Archive for the ‘Planet placement in partners’ chart’ Category

Uranus in Partner’s 1st house   Leave a comment

With Uranus in partner’s first house the emphasis is on understanding each other as separate individuals with own unique characteristics and identity within a relationship.  The issue of always remaining an individual even within the closest of relationships comes to the fore and more realistic expectations of each other begin to emerge.

Uranus in Leo in 1st house

here the relationship is one in which differences in ego expression are highlighted within the relationship.  The differences of ego expression are likely to cause a feeling of separation within the relationship that gives sense of being unable to understand where the partner is coming from and they may feel rejected at times for being who they naturally are.  It is important at these times to try and relate to one another as friends in order to ease these feelings between partners.

Uranus in Virgo in 1st house

here the relationship is one in which differences in natural tendencies towards nurturing and care of the immediate environment are highlighted.  One partner will be likely to have more organisational skills and nurturing skills than the other however this may make them more likely to be critical at times and this may come across as rejection of the other person. On the other hand the other person is unlikely to enjoy being overly nurtured and may find it stifling this too may come across as rejection to the other partner.

Uranus in Libra in 1st house

here the relationship is one which highlights the natural differences we all have in relating to others. We all have our own ways of relating to others and in this relationship those differences can at times feel like rejection of the other due to misunderstandings and unique ways of relating what is said which may be subject to miscommunication and lack of emotional clarity in individual responses, especially if one party tends to walk away from intense emotional stimuli.

Uranus in Scorpio in 1st house

here the relationship is one that highlights how our own personal experiences of tragedy and loss mark us uniquely as individuals throughout life.  there is a tendency here for one partner to want to cut off from facing these issues that affect us all and they may be unable to deal with some issues emotionally thus they will withdraw when these issues are brought up by the other partner this can feel like an intense rejection when they are at their most vulnerable, and it is important t realise it is not them being rejected but an inability to face the issues.

Uranus in Sagittarius in 1st house

here the relationship is one in which differences in belief systems, values and ethos create a feeling of separation that is hard to bridge.  It is likely that experiences of these things has wounded one partner in ways which have coloured their views permanently.  Within the relationship it will be necessary to accept both partners have had different experiences which need to be respected and that it is fine for there to be different value systems within the relationship.  This will help ease feelings of rejection of ones values.

Uranus in Capricorn in 1st house

here the relationship is one in which differences in how we all see reality come to the fore, whether that is sensible precautions or boundaries one partner may be reluctant to conform to such ideas as they find them restrictive or they are likely to over conform.  This is probably due to a childhood where boundaries were completely missing or where there was an authoritarian approach that removed freedom completely.  Within the relationship it may take time to find a balance between approaches but both partners must be careful not to reject each other or make the other feel different because f this.

Uranus in Aquarius in 1st house

here the relationship is one in which it is likely both individuals have completely different backgrounds that create different perspectives politically and socially this may be an area of contention between partners which can lead each to feel rejected because of their views on social exclusion and other issues affected by minority status, illness or poverty.  It is important that both remember they have different experiences of life and that both experiences are valid and cannot be rejected out of hand.

Uranus in Pisces in 1st House

here the relationship is one in which it is likely that one partner rejects the ideals and dreams of the other.  We all have our own individual dreams and ideals and they are closely related to who we are it is necessary within this relationship to accept differences and respect all our dreams are equally valid as a reflection of our deepest desires and wishes.  Our ideals to reflect our idea of perfection and to reject these out of hand can feel like rejection of the person.

Posted September 10, 2015 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Uranus in Partner's house

Uranus in Partner’s 2nd house   Leave a comment

With Uranus in partner’s 2nd house the issue of our unique needs in order to feel secure come to the fore within the relationship for some security is more financial than emotional and vice versa but we all have our own unique ways in which we feel secure.

Uranus in Leo in 2nd house

here the relationship is one in which differences in self worth affect our sense of security within the relationship insecurity is likely to stem from low self worth which must be addressed for both partners to feel more secure.  There may be fears of emotional abandonment that stem from past experiences for both or either partner and it is only in addressing these fears and working through them can the relationship provide the security and stability they seek. For everybody needs some level of security within their relationships in order to trust each other.

Uranus in Virgo in 2nd house

here the relationship is one in which care and nurturing aspect of security is highlighted within the relationship this may be very important to one or both partners.  One may need to feel cared for more than the other does in order for them to feel secure and loved especially if they felt they lacked this during childhood this need for nurturing may be expressed as overly affectionate and seeking reassurance constantly – it is only by doing this within the relationship that the person will become secure enough to move beyond this stage and this needs to be understood by both partners.

Uranus in Libra in 2nd house

here the relationship is one in which both partners may have different needs when it comes to relating to each other.  One partner may need a more intimate communication bond within the relationship than the other and be more frustrated if their need for intimate conversations is not met.  The need to feel a strong connection to the other through the relationship is a reflection of the need to understand the self better within the relationship in order to feel the relationship itself is secure.  It is through building our knowledge of each other we form secure bonds.

Uranus in Scorpio in 2nd house

here the relationship is one in which both partners have different security needs due to different experiences of loss and deprivation.  One or both partners may have experienced an early loss or may have had a family experience of struggle and or illness that makes them seek more emotional or material security than the other although loss may have opposite effect and they may pay little regard to material security knowing it can be powerless to prevent illness and death. One partner may also need more security such as locks around home in order to feel safe.

