Archive for the ‘Chiron sign / houses’ Category

Chiron in the 1st house or Aries   Leave a comment

Aries fire ball

Individuals with Chiron in 1st house know what a struggle it is just to survive sometimes these individuals have had to learn to depend on their own skills and abilities from an early age.  Often they have been left to fend for themselves in some respects from early on in life.  They know that the only thing in life that they can truly depend upon is themselves.

These individuals have a tougher time in life than many having to fight against the odds to get anywhere but they learn from this experience.  Sometimes these individuals were premature or had conditions which made them self-determined to prove to the world that they were capable of doing more than others thought possible, tell these individuals that they can’t do something and they will prove you wrong – they have been doing that all there lives.

Posted March 31, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Chiron sign / houses

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Chiron in 2nd house or Taurus   Leave a comment


Individuals with Chiron in the 2nd house know what it is like to do without financial or emotional security.  They know how hard it is to live without knowing where your next meal will come from or if one of your parents will return home.  Sometimes these individuals have been moved around from pillar to post staying with different family members at different times.  They often have no feeling of having a real home to return to as a child.

As they mature these individuals are often very successful and help put back into the communities they came from to support under-privileged children and give them more opportunities.

Posted March 31, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Chiron sign / houses

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Chiron in the 3rd house or Gemini   3 comments

gem c

Individuals with Chiron in the 3rd house, have experienced trauma through issues relating to communication and or learning.  They may have had issues relating to speech, reading or writing in early childhood which focused attention on any deficiencies they may have had.  This intense focus may have made them hyper vigilant and very self-conscious of speaking, reading or writing.  This insecurity may also be caused by a learning disability or by an adult belittling them as a child.

The child may not have been emotionally ready for school and may have struggled to cope, or they may have been the victim of playground bullies as an adult these experiences hold intense memories for them.

These people often reach out to young people in the same predicament as they were and are able to help them navigate their way through such intense experiences.

Posted March 31, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Chiron sign / houses

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Chiron in the 4th house or in Cancer   Leave a comment


Individuals with Chiron in the 4th house have had a traumatic childhood often filled with tumultuous events and uncertainty.  These individuals have experienced deep emotional scarring because of family traumas.  They have had to overcome childhood issues which may have included domestic abuse etc…

As adults these people feel compassion for the less fortunate in life, they understand how issues dating back to childhood can scar a person and lead them to escape through addiction, self harm or other destructive behaviours.  They are the most likely to speak out on issues such as domestic abuse from the viewpoint of the child.  These individuals have had a tough childhood but they know they have the capacity to survive what ever life throws at them because of this.

Posted March 31, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Chiron sign / houses

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Chiron in 5th house or Leo   Leave a comment


Individuals with chiron in 5th have experience trauma to their developing self-esteem.  The developing ego of children is extremely fragile and needs to be nourished carefully.  For some reason they have received a trauma that created issues with low self-esteem and there are numerous ways in which our self-esteem and confidence as children can be damaged, critical parenting, over excessive demands, learning difficulties, bullying etc..

These individuals know what it is like to feel useless, incapable or unlovable.  These early experiences lead them to speak out as adults on issues such as bullying, Dyslexia, ADHD, Tiger parents or emotionally abusive parenting.  They usually get involved in helping to support young people get the help they need.


Posted March 31, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Chiron sign / houses

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Chiron in the 6th house or Virgo   Leave a comment


Individuals with Chiron in the 6th house may have a parent or sibling with a disability or chronic illness.  These individuals had to sacrifice their childhood in some cases to meet the needs of others.  They often took care of parents and siblings, they had to put their emotional needs second to the needs of a sibling or parent.  Often they grew up with a lack of attention and focus because of a sick sibling, or relative.

These individuals are aware of their responsibilities are care givers and nurturers.  Their early childhood experiences mean that as parents they try not to place the burdens on their children that they endured ensuring that they have plenty of attention and fun.  These people understand the strain and burden that carers are under and are supportive to the many people placed in this situation often they choose to work in an occupation that brings them into close contact with such people, where they provide support and empower those people to speak out and demand the support of authorities etc to improve their quality of life.

