Osiris 1923   Leave a comment

Coppicing is an English term for a traditional method of woodland management which takes advantage of the fact that many trees make new growth from the stump or roots if cut down. In a coppiced wood, young tree stems are repeatedly cut down to near ground level. In subsequent growth years, many new shoots will emerge, and, after a number of years the coppiced tree, or stool, is ready to be harvested, and the cycle begins again.  Coppicing maintains trees at a juvenile stage, and a regularly coppiced tree will never die of old age — some coppice stools may therefore reach immense ages. The age of a stool may be estimated from its diameter, and some are so large—perhaps as much as 5.4 metres (18 ft) across — that they are thought to have been continually coppiced for centuries.

The story of Osiris is one of coppicing where we are cut down and torn to pieces only to be reborn and form new shoots of life.  It is a story that is familiar to us all for it is the story of rebirth through trial, that strengthens our roots and gives us a strong foundation from which to start again.  Osiris in the natal chart represents growth and strengthening through trial and tribulation.

Osiris in aspect to the Sun will denote many trials in life that will make the person develop a strong character and powerful sense of identity.

Osiris in aspect to the Moon denotes much emotional upheaval and creation of a deeply compassionate and empathic understanding of the pain and suffering of others.

Osiris in aspect to Mercury denotes the ability to understand trials and trauma as a learning experience and to take on board any lessons from these events.

Osiris in aspect to Venus also denotes much emotional upheaval and creation of a deeply compassionate and empathic understanding of the pain and suffering of others.

Osiris in aspect to Mars denotes strong ability to grow and develop through trials and trauma with a determination to overcome and succeed in life.

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