Uranus in Sagittarius in 2nd house

here the relationship is one in which focus on security comes from a difference in sense of values, beliefs and or religious views.  One or both of the partners may rely on religious teaching and beliefs to provide a sense of stability and security within their lives or they may feel insecure because of religious belief system they have been brought up with, it is likely that their may be differences within the relationship in these experiences which makes it more difficult to understand the need for security.

Uranus in Capricorn in 2nd house

here the relationship is one in which the focus on practicalities of security are stronger in one partner or different between the partners.  There is a need for at least one partner to have secure and stable home with stable and steady income as well as a preference for money in the bank, they are also likely to prefer that the relationship itself is stable and not overly dramatic or passionate.  With this need for financial and emotional stability to feel secure comes talents and skills in this area making them more likely to appear very stable and secure to their partner.

Uranus in Aquarius in 2nd house

here the relationship is one in which there are individual differences in the need for friendship and companionship within the relationship in order to feel secure is brought into focus.  It is likely that one partner needs more friendship within the relationship than the other, that one needs their partner to be their best friend in order to feel completely comfortable and secure with them.  This difference in the need for friendship within the relationship may mean that one partner may prefer more shared activities than the other.

Uranus in Pisces in 2nd house

here the relationship is one in which learning to balance security issues within the relationship comes to the fore one partner may be completely unaware of the need to take proper security measures and be overly trusting of others this is likely to lead to a misplacement of trust which makes them move to the opposite extreme of being intensely insecure before finding their balance again within the relationship there are issues to resolve that will help them do this more effectively.

Posted September 10, 2015 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Uranus in Partner's house

Uranus in Partner’s 4th house   Leave a comment

Uranus here in the 4th house brings issues of what is family and what we call home to the fore within the relationship.  We all have unique family and home setting of which we are accustomed to and take for granted it is only in our relationships with others that we experience different family setting and various homes.

Uranus in Leo in 4th house

here the relationship is one in which our sense of worth developed through our family relationships and home life as a child come into focus.  Within the relationship our identity as part of a family and how we view ourselves both positively and negatively comes under the spotlight.  Families have different orientations they may value reading and discussion or out door activity and sports more but all families have different orientations.  As individuals we assess our selves in comparison to siblings and other family members and if we have attributes that are different we struggle to value them equally at times.

Uranus in Virgo in 4th house

here the relationship is one in which issues of how we care for each other within families and nurture each other impacts on how we value and nurture others within our relationships. As individuals with our own family background we may have experienced different levels of showing affection, teasing and closeness within our families.  Each of us comes to the relationship with these experiences as our norms which may mean issues can arise when one is less tactile than the other – one may feel rejected while the other may feel overwhelmed and need more space.

Uranus in Libra in 4th house

here the relationship is one in which how we learn to relate t each other through our families comes to the fore, different families communicate in different styles depending on culture and background they may be very passionate and animated when speaking, relaxed and comfortable discussing any issue or they count be unemotional and reserved in communication.  We tend to accept our family as the norm and learn to communicate in the way that we have been raised and find it harder to relate to those with different communication styles.

Uranus in Scorpio in 4th house

here the relationship is one in which how our family has raised us to deal with loss, fear of loss, sickness and fragility of life come to the fore within the relationship and there may be different styles of dealing with these subjects one may have been raised in a family where certain subjects were taboo whilst another is quite comfortable speaking openly about such topics.  The level of comfort at which we deal with sex and death especially may be one in which the relationship teaches us to be more open and frank with each other than we have been accustomed to.

Uranus in Sagittarius in 4th house

here the relationship is one in which we deal with being raised with different values and beliefs within the relationship and how these ideas about who we are and how we should behave towards others is focused on.  There is likely to be different ethical perspectives within the relationship and this offers both partners the chance to broaden their horizons if they accept the differences and try to see things from the other’s perspective as well.  In doing this it widens their frame work for making joint decisions that encompass far more than they are capable of as individuals.

Uranus in Capricorn in 4th house

here the relationship is one in which the issues of how we view reality is coloured by family attitudes to money, security and the home itself as well as roles adopted within the family such as provider or nurturer.  Each family has a unique structure and we tend to conform to the structures we understand when we come from a ‘traditional’ family background we tend to be comfortable with that structure because we know the roles and what is expected of us however families vary wildly and in many families those roles are not clear cut or completely different depending on circumstance.

Uranus in Aquarius in 4th house

here the relationship is one in which family backgrounds are likely to be completely different from a social perspective one may be rural family life the other urban family life or the financial aspects of the families may have been completely different.  There is also possibility that one family may have completely different educational standard from the other or different social class that causes both partners to see things from different perspectives but may cause clashes at times due to differing values, especially financial and social ones.

Uranus in Pisces in 4th house

here the relationship is one in which our unconscious beliefs about family and our ideals regarding them come into focus.  There is likely t be issues around family upbringing which makes the relationship more complex when it comes to having reasonable expectations about what normal families feel like.  One or both partners may have had a lot f issues within their family growing up and this may lead them to yearn fr the perfect family of their own.  However families do not come in perfect and all have faults and flaws and this may take a while for those in relationship to adjust to.

