing so is often a personality quirk that means they are uncomfortable with their intense emotional responses.  In a relationship there is a need to be sensitive to whether they want to express these feeling and to take cues from them, if they are pretending they have an eye infection instead of crying don’t press it.

Moon in Pisces Sun in Cancer,

were born a few days after the full moon under a waning gibbous moon.  At their time of birth the sun was close to the summer solstice when the Sun is at its most visible strength and power in the Northern hemisphere.  The sun here has just passed its optimum strength and although still very powerful these individuals sense its decreasing power, which can give them a feeling that life will never be as good again.  As children they needed a lot of attention and were quite open about it, although they sensed that this precious need would never be fully met again.  They are very emotional in nature and they are very sensitive about that fact. These individuals can’t help but express everything they feel and wear their heart on their sleeve.  In a relationship they are very connected to their partner’s emotions and find it hard to separate their feelings from their partner’s.

Moon in Pisces Sun in Leo,

were born after the full moon under a waning gibbous moon.  At their time of birth the sun was roughly midway between the summer solstice when the Sun is at its most visible strength and power in the Northern hemisphere and the celestial equator which marks the equinox when night and day are most balanced.  There is a sense from birth that this midway point suits them fine most of the time their need for attention is met and they are able to express it openly even if they do have to wait at times.  Sensing the equinox and what lies beyond at the winter solstice, they make the most of this energy realising they still have more than less and express this joy in what they do have. These individuals were born when the moon was just beginning to wane, they struggle understanding their emotions because of this, the need for the strong emotional expression of the full moon meets the need to control and to hide our feelings and sensitivities of the waning moon.  In a relationship these individuals need you to be aware of their feelings without drawing attention to them.

Moon in Pisces Sun in Virgo,

were born at the time of the full moon.  At their time of birth the sun was close to the celestial equator which marks the equinox when night and day are most balanced. With their Sun in Virgo there is a sense from birth that they have had more than their fair share of attention and that they need less to restore the balance.   These individuals must express their feelings.  Emotions are heightened with this aspect and are always felt powerfully.  This can mean at times they struggle with the intensity and overwhelming aftect their emotions have on them. In a relationship they are very dynamic and expressive of their emotions and very sensitive to their partner’s moods.

Moon in Pisces Sun in Libra,

were born just before the full moon under a waxing gibbous moon.  At their time of birth the sun was close to the celestial equator which marks the equinox when night and day are most balanced.  From birth these individuals sense that they are leaving the balance of the equinox behind and facing the slow decline of the sun.  They are driven to try to keep this balance as long as possible and are willing to give as much attention as receive it in order to do so. These individuals are very expressive but find their is a tiny aspect of their emotions that always seem hidden to them and this hidden aspect can come as quite a surprise to them and others.  In a relationship it is important to understand this tiny hidden aspect of their moon because it can sneak up on them unawares and they do struggle to comprehend what their feelings are all about at times.

Moon in Pisces Sun in Scorpio,

were born under a waxing gibbous moon.  At their time of birth the sun was roughly midway between the celestial equator which marks the equinox when night and day are most balanced and the winter solstice where the visible sun is at its weakest in the Northern hemisphere and the invisible Sun of the Southern hemisphere at its strongest.  These individuals sense from birth that although they may not always have all the attention they need they are better off than some and they sense the depths of the hidden power of the winter solstice.  These individuals are therefore happy with the attention they do receive and do not feel the need to go looking for it openly.   These individuals know their are dark hidden emotional aspects to their nature still to be uncovered and they are happy to explore those themes secure in the knowledge that they have uncovered more than is hidden waiting to be resolved.  This helps them feel more reassured in expressing their emotions and they are comfortable with this aspect of themselves.

Moon in Pisces sun in Sagittarius,

were born under a waxing half-moon.  At their time of birth the sun was close to the winter solstice where the visible sun is at its weakest in the Northern hemisphere and the invisible Sun of the Southern hemisphere at its strongest.  These individuals were born sensing the invisible strength of the sun in the Southern hemisphere peaking.  They felt a rush and excitement at what this hidden Sun might contain and are impatient in their desire to reach this point.  They don’t openly express the need for attention much as children sensing the need to find and understand the meaning of their hidden sun which lies in the opposite side of the Earth, they feel a compulsion to go seeking and exploring without being fussed over.  These individuals are aware there are hidden aspects of their emotional nature that they just cannot seem to express no matter how hard they try and this can be frustrating at times for them.  In relationships they need a partner to understand that they often have difficulties expressing feelings in a way that others understand and need a partner to listen and help them find expression.

Moon in Pisces sun in Capricorn,

were born under a waxing crescent moon.  This was traditionally the start of the new month in ancient cultures. At their time of birth the sun was close to the winter solstice where the visible sun is at its weakest in the Northern hemisphere and the invisible Sun of the Southern hemisphere at its strongest. These individuals were born sensing this lack of sunlight and attention, although it is now increasing they feel the need to make the most of what they do receive.  They do not need much attention even as children these individuals make the most of the attention they receive and a small praise goes a long way with them so they seldom feel the need to seek attention as children or adults. These individuals are much more comfortable with their emotions and although they keep a lot hidden they can express their feelings when necessary.  In a relationship these individuals tend to put their partner’s need ahead of their own and are very sensitive to their emotions.

Moon in Pisces Sun in Aquarius,

were born just after the new moon under a waxing crescent moon.   At their time of birth the sun was close to the winter solstice where the visible sun is at its weakest in the Northern hemisphere and the invisible Sun of the Southern hemisphere at its strongest. At their time of birth the sun was roughly midway between the winter solstice where the visible sun is at its weakest in the Northern hemisphere and the invisible Sun of the Southern hemisphere at its strongest and the point of the celestial equator where the equinox occurs and night and day are most balanced.  These individuals were born sensing that the darkest hours were over and things would only get better.  As children this faith that attention would come without the need to openly seek it proved true and as adults these individuals still trust that the attention they need will always be there making them undemanding and open to attention from others. The new moon was only just beginning to emerge from darkness and these individuals struggle with this at times as they can be completely in the dark about how they are really feeling.  In a relationship they need a partner that understands their emotional confusion at times and who can help them reconnect with their feelings.

Moon in Pisces Sun in Pisces,

were born at the time of the new moon and they are fully conscious of the depth of their emotions.  Here the moon overshadows the sun and has control.  At their time of birth the sun was close to the celestial equator which marks the equinox when night and day are most balanced.  These individuals were born sensing that balance was being restored once more and that even the darkest nights end.  As children they are open in their need for attention but willing to wait sure that it will come eventually.  As adults they are more likely to wait for attention to come to them than to openly seek it. Since the moons emotions are hidden in the depths and are expressed through the Sun’s need for attention they struggle with having both their emotional and attention needs met.

Posted June 1, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Moon/ Sun phases /signs

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