Posted March 31, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Chiron sign / houses

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Chiron in the 7th house or Libra   Leave a comment


Individuals with Chiron in the 7th house have had experience of the cruelty we humans can inflict on those we claim to love and care for.  These individuals are often put off settling down and committing to a relationship as adults because of this.  They have seen what damage can be done and have no intention of inflicting that on innocent children. These individuals have learnt the hard way that it can dangerous to believe love is all you need; true love is forever and conquers all; true lovers are united; love is irreplaceable and exclusive; and love is pure and can do no evil.  The uncompromising aspect of ideal love refers to the lover’s own attitude toward the beloved: this attitude cannot accept “maybe,” “to a certain extent,” or “gradually” as adequate loving terms. Ideal love is unconditional in the sense that reality cannot change it; accordingly, it disregards reality and considers love to be beyond the reach of mundane altering events. It is also unconditional in the sense of willingness to give everything to the beloved.  Love may be “many splendid things,” but love also hurts a lot, can be dangerous, and may lead us to foolish deeds.

These individuals are easily moved to protect the victims of abuse and they are sometimes open to abuse by those who play the victim.  They know that emotional damage inflicted on others is difficult to overcome and are good at helping those people overcome their insecurities, they are good listeners and take the time to understand people and get to know them.  They are good at focusing attention on the individual that needs it the most.

When Uranus was in Libra in 1637 Descartes uttered the famous words, I think therefore I am. Perhaps because they are known by everybody now that many have little understanding of the power of those words and the effects they had, cognition is not gender specific and Descartes statement was radical for women and those of certain sexual orientations. This meeting of minds as equals is still at the core of the energy of Libra and the 7th house and these individuals with Chiron in there are pioneers like Descartes who seek to see beyond gender and social stereotypes in their relationships and this makes them vulnerable to criticism from those who do not want to see the status quo challenged.

©neptunes aura astrology


Posted March 30, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Chiron sign / houses

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Chiron in the 8th or Scorpio   3 comments

Individuals with Chiron in the 8th house have experienced loss and tragedy at an early age.  These individuals may also have lived with very dramatic parents who turned the slightest incidence into a drama.  They are used to drama and intense emotions, manipulation and power games.  These people see the dynamics at play in relationships because of this they are expert in spotting manipulators.

These people often say little although they pick up on a lot of what is going on around them.  They see how some people pull each others strings and they avoid being drawn into such scenarios.  They do have compassion and understanding for the innocents such as children caught up in this whirlwind of destructive behaviour.  They gravitate towards working with such individuals providing the much-needed support they need to move on.

They often identify with the story of the young woman who was desired in marriage by a powerful young man, she collected her excrement and vomit and sent them in jars to him – the message being clear this was what he desired when he desired her physically. There is however a deeper meaning in this and that is true love is seeing the beautiful in the excrement and vomit of her, as part of who she is and many may have felt that they have experienced this intense need to be accepted in totality, in which they may be wounded by those that cannot understand this need whether it is family or relationships.  With this aspect their is a strong desire to own your own excrement as part of who you are and in a world where it magically vanishes down the toilet this makes you at odds with society, who cannot love you – love your excrement, but who cannot even acknowledge that it exists. This poses a deep quandary for those whose excrement cannot be magically flushed away but stays with them, they are on the outskirts of a society that demands something from them that is impossible to achieve for it is only in acceptance of their own excrement and where it originated from that they can move forward yet they are constantly being told to flush it away and let it magically disappear.

This however makes them one of the few that can accept others in their entirety and understand that we all come with our own excrement, that is as much a part of us as our physical form.  That we all suffer and in the intensity of the experience we find our true selves, and in acceptance of death and the futility of the randomness of life we find a purpose. Through our acceptance of our excrement we find its beauty and worth, and we can help others to find that beauty so they can finally love their excrement and love themselves.

Posted March 30, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Chiron sign / houses

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Chiron in the 9th house or sagittarius   2 comments


Individuals with Chiron in 9th house often have had experiences where their inner and instinctual nature has been traumatized by being forced to fit the cultural or religious norms of society.  These people know what it is like to fight against religious or social dogmas.  They have been wounded by the thoughtless actions and words of others.  These individuals may have been gifted with abilities that go against the grain of societal stereotypes, the soldier mum or the stay at home dad.  Their sexuality may go against the religious upbringing they received.  they may have been subject to prejudice because of disability.