Posted September 10, 2015 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Uranus in Partner's house

Uranus in Partner’s 5th house   9 comments

Uranus here is about dealing with issues of self esteem and self confidence within the relationship so that both partners are not over dependent on the other in this aspect of their relationship.  Within the relationship both may feel more comfortable showing all the aspects of their personality and growing to accept them as part of who they are.

Uranus in Leo in 5th house

here the relationship is one in which issues surrounding the need to be appreciated, admired and loved come to the fore and in the relationship this dependence on the other for self confidence and self esteem may bring about radical changes in both partner’s abilities to value themselves as worthwhile in themselves and not just in relation to each other.  The relationship focuses both partners attentions in creating their own sense of worth and value separate from the relationship and in doing this they both strengthen the bonds between them.

Uranus in Virgo in 5th house

here the relationship is one that highlights our need to be valued and understood through caring for each other.  All relationships are interdependent however those with issues around self worth often adopt caring roles that make them indispensable to the other.  Here the lesson is learnt that we need to develop our own worth and by lessening the role of carer and giving each other their own individual freedoms the relationship blossoms into one in which mutual interdependence flourishes.

Uranus in Libra in 5th house

here the relationship is one that highlights how our own self worth and value affects our ability to relate to each other on equal terms as human beings.  In order to relate effectively we need to be comfortable abut who we are and be relaxed with our contribution and worth within the relationship otherwise we will be unable to communicate and relate effectively sensing meanings that are not there.  This means that it becomes difficult to talk and relate if the other is sensitive and needs constant reassurance.  Within the relationship these issues are often resolved and both partners become more self assured and confident when relating to each other.

Uranus in Scorpio in 5th house

here the relationship is one in which our deepest fears about loss and deprivation meet our personal insecurities and through dealing with both these issues together in the relationship both partners have the opportunity to understand loss and deprivation as part of natural cycle and not in terms of our own self worth.  This may take much time to accomplish but gives the relationship a strong bond which can overcome any obstacle once these are worked through.  There is an intense need too be appreciated and adored at first within the relationship that must become more balanced.

Uranus in Sagittarius in 5th house

here the relationship is one in which issues of how we perceive ourselves through the eyes of our culture come to the fore in how we develop a sense of worth in ourselves.  Different cultures value different attributes and it is within these frame works that we often estimate our own self worth and value.  Through the relationship we may come to terms with social values not reflecting personal values and begin to value ourselves and the other as a unique individual with a myriad of qualities which should be appreciated in themselves and not for the value society places on them.

Uranus in Capricorn in 5th house

here the relationship is one in which both are quite practical in assessing who they are and their own self worth within the relationship.  They tend to have a down to earth approach to each other and realistic expectations of both themselves and the other as mere humans.  However there may be times when they need to be less practical within the relationship and understand the need to be appreciated and valued as a gesture of romance and affection between each other irrespective of whatever practical situations need dealt with.

Uranus in Aquarius in 5th house

here the relationship is one in which how we understand our unique role within the relationship helps us to grasp a better idea of our value and self worth and the worth of each other.  It is within the relationship where we have different strengths and attributes that we are capable of making something much more powerful than we have a lone and in grasping that our attributes when combined with others creates something greater helps us to see our own indispensable value to the communities we live in.  Within the relationship there is much develpment of individual talents and acceptance of individual strengths.

Uranus in Pisces in 5th house

here the relationship is one in which we face the unconscious images and depictions of who we are and our own self worth from our family, culture and media.  This is unconscious in the sense that we do not notice the subtle ways in which we value ourselves through others reactions to us.  Within the relationship we learn to understand this process and to challenge our own preconceived ideas about our own self worth in the process. The relationship is one in which our own self image is challenged until we find a medium between the best and worst ideals we have of who we are and what we can achieve.

Posted September 10, 2015 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Uranus in Partner's house

Uranus in partner’s 6th house   Leave a comment

here there is an emphasis on mutual care and responsibility within the relationship, whilst at the same time accepting that both partners are individuals with their own methods and styles of resolving issues themselves.  The balance between caring for each other and giving each other the space to make individual choices and decisions within the relationship is highlighted.

Uranus in Leo in 6th house

here the relationship is one in which the need to let go of the ego’s need to feel important is necessary to care for each other from a sense of mutual interdependence rather than from a need to fulfil ego desire for self esteem within the relationship.  There is a greater capacity to build a true sense of being valuable within the relationship when this urge is overcome and both parties learn to care for each other as part of mutual interdependence whilst allowing the other to make their own choices and decisions without feeling under pressure to include the other in some supportive role.

Uranus in Virgo in 6th house

here the relationship is one in which our need to examine our contributions within relationships and to seek value as contributing to the welfare of the other comes under the spotlight both partners may have a tendency to care for others and it is together they can learn more appropriate uses for this characteristic that helps them give others the independence they also need.  Together they learn to care for each other in more appropriate ways and learn when to back off and give the other their independence.

Uranus in Libra in 6th house

here the relationship is one in which how we relate to each other in caring and compassionate ways affects our ability to communicate effectively.  because there is care taken in how both communicate with each other both are likely to be sensitive to the moods of each other yet they may struggle at times when stressed or feeling sensitive for at these times they may feel the other is hypercritical or they may communicate in a hyper-critical manner themselves. Awarenes of this issue is all that is needed to resolve it.

