Ras Alhague Fixed Star   1 comment

ras alhague     Ras Alhague or Alpha Ophiuchi is the star in the head of Ophiuchus – wrestler. It lies at 22 degrees Sagittarius.

Ras Alhague is connected to the god Apollo. Apollo wrestled a giant python in Greek mythology and it was at the place of the python’s death – Delphi that one of the most famous temple’s of Apollo was built.

Ophiuchus constellation represent some of the aspects of Apollo and Bernadette Brady associates the constellation with Asclepius – Apollo’s son.  However I tend to disagree as Asclepius represents Apollo’s healing energies only.  I see this constellation and its stars as representing not only the healing aspect but also in some circumstances representing an ability to understand symbolic meaning and to predict omens.  This I feel is especially true of Ras Alhague which the chinese named ‘the astrologer’.

Apollo traditionally sent the serpent to clean the ears of the Pythia, High Priestess of the Temple of Apollo, so she could hear the voice of prophesy.  In mythology Helenos and Cassandra’s ears were cleaned by the python when they were mistakenly left at the temple as babies.  Being babies they were too young to cope with this ability wisely and in mythology Cassandra is never believed whilst Helenos causes the downfall of Troy through revealing its weakness to the enemy.

Ras alhague gives one the ability to work with symbols from science, engineering, electronics to astrology, tea-leaf reading and psychoanalysis.  If this fixed star is prominent in your natal chart then the asteroids of Apollo, Kassandra, Helenos and Pythia may give some greater indications on how these gifts will develop.

Posted May 8, 2014 by neptune's Aura Astrology in Fixed stars

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One response to “Ras Alhague Fixed Star

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  1. Very insightful interpretation (in your application of Apollo overall–esp. in reference to the Delphic oracle and prophecy/astrology, instead of just specifically, Aescelopius– healing; esp. to the MIND aspect, and the shamanic transformative aspects of higher healing qualities– pointing to the Sapphire Star of Rasalhague, in the head of the Snake Charmer– wrestler and/or controller of the Snake (aka, Kundalini, in my knowing).

    I have my North Node (True) at 21* SAG, Mean Node (22* SAG), and can attest to lifelong involvement with:

    1) seeking spiritual transformation
    2) being inititiated (and healed) by a Guru, w. Kundalini awakening
    3) practicing (and long-study since the age of 13!) Astrology (mainly Western, but also Vedic, Chinese, Native American, African, etc.)
    4) past-life ‘memories’/pulls toward Greece/Delphipriestess energy, India/astrology, etc.

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