These people tend to confound our expectations of what they should be, they reject stereotypes and refuse to be pigeon-holed.  These people are often understanding how we are all unique as individuals and they are frontrunners of change.  At a basic level they run up against the big other, whether that is the state, religious, political, national, tribal or Scientific beliefs that seek to control for ‘the better good of future generations’.  They often know what it feels like to be the obstacle that needs removing to create this better world for all. Whether they are single parents, the undeserving poor or any other minority they probably know what it feels like to be held accountable for all of societies ills.  The Big other can also be commercial goods in recent riots it was expensive trainers and mobile phones that were the top priority of looters, in a society constantly bombarded with messages that these items hold the key to happiness and success, they become the big other that others are preventing us from having in order to prevent our happiness. We all have our big other whether it is meditation, house in the country the big other is what will make us happy and completely fulfilled, and another aspect of this may be learning that the big other never achieves this role it may be moving to the dream house in the country only to find you are unhappy.  Successful athletes often have this experience after obtaining their goal when they realise that Olympic gold medals don’t lead to long term self fulfilment and happiness.

They may themselves be ideological victims of their own big other and sacrifice their own personal happiness for the belief in a cause for the greater good.  This may mean they dedicate their life to some belief only to discover it is a sham that is being used to abuse and manipulate others.  This however is not a complete waste of that portion of their lives for they have learnt valuable lessons and have the skills and experience necessary to help others in similar situations, this is also true of those who have been the target of society’s scapegoating they to are often skilled in helping others who face similar situations to learn to cope and move forward.

Posted March 30, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Chiron sign / houses

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Chiron in the 10th house or Capricorn   Leave a comment


Individuals with Chiron in the 10th house have had to take responsibility for themselves and others from a young age.  These individuals know what it is like to take on the adult role from a young age, they may have been young carers, or they may have had an emotional fragile parent.  They learnt from an early age to put the needs of others first.

These individuals are naturally sought out as a shoulder to cry on they are the friend that sticks around during the bad times that helps you to pull yourself back up.  They have a very practical streak that sees what needs to be done and are good at helping other out in practical and realistic ways.  These individuals often carry the weight of the world on their shoulders and need to learn to drop some of the burdens they carry and let others shoulder some of the strain.

They may have had issues with the rules of society, society has faked rules that you are expected to break discretely most of the rules around sex are examples of this however unlike the past when most knew the fake religious rules of Christianity, which were to be broken discretely and the real rules that are never mentioned or publicly acknowledge to exist: in modern times it has become a more complex issue New Ager’s will say they don’t follow the fake rules and have broken away from them and this is acceptable because adherence to the fake rules was never an intense issue, however the denial of following the real rules and acknowledging their existence is still followed so in reality all that has been achieved is a more open breaking of the fake social codes.  This can make things worse for those who are victims of the real rules, because there victimization is not viewed to exist as it violates the first principle denial of those rules.  Confused, Zizek jokes about Stalin giving a speech, and a man stands up and criticises him, then a second man criticises the first because in Stalinist Russia you can’t criticise Stalin, the second man will be much worse off because he has openly declared that free speech is not allowed which is the worst rule to break. This is true of the West as well we have general day-to-day freedom but there are silent rules we are not supposed to break or mention and of which the consequence is often to be socially excluded.

Once as Freud put it, “A natural, powerful, pleasurable drive that binds people together is not only feared but hated” and we may think we have a free attitude to sex now but there are still unspoken rules they are just different. before people feared hated the loss of physical control where today it is fear of losing emotional control we fear our own irrational emotions and see the expression of them and validation as taboo. Falling in love, notice the word fall as in the fall of Eve, denotes being overcome with intense passion and desire for another human; an all-consuming passion has become taboo we must find a soul-mate an equal in ‘spirituality’ worthy of affection but we must not be consumed by passion especially for those society deem unfit. Those who are consumed by passion and admit to its physical sexual nature , jealousy and earthy origins are excluded one cannot feel a sexual attraction in its simple basic form or at least admit to it and the consuming intense passion they feel instead they may claim to feel a deep spiritual connection when in fact their desire is driven by sexual attraction for we cannot be emotionally overcome by physical desire today at least not in public.

The same can be said for our consumer desires we cannot be openly honest about the huge greed within the Western world and ourselves we must find excuses and reasons to accommodate our insatiable desire for the latest phone or other gadget but we must not admit to wanting a constant supply of new goods from greed or consumerism.