Uranus in Scorpio in 6th house

here the relationship is one in which the fears of loss and deprivation that all individuals feel is expressed through a tendency to over care for each other and to mother the other in some way which may feel stifling at time for both individual.  There is need to address the fears that cause these behaviours head on and come to terms with the insecurities of life in order to care more appropriately and allow individual freedom. Once these issues are addressed and fears are overcome this relationship can be extremely rewarding for both.

Uranus in Sagittarius in 6th house

Here the tendency is focus on how does caring for one another fits into our belief system and moral compass.  How we care for each other says a lot about our own ethical system and values within a relationship how we care for each other reflects the importance and value we have for ourselves and the other.  In relationships where there is little care we are under valuing ourselves by allowing this and thus we needs to address how we value ourselves and others and how we have been taught to be considerate or empathic and whether we need t develop these themes more within the relationship for it to blossom.

Uranus in Capricorn in 6th house

here the relationship is one in which both are likely to be very practical in ways they show affection and care for each other.  It is likely that both just accepts the other as an individual and handles issues of differences as what they are the fact that individuals are merely different and not as a rejection of some part of ourselves this means that both care enugh about the other to allow them the freedom to spend on their own interests without demanding attention yet both are subtle enough to give affection and care to the other when it is needed without drawing attention to the fact.

Uranus in Aquarius in 6th house

here the relationship is one in which beliefs of creating an altruistic relationship which is interdependent and in which both care for each other mutually is significant.  It is likely that both believe strongly that the other should be able to speak to them openly and freely without judgement and with the ability to say whatever worries them.  Caring fr each other within the relationship is seen not only in a physical sense but social and psychological sense as well.  It is likely that over all health of each partner is important in terms of giving space to their needs.

Uranus in Pisces in 6th house

here the relationship needs to become more realistic in how we are capable to care for each other it is unrealistic to expect the other to automatically know what is wrong or how it should be fixed.  It is unlikely this is due to not caring rather than assumption that anther automatically knows what is wrong.  Even in close relationships we need to communicate so others understand how we are feeling and leaving communication until we are hurt or angry is the worst way for us to handle things if feelings of neglect in relationship arise it may be necessary fr both to look at communication.

Posted September 10, 2015 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Uranus in Partner's house

Uranus in Partner’s 7th house   Leave a comment

Uranus here is about learning to relate to individuals and maintain our own unique individuality, it is about discovering aspects of ourselves in relation to other people being true to these aspects whilst accepting the truth of others own individuality.

Uranus in Leo in 7th house

here the relationship is one in which both partners come to terms with the ego as an essential part of who we are and the need to feel valued within our personal relationships for our own individual contributions and talents. This relationship is one in which both partners learn to accept their own self worth through interaction with each other developing appreciation for who they are as well as who their partner is.

Uranus in Virgo in 7th house

here the relationship is one where there is a great deal of care and sensitivity to each others needs when communicating however when stressed the relationship can be one in which all the small niggles come to the fore and result in hyper criticism of each other – if partners are aware this is due to stress they can learn to overcome this side of the relationship which is really just the opposite reflection of their capacity to be ultra sensitive to each other.

Uranus in in Libra in 7th house

here the relationship is one in which how we are all unique in our communication styles comes to the fore as each partner learns to adapt to the unique style of the other and learns to adapt methods of communication to make it easier to relate better to what each other is saying and expressing.  This is a relationship in which how we communicate with each other comes to the fore and which both may develop better skills at relating to people.

Uranus in Scorpio in 7th house

here the relationship is one in which there is an intensity with which partners communicate with each other although passionate this aspect is one which needs to be controlled to allow clear communication.  There is a fear of lossing the other and of insecurities bearing on the relationship to a greater extent that both partners will need to work through together in order to resolve areas of tension these issues will cause.

Uranus in Sagittarius in 7th house

here the relationship is one in which both partners are aware of each other as unique individual with their own unique cultural heritage and both are likely to want to understand each other’s cultural heritage better in order to be able to communicate more effectively with each other and to gain better understand of where the other’s view points stem from.  They are likely to adapt their own unique culture within the relationship.

Uranus in Capricorn in 7th house

here the relationship is one in which both partners have a unique sense of reality which is completely different to each other and which both must learn to accept as equally valid in order to build the stable relationship they are capable of building together.  Within the relationship there is likely to greater communication about what they set and achieve as goals within the relationship, they will both be down to earth about the fact they are both individuals with unique wants.

Uranus in Aquarius in 7th house

here the relationship is one in which how we remain unique as individuals and as a couple yet fit into our community comes under the microscope both may feel that your friends struggle with you as a couple because your relationship is different from your friends norm.  This is likely to be true for both partners and it may be necessary to develop friends as a couple as well to overcome this situation, and find a group both are comfortable with.

Uranus in Pisces in 7th house

here the relationship is one in which coming to terms with the fact that no relationship lives up to perfect ideals and we must all adapt our expectations of each other in order to come to terms with our own humanity is important. Both will have different ideals about what the perfect relationship looks and sounds like and both will through the relationship learn to adjust these ideas appropriately.

Posted September 9, 2015 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Uranus in Partner's house

Uranus in Partner’s 8th house   Leave a comment

Here the issues of our deepest fears as individuals comes into focus, our fear of loss and death, poverty and misery as well as sickness and disability.  We all have these fears for ourselves and our loved ones making us at times over protective or manipulative due to fear of loss.

