Neptune in Partner’s Twelfth House   Leave a comment

Neptune in your partner’s 12th house is all about how we respond to each other as a vision or idea, this may sound complex but think of Gandhi what words do you associate with him? Gandhi represents a set of ideals and beliefs that we respond to rather than see the whole person we see the embodiment of these ideals.  This is fine we all pin sets of ideals onto our heroes at a personal, and national level they represent what we aspire to. To a certain extent we all pin ideals on our partners our dreams of what the ideal partner should be and how they should act however in reality they are mortals with faults and flaws and this adjustment from our ideals to a more realistic perspective is usually a decisive point in our relationship if the gap between our ideal image of them and the reality of who they are is too wide we tend to feel disillusioned and betrayed.  Neptune in your partner’s 12th house brings this aspect into focus and one or both parties may have unrealistic expectations of the other which may take some very honest communication to resolve and an honesty not to the blame the other for their failure to live up to those ideals.

Neptune in Libra in 12th house

Here there is a need to be deeply honest with one another and not to over romanticise the other, to allow them their imperfections is a wonderful gift to bestow on any one, to say it is okay to feel this way and I do not judge you for it is to free another from the cycle of guilt and truly love them. In overcoming our desire to make the person conform to the ideal we create a wonderful relationship which has a depth of real love and compassion for each other in which we can really share ourselves without fear of rejection.

Neptune in Scorpio in 12th house

There is a lot written about finding our soul-mate and having a deep connection, this is not always a healthy set of ideals to go into a relationship with as we may expect the person should automatically understand our deepest needs and psychological fears when it is unlikely that we ourselves truly understand this side of our nature and we have liven with ourselves since birth.  This may be an issue within the relationship where one or both parties just assumes that the other should automatically just get them.  Perhaps instead of assuming this we should in fact be asking if both are willing to be as honest as possible with each other and open to understanding each other as much as we ever can understand another human being and that this process is a two-way street.

Neptune In Sagittarius in 12th house

Here there is a tendency to project your beliefs and ideals about humanity, bravery and morality onto the other person and they may find it difficult living up to the standard that has been set for them or they may share different moral and ethical values completely in which case both parties need to accept that you can only live up to your own standards and principles in life and that we all have different ethos and culture.  If there are children this may be more of an issue if the subject of what values and standards both would like for them is not openly discussed and agreed upon.

Neptune in Capricorn in 12th house

Here the preconceived idea of gender roles may be a thorny subject and one or both parties may project onto the other their ideals and beliefs of what a ‘real man’ or ‘real woman’ is.  Both may automatically assume that certain responsibilities is the duty of the other without prior agreement resentment may build up.  Relationships are partnerships and the best ones work not by defining roles by gender but by capabilities, interests and passions which cannot be defined by gender.

Neptune in Aquarius in 12th house

Here both may have completely different ideas about what their ideal world would be like, this is fine because none of us are ever going to have to live in anybody’s ideal world as we can only live in the real one but may cause arguments about long-term plans and aims within the relationship as one may love the city and one may dream of retiring to a cosy little cottage in the country.  The issue of friends may also be a sore point as there is a risk that both have different social circles that don’t particularly mix well.

Neptune in Pisces in 12th house

Here the issue of  expressing our dreams and sharing our ideal with each other comes to the fore, there is a possibility that within the relationship that dreams and ideals are overly important and may take priority to the real world or vice versa and reality leaves little room for dreams and ideal to surface.  The hardest thing in both cases is to find a balance and a way to see what dreams are feasible and can be achieved within the relationship this requires some deep talking and planning as a couple but will be very fruitful if achieved.

©neptunes aura astrology

Posted November 14, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Neptune in Partners House

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