This means that those who do not buy into consumerist lifestyles or who cannot may feel excluded by breaking a secret rule of society which is the silent agreement through participation.  Those whose relationships fail to live by the spiritual standards may also feel excluded.

©neptunes aura astrology

Posted March 30, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Chiron sign / houses

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Chiron in 11th house, Aquarius, and / or Aspect to Uranus   Leave a comment


Individuals with Chiron in the 11th house know what it’s like to feel like you are on the outside looking in.  They have felt excluded as if they somehow didn’t belong.  These individuals know what it is like to feel different,  They are also usually gifted when it comes to relating to others who are struggling with identity issues, behavioural problems and disabilities which makes them feel excluded from the mainstream of society.

Uranus and Chiron have been in aspect for most of 20th century, in that time issues of social exclusion, disability  rights, Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual rights etc. have come to the fore.

Chiron in the 11th often indicates a trauma that has made you shut down emotionally, this makes it harder sometimes for the person to recognise the primary trauma incident because their is no emotional response, they may think that it has been dealt with especially if it occurred in childhood or you have little memory of the trauma but a feeling of numbness and inability to connect emotionally with others.  Another way this often manifests is inability to maintain close, satisfying relationships. if you have experienced a trauma, it is often true that you will unintentionally emit certain signals and behaviours that chum the water for the psychopathic sharks in the dating pool. You may emit signals that you are not aware of that attract those who prey on the vulnerable. Even if your goal is to have a healthy love relationship, if you have experienced certain types of past traumas, you may have a difficult time recognizing sharks when they present themselves as suitors because somehow they “feel like home.” If we are sometimes drawn like moths to a flame to potentially abusive partners, could there be any logical reason for this pattern?  Some have argued that we select certain partners in order to re-stage trauma scenarios that mirror what we have experienced in the past, presumably with the hope of getting a different outcome. For example, the son of a verbally abusive mother will often end up with a verbally abusive wife. So, maybe this is an attempt to re-pave over an old trauma in order to emotionally correct a deep psychic wound? Whether or not this is the underlying psychological drive, the end result of picking someone you hope to change almost never leads to greater wholeness and emotional well-being. This is true of all relationships we tend to play out past traumas within them, but we cannot resolve the trauma ding so only relive it.

It is important with this aspect to set boundaries within relationships, and to change our patterns of behaviour so that we are not vulnerable.  This starts by taking time in relationships to get to know the person before investing emotionally.  Another behaviour that could affect relationships is testing the partner to ensure they are not violent etc, in which the partner is constantly pushed away to test their reaction.

©neptunes aura astrology


Posted March 30, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Chiron sign / houses

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Chiron in the 12th house or Pisces   Leave a comment


Individuals with Chiron in the 12th house have grown up having to sense the emotional undercurrents in the home.  These people know that what is not said is much more important, from about 6 months old babies can sense emotional undercurrents, as adults we often think we are shielding children and protecting them from issues but children sense these issues.  Children know when we are upset and when something is wrong, sensing these things without understanding what is going on is what is stressful for children.

Often the child also puts on an act of unawareness they hide the fact they know something is up and often they bury these fears playing the role of the happy child in order to relieve some of the strain and to bring some much-needed sunshine to the life of others.  As adults these individuals are good at sensing other’s pain and are very empathic, they need to learn to protect themselves from those who would manipulate or abuse this quality by learning to erect some barriers.  These individuals are very soft-hearted and caring even if they do hide it beneath a gruff exterior sometimes.

It is necessary that they understand the inner strength they had as children to hide their emotions and protect others, but that they must let these emotions go that they suppressed as children, and to do so they must face them and accept them; this may be hard as they may find they have suppressed anger as well as pain but they must accept that it was okay for them to feel anger and it is okay for them to feel it now about the situation they found themselves in.  In accepting all their feelings as valid and giving themselves permission to mourn the loss of childhood innocence they can move on to the present time and understand as adults they are capable of understanding the events behind the emotions and putting into perspective its affects on themselves rationally in ways they can resolve.  They may become much better are dealing with events as they do this and gain the confidence to tackle issues head on instead of using avoidance tactics.

©neptunes aura astrology

Posted March 30, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Chiron sign / houses

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