Uranus in Leo in 8th house

here the relationship may be one in which we have to accept none of us have the capacity to control life events. Partners may have to face their deepest fears in conditions which make them helpless to change the situation.  This may be due to natural events such as earth quakes etc. in which the individual may face the fear of loss in circumstances they cannot control.  This does not mean actual loss of a partner but facing the reality that loss is something unpreventable.

Uranus in Virgo in 8th house

here the relationship is one in which we may address these fears of loss within all individuals by questioning what it is to actually care for one another.  When we care for each other are we doing so due to our fear of loss or as individuals with respect for the other individual, is it driven by a need to control or an acceptance that we are interdependent yet individuals in our own right.

Uranus in Libra in 8th house

here the relationship is one in which we must find a way of relating to each other’s deepest fears of being able to speak what is often to frightening for us to articulate and find a way of sharing our experience of being mortal in an unpredictable world where we have to come to terms with our lack of control.  This relationship offers the potential of having our deepest fears recognised and accepted as part of our humanity.

Uranus in Scorpio in 8th house

Here the relationship is one in which the intense fears we ahave as individuals forces each partner to come to terms with the intensity this palces upon relationships and find ways in which this intensity may also be controlled and understood in ways that allow each individual the necessary freedom to grow and develop within the relationship without feeling stiffled by the insecurities of the other.

Uranus in Sagittarius in 8th house

here the relationship is one in which both partners will use different religious and cultural responses to our intense fear of loss which all individuals possess.  Within the relationship both partners may have cmpletely different ways of dealing with our intense fears and both individuals will have to learn to accept that all types of ways to few our fear of loss are equally valid and that what works for us is an individual matter.

Uranus in Capricorn in 8th house

here the relationship is one in which both partners learn to develop realistic responses to the fears of loss and deprivation which all individuals experience in life. The partner’s together learn to be more rational when it comes to the probability of their deepest fears actually happening, in this relationship they develop the practical skills necessary to ensure the chances of unforseen loss are reduced to a practical mimimum without sacrificing their individuality.

Uranus in Aquarius in 8th house

here the relationship is one in which both partners come to terms with the fears common to all individuals of loss and deprivation as part of a greater story that of society and the community.  It is likely that they may be involved in these issues within their local community and they may both have stroong opinions of society’s role in these issues and our responsibility to help each other in times of loss and deprivation.

Uranus in Pisces in 8th house

here the relatinship is one in which coming to terms with our unconscious beliefs about loss and deprivation that are common to all individuals comes under scrutiny and our ideals about spiritual strength may be challenged until we come to terms with the fact that we are all vulnerable to these fears and they must be dealt with honestly throughout our relationships with others.

Posted September 9, 2015 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Uranus in Partner's house

Uranus in Partner’s 9th House   Leave a comment

Uranus in Partner’s 9th house brings issues of our cultural heritage and world view into focus. What we belief and why we believe it is likely to come into focus within the relationship which may be one in which different religious or national perspectives come into play.

Uranus in Leo in 9th house

here the relationship is one in which our ideas about who we are based on national and religious cultures come into question and we are forced to question whether our own culture is better than another and why we have such presumptions.  The natural preference for a culture we already understand and can fitinto without consideration comes under the spotlight and the relationship offers the opportunity to broaden our world view.

Uranus in Virgo in 9th house

here the relationship looks at ways different cultures show care towards each other and this is likely to be mirrored within the relationship.  The relationship is one in which both parties may have different cultural perspective on how we care for each other within relationships and what it means to care for another.  There may be attendancy to be critical of these differences at first but if this is overcome the best of both cultures can come into play.

Uranus in Libra in 9th house

here the relationship is one about how different cultures may use different methods to relate to each other as individuals.  From the Japanese Tea ritual to the rubbing of noses we all have various ways of showing affection and relating to each other when we are raised in one culture we autmatically use those cultural norms when relating to others, other cultural ways of showing affection may not feel naturally affectionate despite the intentions behind them.

Uranus in Scorpio in 9th house

here the relationship is one in which we face our deepest unconscious fears when it comes to different cultures, how they have been represented within our own culture, how we seperate oour assumptions from facts and each other as individuals from our own cultures.  This is likely to be a relationship in which we face our unconscious beliefs about others being a threat to our way of life and in which we are forced to address where these ideas stem from.

Uranus in Sagittarius in 9th house

here the relationship is one in which we face our how even our desire to understand different cultures is filled with biases such as native americans or mayans being spiritual.  We have preconceived notions about cultures that may deny them their humanity by imposing unrealistic beliefs upon people as individuals which holds them to a higher standard than we would dream of imposing on others.

Uranus in Capricorn in 9th house

here the relationship is one in which we face our need as individuals to have a cultural heritage which gives us stability yet be able to relate to another cultural heritage valuing it equally with our own and being able to find stability within the duality of the cultures.  This may be a relationship between partners of different cultures who may have to find a way oof merging both cultures because of children.

Uranus in Aquarius in 9th house

here the relationship is one in which we face the differences in community which different cultures have even within nations; the rural community is different from an urban community.  How do we live in different communities and retain our individuality in a consistent context which gives meaning to our lives.  In this relationship there may be differences in communities to which partners were raised and both need to address the differences which make them comfortable / uncomfortable.

Uranus in Pisces in 9th house

here the relationship is one in which unconscious ways in which we see others comes to the fore, through the relationship both partners may develp more reasonable expectations of what we should expect of other humans irrespective of their cultural heritage.  This may be a relationship in which certain cultures may have been idealised and in which expectations may have to be lowered to that of humanity.



Uranus in Partners 10th house   Leave a comment

Uranus in Partners 10th house brings the relationship into the public eye as an example of modern and contemporary lifestyles that use imagination to create a relationship which challenges preconceived ideas.  Both are likely t be very open about their relationship and willing to discuss how society and ideology must be challenged when it comes to preconceived ideas about what relationships should be.

Uranus in Leo in 10th house

here the relationship is one in which both are likely to express their individuality creatively and they will make a striking couple and able to communicate their shared values to the public in new and original ways that capture public imagination is some way.  This relationship is one in which both feel comfortable expressing their affections for each other publicly and openly.

Uranus in Virgo in 10th house

here the relationship is one in which both partners are very down to earth and open about their relationship, they tend to enjoy sharing their ideas and evolving them together with the ability to support each others ideas in public and expand upon them.  There tends to be a lot of thought within the relationship about how we should support one another whilst remaining able to question each other’s ideology.

Uranus in Libra in the 10th house

here the relationship is one in which the public is invited in, the relationship may be one that challenges society’s perception of what a relationship may be, both parties may give each other a level of freedom that is unique and both may be very open about that freedom and why it is important to them.  It is likely that they believe in complete trust by giving complete freedom.

Uranus in Scorpio in 10th house

here the relationship is one in which both the desires and needs within the relationship and the need to overcome our fears in order to give each partner the freedom to be themselves without fear of rejection comes into the public arena in some form.  This relationship may be one in which overcming jealousy and other emotional issues is done in the public eye.  There is a strong likelihood that the relationship is one that symbolises transformation.

Uranus in Sagittarius in 10th house

here the relationship is one where how we perceive the world around us and the cultural influences is challenged to allow both greater freedom this is likely to be done in the public eye and part of this is to make society question the cultural inpact of stereo-types within relationships.  Not only are stereo-types likely to be questioned but what is public or private may also be questioned challenging others to come to terms with sexuality and its expression in new ways.

Uranus in Capricorn in 10th house

here the relatinship is one in which the development of stable relationships able to change continuously with life’s circumstances may be played out in the public arena.  The relationship is likely to be one in which stability is found within the shared ideological values of the couple and not external factors, which may be subject to widespread change without altering the inter-personal stability of the relationship.

Uranus in Aquarius in 10th house

here the relationship is one in which how we as individuals become part of a unit as a couple and as a community, this searching for understanding between individuality and couplehood is likely to be public and one in which questions of how we do that at this present time is reflected against traditional methods and both questioned as t what positive and negative influences they cause.

Uranus in Pisces in 10th house

here the relationship is one in which the unconscious influences of the culture we live in are questioned why do we define some attributes as either masculine or feminine, attributes can be neither yet we have expectations placed on us in relationships which are complete unconscius and based on assumptions we have never come to question.  Here the interaction within the relationship finally brings an opportunity to see our unconscious assumptions and to find new beliefs about who and what we are in regards to each other.

Uranus in Partner’s 11th house   Leave a comment

When partner’s Uranus is in the 11th house the relationship tends to reflect and develop with the changes in society and in some ways it challenges preconceived notions about what traditional relationships are and our roles within them.  It is likely that communication within the relationship is lively and that there is a spark of rebellion that runs through the relationship, perhaps defying cultural norms in some way.

Uranus in Leo in 11th house

here the relationship creatively reflects the needs of both partners in new and innovative ways that allow both to challenge views of self expression within relationships and give each other the confidence to embrace their individuality.  The relationship is likely one in which both feel very comfortable with who they are within the relationship and recognition is given equally to each other as equal partners.

Uranus in Virgo in 11th house

here the relationship is about finding new and innovative ways to support and sustain each other that allows both to express their dreams and ambitions as an extension of who they are and their capabilities.  The relationship is one where both may feel very comfortable working with each other in some form to fulfil common ambitions in life and to support each other and family.

Uranus in Libra in 11th house

here the relationship is about finding new ways to relate to each other as equals within a relationship based on mutual trust, respect and friendship.  The relationship is one in which both try to move beyond possessive and manipulative tendencies and to bond with each other through trust and respect and to give each other the freedom within the relationship to discover who they are.

Uranus in Scorpio in 11th house

here the relationship deals with how we overcome our insecurities and reach out to each other honestly and openly through friendship to overcome past trauma and to develop bonds based on love and trust in each other rather than fear of loss.  The relationship is one in which our most primal fears are dealt with and in which both can move on to expressing and developing their trust and love for each other openly.

Uranus in Sagittarius in 11th house

here the relationship is one in which our faith in humanity and our ideological values are shared and developed in unique and new ways within the relationship.  What does it mean to love another person and share your life with them, there are many answers to these questions and this is something that will be explored in depth within this relationship until both find an ideal that suits their unique way f loving each other.

Uranus in Capricorn in 11th house

here the relationship is one in which both will feel safe and secure enough to build a solid relationship based on trust and friendship that evolves and develops into their own unique expression of love.  The relationship is one that has long term stability and friendship as a base and is not easily shook whatever life throws at it there is an ability to overcome any obstacle through imagination.

Uranus in Aquarius in 11th house

here the relationship is about understanding how our own individuality should complement and support the other within a relationship and how through the base of friendship we can remain individuals within a relationship without having to compromise our unique viewpoints.  The relationship is one in which both are given the freedom to be imaginative and creative within the relationship.

Uranus in Pisces in 11th house

here the relationship is one in which understanding how to empathise with each other as lovers, friends and equal partners comes into focus.  The relationship is one in which understanding each others emotional responses, sensitivities and needs is focused and responding to these in a sensitive and compassionate way as friend, lover and equal partner using imagination and thoughtfulness.

©neptunes aura astrology


Uranus in Partner’s 12th house   Leave a comment

Uranus in Partner’s 12th house is all about opening up and expressing ourselves within the relationship, emotionally, intellectually and ideologically.  It is the freedom to be able to express our deepest thoughts and to feel comfortable expanding these ideas and sharing them with each other.

Uranus in Leo in Partner’s 12th house

here the acceptance of who we are and how we express ourselves creatively, is boosted and the 12th house person becomes much more confident about expressing their creative or artistic side in public than is usual. They tend to get a great boost of confidence around the Uranus person and are much more lively in their presence.

Uranus in Virgo in Partner’s 12th house

here the acceptance of our right to have our own views and opinions, and feeling comfortable saying what we think becomes accentuated and it is likely that this relationship helps the 12th house person to become more comfortable sharing ideas and opinions in public.  There is much more expression of those needs and desires relating to being appreciated with this aspect and it helps the 12th house person express these needs more directly.

Uranus in Libra in Partner’s 12th house

here the acceptance of our inability to change how others view us and the confidence to be ourselves within relationships comes to the fore. Within the relationship the 12th house person will gain the confidence to express themselves more openly and directly with their partner.  The relationship is likely to be one in which there is enough confidence and trust in each other, to allow both a great deal of freedom.

Uranus in Scorpio in 12th house

here the ability to open up about our deepest fears and needs within the relationship is highlighted. How we deal with our fear of rejection, learning to recognise our desire to manipulate through emotional insecurity and becoming more aware and honest about these impulses may be a major life changing experience within this relationship.

Uranus in Sagittarius in 12th house

here the ability to share our dreams and visions with each other is important, there is an opportunity here to have our ideals validated and supported by our partner, even if they never come to total fruition.  This relationship is one in which their is opportunity to learn through following our inner voice and being able to share that process as a couple.

Uranus in Capricorn in 12th house

here there is the possibility to create a relationship which can evolve to provide stability and yet grow with the individuals involved.  This relationship is one in which both the need for stability and growth is a major component and in which new ways of creating a stable long term relationship may be the focus, how to marry the contemporary with the traditional may be a major theme.

Uranus in Aquarius in 12th house

here the relationship can evolve in new and exciting ways that represent the vastly changing society we live in there is a need to challenge prevailing attitudes often within the relationship and there may be a strong possibility that gender roles will be challenged.  This is an opportunity to expand your ideas about how relationships function with this aspect and to redefine your relationship in unique ways.

Uranus in Pisces in 12th house

here the relationship is one with the opportunity to explore our emotional responses to life and to open up to new ways of reacting to challenging events and emotional conflict.  Within the relationship it is likely to make sharing deepest thoughts and feelings with others easier and more rewarding and it may give the opportunity for both to find a deeper connection with each other through shared expression.


Neptune in Partner’s 2nd House   Leave a comment

Neptune in your partner’s 2nd house is all about what makes us feel secure within a relationship.  We all have different needs to feel secure some are pretty common, such as ability to trust, dependability of partner, honesty, financial stability and emotional responsiveness.  However if one partner has had a less than stable childhood they may have more issues around feeling secure and trusting their partner than most; it may be difficult for some to feel entirely secure within a relationship and they may constantly seek reassurance from the other partner.  They may constantly fear the other is unfaithful and may have issues with jealousy because of their own insecurity or they may constantly have their partner on trial to prove that they are not going to walk out the door on them.  Less dramatic is those who have had financial insecurity and who need to know that bills are paid and food is in the cupboard at all costs, they may struggle to relax and may hoard possessions as a security blanket which may be hard for a partner to understand.  They may struggle with accepting it is okay to spend money on pleasant things rather than necessities at times but this is only because they need financial reassurance of money in the bank.

Neptune in Libra in 2nd house

Here it is important to understand that no matter how much you reassure somebody if they have issues around insecurity it is unlikely to change their behaviour until the original causes of that insecurity is dealt with no matter how kind and affectionate you may be they will need to sort out this area for themselves and it can only be worked through if they are willing to do so.  If this is the case than support is good but an effort needs to be made not to allow the individual to use past events as a crutch for their own behaviour.

Neptune in Scorpio in 2nd house

Here there may be intense jealousy due to insecurities stemming from childhood, they are very likely to feel that they will eventually be rejected within the relationship and they may withdraw themselves from strong affection in order to protect themselves from such pain.  They may also have deep fear about loss of financial security and may need to have their own bank account even in a long-term relationship which they can put aside something for a rainy day.  The need for security may also drive them to learn a martial art and it is important to understand their self-confidence is greatly improved by such activities.

Neptune in Sagittarius in 2nd house

Here the partner may have been told that they were to dumb, to sensitive, not pretty often enough to completely believe it and they may have pretty low self-esteem as a result.  It is likely that they struggle to talk about this as it is an emotionally fraught subject for them which still affects their choices due to their beliefs in their own abilities.  They may have struggled fitting in perhaps they were seen as too boisterous or noisy and designated as a trouble maker in early life and treated unfairly because of this.

Neptune in Capricorn in 2nd house

Here there may be issues around feeling physically safe this may be in a material sense of keeping financial resources close by or where they need to know their home is well protected and safe from intruders.  There is a need for them to know somebody for a while before they fully trust them and in a relationship they will prefer to take their time getting to know somebody. and it is important not to rush them within the relationship but to understand that they need time to adapt and take on board any change slowly.

Neptune in Aquarius in 2nd house

Here there may be a strong fear of letting anybody get to close in case they hurt or abandon them, they may withdraw from displays of affection or may get angry with them without fully understanding why.  They may need to be as independent as possible within the relationship to feel secure and this may mean that traditional relationships do not suit them well as they may prefer having their own home separate from a partner to moving in together; this does not mean that they are not willing to commit within the relationship it just means they need a great deal of space.

Neptune in Pisces in 2nd house

Here there may be issues of drifting through life without any security for the partner they are unlikely to feel they have a stable or secure foundation and this affects their ability to deal with issues and they are likely to have a strong sense of inner security that can support them in the hard times in life instead they may seem to drift from one crisis to another within the relationship without a firm sense of where the relationship is going and this may be extremely difficult to cope with at times.

©neptunes aura astrology

Posted November 18, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Neptune in Partners House

Neptune in Partner’s 3rd House   Leave a comment

Neptune in your partner’s 3rd house is all about how we share and develop ideas together. Here we can have issues in understanding each other’s thoughts and ideas, this may be down to bad communication between us, or due to the different way we think about things, in a more positive note this difference may spark our imagination and creativity.  One of the partner’s may have dyslexia with this aspect; it is important to understand that dyslexic think visually thus cat may conjure up images of a kitten and they may say kitten it doesn’t mean that they were not listening properly when you have a conversation with them it just means they have processed it differently.  Another issue with living with dyslexics is their inability to remember the names of objects, as a dyslexic myself I tend to describe objects by what they do, and they may seem to spend a lot of their time looking for that thing.  It is just that their organisational skills are different and yes it may be frustrating for others because it will seem chaotic way of living.  Even if neither of the partner’s is dyslexic these themes may occur often in the relationship.

Neptune in Libra in 3rd House

Here there may be many mix ups within the relationship due to poor communication or lack of understanding at times.  It is best if you can keep a sense of humour when it comes to this aspect of your relationship however make sure your partner is not the butt of any jokes as they may be more sensitive about this than you realise.  If they struggle at times with organisation post it notes stuck in places such as toilet with dentist appointment works much better than any constant reminder.  Just remember that what they may lack in organisational skills they can more than make up for in imaginative and innovative thinking.

Neptune in Scorpio in 3rd house

Here there may be issues around being made to feel stupid as a child by one of the partner’s and this could leave them fairly sensitive to any criticism as an adult.  Even if it is unintentional these wounds are activated easily and there needs to be an awareness of how much of an effect this has on their ego and sense of worth even as adults.  It is important not to push into this subject but to give the person time to open up on their own accord and share their experiences with you.  This will take patience and a sympathetic attitude but it will pay off eventually.

Neptune in Sagittarius in 3rd house

Here there may be issues because one or more partner tend to have a mind that races ahead and makes connections very fast seeing many things in connection to each other that may escape others unfortunately this means that they sometimes have difficulty in conversation as their mind leaps ahead and makes connections that may throw others off.  There may also be a tendency for one or both to think big and chase wild dreams at times perhaps making large gambles that may not be the wisest of investments.

Neptune in Capricorn in 3rd house

There is a need for one or both partners to not take everything said literally within the relationship communication may be an issue if what is said during arguments is taken as being literally true instead of heated emotions of the moment, that does not mean there is not a seed of truth in what is said in arguments but taking everything said to heart and holding hurt or resentment is not healthy within the relationship, on the other hand one or both partners could be less critical and more relaxed in certain areas with this aspect.

Neptune in Aquarius in 3rd house

There is likely a very unique and imaginative partner in this relationship who has a knack of saying the unpredictable and surprising most people with their ideas however when it comes to everyday living they may struggle to get their heads around more mundane ideas and they are likely to be daydreamers who have a grand vision of life that reality often fails to live up to.  This can be difficult to live with at times when you need some practical down to earth advice or help, but the relationship will never get dull or boring.

Neptune in Pisces in 3rd house

Here there is a need for both partners to be more precise in what they are saying as their communication may be very vague at times and open to being interpreted in many different ways.  This makes things difficult when it comes to day-to-day things that need a practical solution and things may not get dealt with because the other may assume that it has already been taken care of.  This may lead to bills being left unpaid or important jobs left undone.  Whilst there is great ability to share dreams in this relationship it is necessary to share living in the real world too.

©neptunes aura astrology

Posted November 18, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Neptune in Partners House